What is your most impressed weapon?

P90c - Fallout 2. Absolutely devastating at point blank range with burst fire.


Mk22 Tranquilizer gun, MGS3. The obvious choice for No Kills No Alerts:


Precision Rifle, Red Faction. I love large magazine semi automatic Sniper Rifles.

CthuluIsSpy said:

Vulcan Mega Bolter

Keep in mind that it's mounted on a warhound titan.

Which is roughly 45 feet tall.

Please! Plasma annihilator, it sees the Vulcan bolter an says nice BB gun, and over a 600k range on it too. It sits on the arm of a 166ft tall Emperor Titan, that eats Warhound sandwiches.


Muff said:
CthuluIsSpy said:

Vulcan Mega Bolter

Keep in mind that it's mounted on a warhound titan.

Which is roughly 45 feet tall.

Please! Plasma annihilator, it sees the Vulcan bolter an says nice BB gun, and over a 600k range on it too. It sits on the arm of a 166ft tall Emperor Titan, that eats Warhound sandwiches.



Looks like it's time for some exterminatus!
What I find fun in 40k the bad guy's can field more of them than the good guy's as the titan legions that sided with Horus have better STC designs for them. Then again if you read Betrayer a large enough pack of Warhounds (21 of them 7X3=21) can pin a Emperor to the spot long enough to get assault teams on-board.
Did someone say 40k?


Muff said:
What I find fun in 40k the bad guy's can field more of them than the good guy's as the titan legions that sided with Horus have better STC designs for them. Then again if you read Betrayer a large enough pack of Warhounds (21 of them 7X3=21) can pin a Emperor to the spot long enough to get assault teams on-board.

I do believe chaos is still hampered in the titan department by the small amount of Adeptus Mechanicus they must have by now. Half of them defected, yes, but as I understand it the chaos mechanicus is quite small in the 41st millenium.

Still . . staying in the eye of terror lessens the effects of degradation on the things, doesn't it?

But I doubt the chaos mechanicus can resupply as many as they surely lose.

Also, Makta would be a total softie, and not to mention a heretic, in the 40k universe.
Muff said:
What I find fun in 40k the bad guy's can field more of them than the good guy's as the titan legions that sided with Horus have better STC designs for them. Then again if you read Betrayer a large enough pack of Warhounds (21 of them 7X3=21) can pin a Emperor to the spot long enough to get assault teams on-board.

Or just take them out with Shadowsword anti-titan tanks because the Imperial Guard are bored of holding the line.
The Dark Mechanum, is roughly the same size at the Adeptus Mechanus in real terms. They have members who are also not bound by the same rules (they will use AI) and more of them are willing to really develop technology rather than just horde knowledge, and are also bolstered by new blood who find the ADMech to restrictive. While they don't have the same number of forge worlds they are not supporting a empire the same size and only really produce military equipment from Ships to Bolter shells.

For example, from the most basic Data Slate to the most advanced warship in the Imperium the AD Mech make it this includes, Farm equipment, Medical equipment, Weaving machines etc are all made by them.

But the DM only have to build weapons of war from the most basic bolt shell, right up to Warships and they have more knowledge available to them and are not scared about disassembling working tech to learn how to make copy's of it.

For example in Priests of Mars, the Arch Mechanum takes damage to a single Capacitor and loses 30% of available power, and the Senior Magos laments the imperium and mechanum no longer have the skills to remake them, and the mechanum as a whole isn't aware the same ship has a weapon inbuilt on it's hull that has a kilometre long barrel or the true extent of the ships own database, hell they didn't even know the ship not only has been launched but has 7 names one by each of the crews / owners of the ship.

This is just from one book and a single ship that is 600KM long and fully crewed with what passes for Scientists and Engineers who are bound by rules that over 10 thousand years have turned into unbreakable religious dogma, a dogma that the dark mechanics is not bound by.

Edit, Oh an Alphadrop I am a IG player from the 2nd edition onwards and from experience they are bullet magnets, use them as needed and keep them covered until you need them or you will lose them and lose them fast. Give them Air and Armour cover i.e. a Hydra (Air and Infantry) and a couple of Russ.
Makta said:
Crni Vuk said:
always wanted to know, are you a Nazi?

Nazi is a kind of nationalSOCIALISM and i'm not a fan of any communism or socialism :P
yeah well, blame history for that. Nazi is for many a general term instead of calling someone a "fascist".

Anyway, are you a fascist then?
Misogynist is also a word that has lost all it's real meaning, people like throwing it at everyone because most people that thin kthey are Feminists don't really know about what it entails so they just go for the broadest possible meanning for everything.