What I Dislike About Fallout 3


Look, Ma! Two Heads!
Personally, I prefer New Vegas as it has more weapons, weapon mods, more places to explore, and it's easier to specialize your character, even with all DLC's uploaded.

Here is what I dislike about Fallout 3:

-No traits in character creation.
-Weapons have no strength requirement.
-Characters are not as interesting.
-People reacting negatively if you look at owned and/or locked objects, even if you do so for only a split second when turning around.
-People complaining and scolding you if you accidently knock an item around.
-People reacting negatively if you pick up an item with 'z'.
-Everything that has to do with Vault 101. Enough said.
-Completely different setting than Fallout 1 and 2.
-The ending does not have endings for the various places you visit and quests you complete.
-capital wasteland has no history; we have a game where the bombs dropped and then nothing happened for 200 years.

-The game's main plot is a huge rehash of the previous games plots but this time with potholes so huge you can see right through them into an alternate universe where van buren was released instead.

-No farms.

-Feral ghouls

-Vault 108.

I am a huge fan of mirelurks though. Love those little guys.
-Lack of interesting side quests.
This game has such shitty side quests that I always think this game is rather short. Ironically, New Vegas can be completed in quicker time yet is a much bigger game with more interesting shit.
What's your problem with Vault 101?
How about how there are people forming Greaser gangs, 200 years after a war, with likely little knowledge on what they even are?

Or should we instead focus on how the game expects you to brutally murder all the Security Officers in the Vault?

Or how the Security Officers, are happily shooting at you for no reason?
How about how there are people forming Greaser gangs, 200 years after a war, with likely little knowledge on what they even are?

I assumed they were greasers because of literature or media leftover from the Pre-War world. It's not like Butch is particularly imaginative.

Or should we instead focus on how the game expects you to brutally murder all the Security Officers in the Vault?

It's kill or be killed. The law of the wasteland. You can, however, sneak past everyone but one and even then him if you leave him to the radroaches.

Or how the Security Officers, are happily shooting at you for no reason?

The Overseer never wanted you in the Vault and with James gone, has no reason to keep you alive. The others old enough to know you were an outsider also hated you.
It's kill or be killed. The law of the wasteland.
Funny that the law of the wasteland applies to a Vault.
You can, however, sneak past everyone but one and even then him if you leave him to the radroaches.
You'd expect the option to IDK maybe talk to the people you spent your entire childhood growing up with.

Or at least if those guys acted like cops should act, they would try negotiating with you first.
Funny that the law of the wasteland applies to a Vault.

You'd expect the option to IDK maybe talk to the people you spent your entire childhood growing up with.

Or at least if those guys acted like cops should act, they would try negotiating with you first.

I'm not going to defend Bethesda's storytelling choices in general, which tend to be on the haphazard side but isn't the whole purpose of the opening Vault mission to instill in the player a sense of betrayal and confusion? You're living a safe and secure life one day when suddenly Amata is telling you that you're going to be killed and you need to get out. It's all about throwing you out of your comfort zone and removing the support system you've lived with all your life.

You can even bring it up with James that the Overseer tried to have you killed.

It's not exactly emotional if they calmly tell you that James is gone but it's okay, we still love you.
-People reacting negatively if you look at owned and/or locked objects, even if you do so for only a split second when turning around.

Fucking hell I haven't played Fallout 3 for so long I completely forgot all about that.

-capital wasteland has no history; we have a game where the bombs dropped and then nothing happened for 200 years.

What, you expected them to rebuild or something? That's not how humanity works!

-The game's main plot is a huge rehash of the previous games plots but this time with potholes so huge you can see right through them into an alternate universe where van buren was released instead.

Pot would probably make the game a bit better. Probably.

Gimme some.

-No farms.

They eat Pre-War meals that are 200 years out of date instead. Oh and squirrel kebab.

-Feral ghouls

I'm not sure what to feel about ferals. I think if they were truly pathetic beings that weren't able to run at you they might work. Maybe?

-Vault 108.
I don't have issue with the Vault itself, the whole authority test is fine. The Garys and cloning, that's a different story.

I'm not going to defend Bethesda's storytelling choices in general, which tend to be on the haphazard side but isn't the whole purpose of the opening Vault mission to instill in the player a sense of betrayal and confusion? You're living a safe and secure life one day when suddenly Amata is telling you that you're going to be killed and you need to get out. It's all about throwing you out of your comfort zone and removing the support system you've lived with all your life.

You can even bring it up with James that the Overseer tried to have you killed.

It's not exactly emotional if they calmly tell you that James is gone but it's okay, we still love you.

I would have preferred if Vault 101 was actually a place that's safe but heavily authoritarian. Cameras watch all areas of the Vault, citizens have no freedom to speak out and they're taught the world above is completely barren and dead. No one has left since the door closed and as is established in Fallout 3 the population cannot sustain itself much longer before resorting to inbreeding.

You were never born in the wasteland, you were actually born in the Vault like the intro says (it's like Bethesda tried to have both "you're a wastelander but a vault dweller too!") Instead of James being your father he's one of the Vault's researchers (or something like that) and realizes the Vault is essentially fucked. So he escapes and the Overseer has various people questioned, including you, because you've been working with him. As part of the GOAT results, you can be merely a janitor who was assigned to clean in his work area, or you could actually be his assistant.

After some initial questioning you're meant to be led back to your quarters to be held for the time being (the Overseer wants to keep things quiet so he doesn't end up with a rebellion). However your friend Amata, who's a security officer, decides to help you escape as well by letting you out your quarters and to the Overseer's office. On the way Amata pretends she's escorting you somewhere and you're challenged at one point. Either you fight or talk your way out of it (something like that). You get to the empty office, use the secret tunnel and escape while Amata stays behind, possibly dying in the process or at the very least ending up in serious trouble helping you.

That's just off the top of my head, I'm sure others could come up with something much better.
I would have preferred if Vault 101 was actually a place that's safe but heavily authoritarian. Cameras watch all areas of the Vault, citizens have no freedom to speak out and they're taught the world above is completely barren and dead.

Honestly, that's pretty much the Vault as is, isn't it? The Vault indoctrinates the youth of the place to believe the Overseer is God and the place is surrounded by dozens of security officers despite the fact there's literally no crime in the place. The Overseer has the kind of authority where he actually shuts down a child's birthday party for being too rowdy.
Honestly, that's pretty much the Vault as is, isn't it? The Vault indoctrinates the youth of the place to believe the Overseer is God and the place is surrounded by dozens of security officers despite the fact there's literally no crime in the place. The Overseer has the kind of authority where he actually shuts down a child's birthday party for being too rowdy.

Not really. It's poorly done for starters, you don't get the feeling of paranoia you'd expect in a Vault which number was inspired by Room 101 from Nineteen Eighty-Four. The adults shouldn't be aware of the surface either, only the Overseer should know.

Shutting a child's birthday party down isn't impressive. Having people disappear without explanation and no one daring to talk about it would be the kind of authority I'd expect.

EDIT: Appears to have been inspired, not sure if it definitely is.
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I'm not sure what to feel about ferals. I think if they were truly pathetic beings that weren't able to run at you they might work. Maybe?
There were ghouls like that in the classics. They were called zombies in fo1. (Though there was an npc described as a zombie outside of the cathedral as well... I don't know what that's about) and simply crazies in fo2. Why Beth turned changed them from Romero to 28 days? My guess is they wanted another enemy and were tired of creating new ones after they put mange on a bear, scaled up a roach, made a fly, and ripped creature from the black lagoon off, and their only unique creature: mirelurks.



-the G.E.C.K Is oddly lethal to the LW. this Is because we cant have any choice or freedom. This story unfolds how Emil wants it to. Plotholes and all.

-Ruined Harold. He was supposed to be the character that shows up in every game. Even POS understood that.

-alienz. I'd be fine with this if they were merely hinted at in a kind of "they may be out There" kind of way but full on abduction dlc where you nuke Canada is dumb.
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I did not like that there seemed to be no intimidating or respect-worthy NPCs in FO3. Nothing like the Lieutenant or Decker, or Killian...

I did not like that it was deliberately casualized with all of its RPG elements... To do that in a series known for its strength as an RPG was unconscionable.

I did not like that they changed the world setting away from 'a fifties assumption of the future', into a future assumption of the fifties.

I [foremost] did not like that they had the gall to gut the franchise' gameplay. Disemboweling the Fallout IP's combat mechanics and draping the stripped off skin of it as a bloody cloak over their an Oblivion 2.0 game... Merely using a radically altered version of the Fallout IP lore as tinsel window dressing; even in instances where it makes no sense to do so.
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I almost forgot. Fallout 3 practically has no dialogue for "stupid characters", with the exception of Dean Dewey. Even characters with an Intelligence of 1 speak normally.