what is your favorit roleplaying game


First time out of the vault
(real RPG not CRPG)

mine is defenetly Erthdawn
it is the apsolute best fantacy seting i know.
and it has greate rules to.
I've got to go old school. Advanced Dungeons and Dragons 2nd Edition. None of that 3rd Edition Wizard's of the Coast crap. Anybody know why they must retardify everything they touch?
P.S. Please don't anyone be mad that I used the word "retardify" I meant it in the nicest possible way. I was reffering to the way that Wizards of the Coast is able to take great games like Magic and D&D and change the rules so much that it only has fun value for those who are either very young or......well.....mentaly chanllenged.
i think that D&D 3.ed has some fun value.
i ge i go under the very young category since i hade never actualy playd 2.ed when i tried 3.ed the first time(then i was 13 i think).

generaly i think its a fun hack and slash game that is fun to play
once in a vilde like on cons
Roshambo said:
Moved because thread has no relevence in the Roleplaying forum.

you mean that the birthright thread had more to do in an RPG forum than this one
That's basically what I was talking about, D&D used to be center on the story more then the action. Me and my friends would sometimes spend hours playing without leaving the town at all. We would just harass the townspeople and give our DM a hard time. Ah, the good old days.
D&D, ha. Played it once or twice, it was no fun. I played it with a group of powergamers. Damned stupid games if it allows a group of walking dinosaurs to roam the planet killing huge 1000-year old dragons...

I like the Dutch/German based game OdM (in Dutch) or das Schwarze Auge (in German). Now there was a great game.
Unicorn said:
Please don't anyone be mad that I used the word "retardify" I meant it in the nicest possible way
Sorry dude, but it just isn't possible to use it in a nice way. I realize that its a common thing to say that word, but its still not justified. Its just like saying that your hair got "faggotized" because you don't like it. Its weird we have so many ugly words in the English language...
Ozrat said:
Sorry dude, but it just isn't possible to use it in a nice way. I realize that its a common thing to say that word, but its still not justified. Its just like saying that your hair got "faggotized" because you don't like it. Its weird we have so many ugly words in the English language...

You don't "have" them, you "make" them.

English has one of the most beautiful vocabularies in the world, in my humble opinion. French is the only language I know that's more beautiful, while other big languages like German and Spanish just pale in comparison.

And British English kicks American ass.

And Ebonics is a language.
Kharn said:
French is the only language I know that's more beautiful
Don't you mean FREEDOM language? Just kidding, I'm not a fanatic, unlike my senate.
allows a group of walking dinosaurs to roam the planet killing huge 1000-year old dragons...
Dude what was your DM smoking? Those were either some lucky dinosaurs or a really weak dragon.

Sorry dude, but it just isn't possible to use it in a nice way.
And that's exactly why I apologized. I always like to try and cover most of my bases.

As for languages my personal favorite is Japanese.

Back on topic, anyone ever play Shadowrun or Vampire? Those was pretty fun.
Unicron said:
Dude what was your DM smoking? Those were either some lucky dinosaurs or a really weak dragon.

Yuckyuck. I know. It was annoying, because the DM was part of the party and kept giving everyone stuff like "the staff of infinite wishes".

Though it was funny at times, like when our only human got "the ring of denial" or something, making him do the opposite of whatever you told him.

Tried joining twice. Once as a mage-goblin something, but when I crept under a stone during the sevond big fight they got annoyed and jumped on the stone. Wasn't too healthy.

The second time was a minotaur, that was more fun, but they wouldn't let me into their castle.

They had a frikkin' castle.
AD&D second edititition was the shiznit, son. I remember all the crazy player to player rivalries we used to have. People passing paranoia notes every which way but loose. Clerics charging people for healing spells. And,of course, the rube-goldberg murder plots that would make the victims cry and break shit.

Sometimes I miss being fourteen
Unicron said:
I've got to go old school. Advanced Dungeons and Dragons 2nd Edition. None of that 3rd Edition Wizard's of the Coast crap. Anybody know why they must retardify everything they touch?

Now I haven't played much of either editions, but it seems to me that most of the changes made in the 3e have made the game easier to play as well as removing some unnecessary restrictions.

Now, the best RPG in my mind is the Swedish Mutant, both the older post-apocalyptic version and the newer cyberpunk one kick some serious behind.
Alas! Corrupted by 3rd Edition!

Unicron said:
I've got to go old school. Advanced Dungeons and Dragons 2nd Edition. None of that 3rd Edition Wizard's of the Coast crap. Anybody know why they must retardify everything they touch?

The only non-CRPG I've played is 3rd Ed. D&D. It was okay, but the die rolling is a bit tedious :roll: . What are the differences between 2nd and 3rd Edition?
In most any RPG you're going to be roling alot, it's ho the DM determines whether or not you're able to accomplish the action you're trying. CRPG's roll also, but them being on computer's it goes quite fast.
The differences in 2nd and 3rd is that 3rd was made much simpler and easier for new people unfamiliar RPG's to understand. They also changed the Die system. Not to say that 3rd is a horribly bad thing but it's extremly irritating for players who are used to 2nd, espeacially when no more 2nd edition books are being made.
well the new d&d Is better than the old D&D(not advanced, just D&D).
That was the first role-playing game I played.

The game had some loopholes like that the wizard in the group permanently turned our dwarf
into a huge red dragon whit the polymorph spell.

That was a fun game when I was 11