What kind of architecture do you think fits in Fallout.

Look at the buildings found in fo1, fo2, and fo3. Those felt the most like they belonged in fallout, imo. Wouldn't reccomend drawing inspiration from fo4 on the particular subject. Literally the only thing in fo4 that looks like it belongs in fallout is the power armor. NV's unique buildings such as the lucky 38, tops, (all of NV really) and the goodspring General store felt like fallout to Me too. NV didn't really have a lot of buildings tbh.

Notable buildings from fo1:
  • Children of the cathedral's church.
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Those are pre-war buildings. If we're talking about post-war architecture then



(I like posting pictures).
Look at the buildings found in fo1, fo2, and fo3. Those felt the most like they belonged in fallout, imo. Wouldn't reccomend drawing inspiration from fo4 on the particular subject. Literally the only thing in fo4 that looks like it belongs in fallout is the power armor. NV's unique buildings such as the lucky 38, tops, (all of NV really) and the goodspring General store felt like fallout to Me too. NV didn't really have a lot of buildings tbh.

Notable buildings from fo1:
  • Children of the cathedral's church.

Children of the Cathedral's church is my favourite place in the entire franchise.
It's so wonderfully gothic for a game set in the post-apocalypse. You're basically entering Dracula's crypt.

Whenever Fallout goes full gothic it becomes amazing.

(Another bit of architecture, but also kinda related).


Yeah, fallout manages to get the right amount if Gothic, for a series with a guy who is basically a growing tree.
Necropolis also feels like it's perfect for Halloween.
I really do need to dress up as a Fallout character for Halloween at some point.

I wonder if I could make some kind of Master head-mask thing.
I really do need to dress up as a Fallout character for Halloween at some point.

I wonder if I could make some kind of Master head-mask thing.
The master is a blob of goo. Just go as NCR deser ranger or a child of the cathedral.
well, FO3 and FO4 draw far too much inspiration from the retro 50's mid-century aesthetic, if you ask me. the opening of FO4 depicting the pre-war world as some kind of Stepford utopia was utterly mistaken. the atmosphere feels incredibly different from FO1-FO2, which is Raygun Gothic (Art Deco, Googie, Moderne, Futurist & Retro-Futurist combo; "a tomorrow that never was"). there are even some hints of Dieselpunk with the Mad Max-esque Raiders. Shady Sands reminds me of Pueblo architecture.

in actuality, there's very little focus on the retro 50's aesthetic at all in early Fallout games, that only became significant after Bethesda picked up the series. the focus was on the recent civil advancements of the post-war world rather than what came before it. the pre-war world was mostly irrelevant.

i really love the Cathedral too, the atmosphere in that place was fantastic. it's an interesting fusion of Futurist and Gothic architectural styles. iirc it's actually a post-war building constructed by the Children.
Personally I love Bethesda's art direction with Fallout. It's one of the few things I can say that I thoroughly enjoy from their direction with the series. However, earlier Fallouts and even New Vegas managed to convey a much darker, more serious tone and setting that I do think is missing from Fallout 4. That isn't helped by Fallout 4's soundtrack, which is far too heroic and upbeat compared to Mark Morgan's dark, grittier work (though I do love Inon Zur's Fallout 3 soundtrack).

Bethesda did some good work bringing back some of the aesthetic, characters, robots, computers, etc. from the originals. It's just too bad their writers are so awful that they squander what I consider to be great art direction, although Fallout 4 become far too gimmicky and childish.

It's hard to compare modern Fallout with the originals because the art direction of Fallout 1 and 2 were hindered by the limitations of their time. But one thing that sticks out is the detail applied to ghouls and super mutants - Lou Tenant looks absolutely horrific, as do ghouls and Harold, compared to the weird leatherfaces and green goblins of Fallout 4 which have little in the way of unique details.

Fallout would be better off going back to its darker roots like New Vegas managed to do. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series really did this well.
I will do so when your creativity is wrong. Just like we all do with Emil.

The Master is totally doable. Just wear some weird prosthetic mask stuff on the head, covering hair et al. Then hang a heart monitor type screen around your neck, then attach an eye stalk, and you're basically done.
You could do a cross between The Master and Donald Trump.

That's an idea actually...
Art deco/Gothic mainly. Adobe if in the west or southwest. In the northeast I'd say definitely art deco, 20s/30s NYC looking architecture. Colonial for suburbs. Definitely not that Fallout 4/76 Jetsons looking bullshit. I rather loved the architecture for D.C. in FO3, but sadly the Fallout style died with Adam Adamowicz

I hate how colorful Fallout is now. Every building is vibrant blue or green or red, it's very weird to look at. Much preferred the uniform bleak gothic. Also the sculptures of heads on the walls, what happened to those? Even the Vaults are weird now. Yellow and blue.
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Art deco/Gothic mainly. Adobe if in the west or southwest. In the northeast I'd say definitely art deco, 20s/30s NYC looking architecture. Colonial for suburbs. Definitely not that Fallout 4/76 Jetsons looking bullshit. I rather loved the architecture for D.C. in FO3, but sadly the Fallout style died with Adam Adamowicz

I hate how colorful Fallout is now. Every building is vibrant blue or green or red, it's very weird to look at. Much preferred the uniform bleak gothic. Also the sculptures of heads on the walls, what happened to those? Even the Vaults are weird now. Yellow and blue.

Completely agree.

It's actually very regretful that the adobe buildings weren't used in New Vegas, I feel like a lot of the NCR settlements would have used them and it would have served to show what the NCR represent: post-war civilization. Places like Mojave Outpost, Crimson Caravan, Gun Runners, NCR Embassy etc

Same thing for the Legion, it looked like The Fort was made of survivalist scraps rather than a long-term fort made by a powerful war machine. It should have had its own distinct tribal-infused post-war design much like NCR has the adobe/sandcrete.