It is fantastic. All the movies are great.
Alexander Nevsky is one of my favorite movies. It manages to get away with being oddly Disneyesque, with fantastic colors, poses and acting styles that have more in common with Snow White then Lawerence of Arabia, not to mention that it is quite interesting as a biased historical epic and some good acting.
Ivan the Terrible is best viewd as close as you can get to really mocking Stalin without him knowing. Dispite the fact that at times it seems to be another peice of proporganda, the latent homosexuality of the court (that some people view as just being campy) is often funny and satirical, some of the diolouge and Othello like insanity is telling. Dispite the campiness, it plays like something out of Shakespear Russofied. Great stuff.
Stalin was so pissed about the second he gave Eisenstien a personal history lesson. Eisenstien died a few weeks after it was finished.