What kind of weapons do you want to see in F3?

freshmeat said:
First of all Lightsabers are not "force fields resembling that of a blade", they are compressed plasma. Nor do they change color according to your alignment. Exar Kun, one of the most infamous Dark Lords of the Sith wielded a double bladed blue saber, and several Jedi have had red ones as well. When Jedi turned, they'd either get a new one with a different color, or keep the one they've always used. Their alignment changed nothing about their weapons. Zealots on the other hand had auras of blue or red depending on wether they were regular "good" ones, or "dark" fallen zealots.

I understand that the weapons I suggested does not entirely conform to their source material. However, the problem with posting a completely accurate representation of said items actually defeat the purpose of the "Easter Egg." First of all it would more than likely subject the game's producer to copyright suits, given the propensity of Americans to sue at the slightest cause. (I am not from USA myself so if I offended anyone, I'm sorry... oh and don't sue me.)

The easter egg is a nod or wink for the "smart" fans or those in the know, It was written into the game primarily for them and not for those who will not recognize or appreciate the (in)joke.

I thought that the description I gave for the energy saber was universal enough that anyone would recognize it as a spoof of the lightsaber, the blue/red color for +/- karma orientation is of course a reference to the traditional colors of the jedi/sith and the crack at the end about your mind playing tricks on you was a reference to Jedi mind tricks (again a famous enough phrase that any sufficiently savvy fan should be able to recognize it.) The Mjolnir gag weapon is just a plain sawed-off sledgehammer, the reference to "...the power of Torr" is of course a nod to the character of the same name in Fallout 2, which I thought was particularly inspired. I don't really expect game makers to allow a Fallout character to gain Thunder-God like powers upon wielding it "...if he be worthy." (I don't think your karma could go that high anyway, though a bonus to Strength if you play a dumb character might be nice.) Neither would I expect a character wielding the energy saber weapon to be able to deflect energy weapon attacks. (though that would really, really rock.) Explaining the joke of course ruins the "easter egg" (which I just did) after all it wasn't supposed to be explained, you either get it or you don't.

freshmeat said:
Second, I don't think of Star Wars as a game, I think of it as a movie. Yes, it has had games made for it, but Star Trek also has had games made for it; it still doesn't make the original concept a game. Also like I mentioned, the idea of a weapon changing color due to the alignment of the one wielding it isn't something attributed to Star Wars.

I don't know why anyone would wish to limit making easter egg references only with regards other games considering that the Fallout franchise made reference to movies as well, examples being the combat knife (Rambo) and .44 Revolver (Dirty Harry.) Fallout Tactics had the Adamantine Claws (wolverine,) the DakTarg (star trek,) and the Fantasy Ball (Phantasm.)

At this point, I should probably apologize to Fallout 1 fans who prefer the more conventional weapons and darker and edgier atmosphere of the first game. Unfortunately I was raised on Fallout 2 and Tactics so I'm more inclined towards the easter eggs and dark humour associated with the latter games.
I would like the same kinde of weapons in fallout 3 that we have in F2. But I would also like that it wouldn't be as easy to get them as in F2.
A Dave Crickket. Gain it from a certain quest helping someone, and then they (possibly Ghouls) give to you and the option to fire it in a place were you want to DIE.

Citizen, Police and Military versions of the Laser Pistol. The Citizen version would be as strong as a 10mm pistol, but with laser damage. a Police version would be version of FO1/FO2. The Military version fires faster shots and is stronger, besides being armor penetrating. All versions have Magneto upgrades, and the military version gains even stronger armor penetration.

Railguns. Why not.

Miniguns using 12mm Shotgun ammunition. Load with slugs for Power Armored foes and spray your enemies!

A Watzz Chainsaw that runs off Micro Fusion cells. Heavy, yes, but able to saw a soldier in Power Armor in a well-done cut! Alugh as you piece people in shredds!

Poisoned darts for the good old "hit and stealth" tactics. Hit your enemies and get the hell outta dodge as they die of poisoning!

Poisoned spears and knifes. Nothing better than weaking your enemy during a fighting, making it easier to finish him off!
Arguably, a Gauss weapon is a railgun. The difference is academic (coils versus linear magnets) and probably of little difference in terms of effectiveness as a weapon to the end user. It could be interesting from a story point of view if some competitor to the Gauss Rifle was also featured and was a Railgun; sort of competing technologies.
Mori said:
I'd like to see something along the lines of an electrolaser, only 50s style. Basically a lightning gun that could have bonuses against robots and such.
I'm back to taking someone else's idea and running with it. How's this one sound... :twisted:

Zeus Cannon
An experimental large-bore, high-energy super weapon designed to fire “Thor Shots,” i.e. highly-concentrated man-made ball lightings. And if you’re thinking that Zeus and Thor belong to two different set of pantheons altogether, well, you must realize the guys that designed this weapon were scientists not myth majors.

Also, freeze gun as mentioned in the Van Buren design documents.

16_BOMB-001.doc said:
Once assembled, the gun works great against most armors since if super-freezes joints and moving parts, so the gun is effective against robots as well as the NCR guys. The gun will not necessarily kill a foe, but it will render it immobile for 1 to 2 rounds, giving the player uncontested turns against the crippled enemy.
Belongs in fallout or no?
Lord 342 said:
Arguably, a Gauss weapon is a railgun. The difference is academic (coils versus linear magnets) and probably of little difference in terms of effectiveness as a weapon to the end user. It could be interesting from a story point of view if some competitor to the Gauss Rifle was also featured and was a Railgun; sort of competing technologies.
I believe the main difference is that railguns are much more powerful (projectiles fired from them can exceed M16 muzzle velocities while being much larger) but they are much much harder to miniaturise. Railguns are still too big to be carried by hand efficiently. Gauss/Coil guns can be made by amateurs easily, and can be made smaller very easily. But they lack the power of a railgun. They can still kill someone though.
Ye ole rusty butterknife
Description: "Why's up fer surgery?"
It does fairly small damage, but each successfull hit gives you negative karma.
enclave weapons

anyone noticed that the enclave doesn't have any AR's?
They only have miniguns and energy rifles! they should have something like: H&K G1X (no creativity for name), a .44 caseless high precision AR, with night sight and many acessories..... Strangely it have a toothbrush (just kidding).
.60\70\uranium slugs wall pass snipers would be cool to (shot your enemy trouth walls).
EDIT: Fallout 3 need to have rifle slash and thrust anim codes too (bayonet to rifle idea).
Weapons need to have better upgrade system (add scope, gl; take off gl, add front grip; take off scope, add motion tracker; take off normal magazine, add other; remove the interior, add other to fit other calibers (expensive to buy); add supressor, tatical light)........
In general contemporary weapons should not exist in fallout, but there are certain weapons which would "stand the test of time" so to speak.

The Ak-47 or something similar (cheap to build, easy to construct, lethal) would probably get used by people who were moderately wealthy (raiders), but couldn't afford or wield heavy weapons or energy weapons.

Shotguns and small handguns will stand up as well. To make things more appropriate either have them be hand-smithed or sci-fi (caseless flachette with electronic triggering system muzzle jump reducer built in...) Shotguns ranging from hand-smithed to just a side by side to military grade will also be present. There is just no getting over how cheap shotguns are for their ability to protect you.

But with 80 years or so to progress in weapon construction most of our contemporary weapons would be heavily out-dated, and don't really fit the flavor of fallout anyway.
Muzzleloaders, cheap to make, reliable, easy to make ammo and powder for and you can use whatever fits down the barrel as ammo (nails, BBs, off-caliber bullets etc.)
Some kind of swiss army knife; a poor melee weapon but gives you a bonus to your traps, lockpick and repair skills.

Some kind of Super-spear, it's like a supersledge but in spear form.

Some kind of rare, hi-tech gauntlets that will convert my unarmed damage from normal damage to explosive, fire or electrical damage.

I like melee! :twisted: