What is your favorite weapon from any game/tvshow/movie?

Malkavian said:
Yeah, that was nice. So was the gasoline and matches.

And yeah, in any WWI game, it's the M1 Carbine. In WW2 games, it's all about the Thompson.

Um, the Carbine was designed during WWII, it wasn't in production in WWI.

Mohrg :twisted:
Dirty Harry's S&W M29 .44 revolver. If there was any proof that Freud was right about penis envy, Dirty Harry's gun probably emphasized it (though I don't know what that says about me...).

But I'd settle for a Predator combat suit from the Aliens Versus Predator games. I mean, with it, you can cloak, hurl balls of plasma, claw a person's face open, *heal* yourself, and it probably wipes your ass for you, too.
Malkavian said:
All of the weapons in Baz Luhrman's "Romeo and Juliet"
Ash's chainsaw in Army of Darkness/Evil Dead 2

Damn, beat me to it. I agree with those and add Snake Plisken's silenced MAC10 from escape from N.Y. And the rifles from Starship Troopers (Not very faithful to Heinlein, but good movie anyway)
Favorite weapon in movie:Terminator 2, the mimigun.,YAY!!!!

Favorite weapon in tv show:I'd say that gun from trigun, its awesome, the one implanted in his arm.

Favorite weapon in game:Call of Duty, Panzerfaust. :ok:
Jeeze, Mohrg, sorry I'm not a war nut. You crazy clown you.

And STFU, Gruug.

Snake Plissken rocks.
Sorry Milky, It just caught my eye.

The military to me is like your crazy "break stuff inside my skull while getting dizzy at the same time" music is to you.


Gruug, B4NZ0R3D!

Mohrg :twisted:
I liked decker's pistol in Blade Runner.

That said I saw this gun that turns what ever you hit into a chicken. That would be cool. Destroy your enemies and start a chicken franchise.
The bronze staff in Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon.
The chainsaw and shotgun in Army of Darkness. Plus the car with the giant rotor blade.
The claw hand in Enter the Dragon.

And the double edged lightsaber in Star Wars. As little as I would like to admit it, that was a cool idea.
Dove said:
Damn I forgot the Gunblade from Final Fantasy VIII.

Concept was cool but I was a little bit put off about the overall look of the weapon after it was upgraded (near to the last upgrade, it seemed to resemble a giant feather...). Then there's the whole prospect of fighting somebody with such an unwieldly weapon...unless your a character in FFVIII. In that case, you'll naturally look badass. It's just how the whole FF world works.

Added bit: the dual-crossbow in LOTR. I think it was featured some where after the Fellowship leaves Moria and are besett by orcs. One of the orcs was totting a crossbow that had two bows set into one cross piece.
1) M1 Garand

2) M-16

3) This is a very new one, but it might replace the M-16 soon (or so I hear) and it was used in Ghost Recon. Not sure of the name.

4) Sword, most types

5) Crossbow
No, it's this bad-ass right here,

Colt M-25a2 OICW
(Objective Individual Combat Weapon)



The OICW was developed at the beginning of the century to replace the modified M-16a2's as the primary urban/night assault rifles in the US Army. The OICW is really two guns in one package attached to a high tech targeting computer. The bottom is a 5.56mm assault rifle, and the top fires 20mm HE assault cannon rounds. The 5.56mm is great for anti-personel, while the 20mm HE is good for flushing enemy forces out of reinforced positions, or attacking light vehicles. The targeting computer uses a sensors package that can pick up anything on the battlefield, even magically or technologically hidden items. The targeting computer incorporates a range-finder and automatically adjusts the sights to compensate for wind and range.
The plans for the OICW to replace the modified M-16's didn't work out and eventually the M-16/M203 combination was left in the field. When Colt replaced its aging M-16 fleet with the new M-23's, the M-22 was chosen to take the M-16/M203's spot, once again killing the idea of the OICW. But with the advent of magic and Ruthenium Polymers, combined with better snipers the need for a system that could detect invisible and/or partially hidden objects became apparent. Colt re-built the OICW to incorporate all of the latest technology to fill this role. The UCAS Army now issues a few OICW's to each squad to act in the anti-sniper, anti-magic roles, for which this is superb. UCAS forces also use the OICW in urban environments where the sensors are a great asset.

The targeting Computer uses Ultrasound, Low Light, and Thermographic sensors. It negates the cover modifier when using the 20mm cannon, every other time treat it
as a smartlink II.
*:The scope displays a picture of the area using Ultrasound, Low Light, and Thermographic sensors, and is what the Smartlink Targeting system uses to display,
rather than displaying cybernetically. Treat this as a level 2 sensor package for detection purposes.

This weapon is 2 in one. The bottom barrel is a 5.56 mm assault rifle, the top barrel is a 20 mm High Explosive cannon. The first numbers are for the Assault Rifle, the second for the cannon.
Bleh, never liked the OICW and I probably never will considering the Marines would be the last to get it... :P

The AirForce would get it before us...bawha!

Mohrg :twisted:
US ARMY isnt even looking at the OICW. their currently working on the XM series..


There was a nice article in the Army Times a few months back on it... promising to be a hell of a weapon. 20mm airburst HE grenades, modding is as easy as swapping barrels or stocks.
Isn't all the technology that we use to kill people neato!!

anyways, I don't see how the bayonet would be real useful on an OICW.