What have you bought during this Winter sale?

Well I give you that Wasteland 3's plot is definitely an improvement over that of Wasteland 2.
I felt it was a bad idea of bringing the Cochise AI back, once again threatening what is left of human civilization.

I think the Children of the Citadel would have been better as just another random faction in the wasteland, Cochise's children or legacy.

I kind of had hoped that the storyline of Wasteland 3, getting the aid of the Patriarch would have been a set up for a larger mission of importance, just like how searching for the water chip or the GECK would eventually get the player to run into the Unity or the Enclave.
I would have been happy if the big reveal would have been that the Patriarch was planning something against Arizona, or that there was something that was a threat greater than the Patriarch's children or something of even greater importance.
The twist that suddenly gets you by surprise and really makes you engaged in the plot.

Mind you, it doesn't have to be like in for example Mass Effect where it felt that the writers were making shit up as they went along.

I found the combat in Wasteland 2 a bit repetitive and dull sometimes because I knew that whenever I visited a new location that I would probably most of the time just be shooting things.
And with the random useless junk as loot/reward it made the combat feel very unrewarding.

Great, I shoot a bunch of bandits that depleted most of my party's health and I get a sack of marbles and used condoms as a reward.
Why can't I get these guys' guns, remaining ammo, and armor?

Did you play the DC or the OG? As for the ammo complaint the loot in the game is better than Fallout imo because the economy is broken in five minutes with Fallout random encounters where you let other bad guys kill each other and take all their shit. I understand the realism aspect might bother you but it is exactly how Wasteland 1 was. Besides you should be getting better loot by using perks in the first place. Just go high in outdoorsman and avoid random encounters and your issue goes away because most raider mobs (at the actual locations) have containers you can just reload to get better loot drops if it bothers you that much.

The random encounter and combat is so much better in Wasteland 3 I feel you will be missing out by not playing it but maybe you are too hard set on Fallout type stuff so maybe Encased would be a safer bet.

A old member of NMA gifted me a copy of Kenshi.
I really should give it a try.

At least you enjoy it.
Perhaps I should look into it now. I was dissuaded from getting when I heard that the game was very flawed when it was just released.
That was rather disappointed as I thought it looked interesting.

*Stop listening to what others say about games and you will enjoy them more. I heard things about W3 from Codex but they literally hate every game released over there even Pathfinder and PoE which was made for them.

Then I go through the What Game Are You Playing thread and people playing Fallout 4 get upvotes but a Wasteland 2 post will get Prosper ratings because I guess Bethesda drops pistol ammo instead of condoms hahaha. Really though I love the Junk items in Wasteland 2 and 3 so much more than the crap boring loot in Fallout. I will never be able to go back.

Also, how did you judge the plot of W3 when you have not played it? You really need to see how it is implemented not the cliff notes version. If you watched some LP or something I think you spoil yourself on these games before you even play it because I went in 100 percent blind. If I went in knowing everything about the plot I would likely not care to play it.

This is good advice for movies too. Just watch or play them if you are interested and stop valuing other assholes (like mine) opinions. They don't share your views even if you think they do.

Note: If you did not play the Directors Cut of Wasteland 2 you really did not play it. Let that be said. The Perks and Quirks and graphic upgrade mattered plus they added a lot to certain quests. Anyway enough about Wasteland 2 and 3, Remastered is also on sale. Whatever you guys do don't buy a Bethesda game.

* My experience with Death Stranding was hampered due to me not being able to talk positively on the net about it without people talking shit.

Edit: Playing W2 DC now and guys are dropping weapons they are using more often than not. Only guys dropping condoms are guys with shitty melee weapons. Not to say the issue you stated is not there but it is not as prevalent. They are definitely dropping appropriate tabled loot.
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I might buy a few in a day or two. I will be back.


There is a reason why phantom doctrine got so low score. The game just keeps going for hours after hours long after you got bored with the game, Their previous game hard west was far better in my opinion.

Edit: Also Hard west is even cheaper.
There is a reason why phantom doctrine got so low score. The game just keeps going for hours after hours long after you got bored with the game, Their previous game hard west was far better in my opinion.

I refunded it before due to technical issues.

I bought Gothic 1 and 2, Grimoire, and Pathfinder for 15 bucks.
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My copy of Urban Chaos Riot Control came in yesterday with the mail.
I am really impressed how fast that seller from Portugal sent it to me.

Going to take my time tomorrow/later this day with this.

I preordered the Steam Deck. We’ll see how it goes. I’m really only worried about battery life but I’ll likely play it in bed or on the couch with outlets nearby anyways. I wonder if the touchscreen will allow me to target in FF XIV?
I preordered the Steam Deck. We’ll see how it goes. I’m really only worried about battery life but I’ll likely play it in bed or on the couch with outlets nearby anyways. I wonder if the touchscreen will allow me to target in FF XIV?
If i start working this month as expected i will probably buy one in a few months and use it for emulators etc. Never been a fan of hand held but it is looking great!

Manhunt, Bully, Wasteland Remaster, Grimoire and SWAT 3

Swat 4 is the best game IIRC? But i guess you already have it?
First time I’ve early adopted. I’ve bought hardware on launch but it’s also iterative of previous stuff.
My SWAT 3 copy from GOG won't work because it requires a CD Key for some reason and when I contacted GOG support they just said that "nope, it doesn't" so I can't play it.
Bought days gone for like 16euros, To cheap to pass up on! Also a dlc for the small indie game mörkredd as i am going to play it with a friend of mine, I also snatched a DLC for Warhammer 40,000: Sanctus Reach for like 1euro. yet again something to cheap to pass up on!

Besides that i got 2 games from a friend of mine from the last humble bundle. Iron harvest that should be fun for someone like me that loved company of heroes!
And The Henry stickmin collection, Throwback to newsground kind of games. Should be fun for an hour or 3.