What if Fallout 4 was not called Fallout 4 and not made by Bethesda?

Why would he banned because of a cartoon penis? It's not like it's anatomically correct or offensive.
Fallout 4 is great in many respects, the name doesn't matter. Fallout is a very recognized name.
If not made by Bethesda... no clue how the game might be. It might not even resemble the pile of shit that is FO4 (especially if a good developer gets their hands on the franchise). If it was exactly like FO4 though, it would probably be unfairly bashed by the mainstream even if Bethesda makes a similarly praised game.

If Fallout 4 was not called Fallout 4 (and was made by Bethesda), people would bash it for being a shallow Borderlands clone with token settlement mechanics and an average sandbox (like Far Cry 3/4/Primal) while the rest will be clamoring for an actual Fallout title.
In fact it would even help people see how shit this game is if Bethesda name/Fallout brand wasn't tied into it.

It would be "A game about a cowboy-minuteman-wannabe who staples fetch-quests to the back of your head, wether you want to or not"
Paid critics all "I love how I'm trying to get away from him, but even from across the town he manages to give me quests! Not only that, but the same quest I just finished doing! Not only that, but the exact same kidnapping victim - rekidnapped before I am even able to report back on his resque!"