No, it's this bad-ass right here,
Colt M-25a2 OICW
(Objective Individual Combat Weapon)
The OICW was developed at the beginning of the century to replace the modified M-16a2's as the primary urban/night assault rifles in the US Army. The OICW is really two guns in one package attached to a high tech targeting computer. The bottom is a 5.56mm assault rifle, and the top fires 20mm HE assault cannon rounds. The 5.56mm is great for anti-personel, while the 20mm HE is good for flushing enemy forces out of reinforced positions, or attacking light vehicles. The targeting computer uses a sensors package that can pick up anything on the battlefield, even magically or technologically hidden items. The targeting computer incorporates a range-finder and automatically adjusts the sights to compensate for wind and range.
The plans for the OICW to replace the modified M-16's didn't work out and eventually the M-16/M203 combination was left in the field. When Colt replaced its aging M-16 fleet with the new M-23's, the M-22 was chosen to take the M-16/M203's spot, once again killing the idea of the OICW. But with the advent of magic and Ruthenium Polymers, combined with better snipers the need for a system that could detect invisible and/or partially hidden objects became apparent. Colt re-built the OICW to incorporate all of the latest technology to fill this role. The UCAS Army now issues a few OICW's to each squad to act in the anti-sniper, anti-magic roles, for which this is superb. UCAS forces also use the OICW in urban environments where the sensors are a great asset.
The targeting Computer uses Ultrasound, Low Light, and Thermographic sensors. It negates the cover modifier when using the 20mm cannon, every other time treat it
as a smartlink II.
*:The scope displays a picture of the area using Ultrasound, Low Light, and Thermographic sensors, and is what the Smartlink Targeting system uses to display,
rather than displaying cybernetically. Treat this as a level 2 sensor package for detection purposes.
This weapon is 2 in one. The bottom barrel is a 5.56 mm assault rifle, the top barrel is a 20 mm High Explosive cannon. The first numbers are for the Assault Rifle, the second for the cannon.