What OLD games do you still play ?

Ratty said:
Your screenshot just reminded me how fucking ugly that game is. But other than that, it's the best war sim ever.

Yeah, when I was at MEPS I was chatting with some infintry guys that had just returned from the sandbox and were in the same hotel I was (the hotel basicly rented most of its rooms to the military for troops who were enlisting and at MEPS like I was, and active duty waiting overnite for a flight), when we got to the topic of games and I mentiond that I played OFP, the guys I was chatting with went crazy, apparently they had been playing it all the time while doing it for real. Apparently they loved the realism of the game (especily once certain mods, like the one that will make you bleed to death if youre wounded and dont get to a medic.)
That's funny, I'd expect the army dudes to be bored with their daily job routine and play something completely different, like Pikmin or Rollercoaster Tycoon.
Lord Inquisitor Baboonius said:
Sarge said:

Slicefart? Hahahahahahaha! Oh my god, why has every thread made me rofl lately??!

Oh, almost bought Dink Smallwood once. Didn't.

no D`oh :P
its some sort of submarine game with an linear storyline
the sequel to it was aquanox (which was crap tho)

[imagine privateer under water but without the cargo component]
Guys, I just "discovered" MOO2 a few days ago and I got really addicted today. I played it for about 10 hours straight on my laptop while watching TV. My god it's fun.
Also, the graphics kick ass for 1996.

My addiction is growing:
About every six months I get some sort of bestial urge to play Freespace 2 again. That game is like heroin.
Me and my mates also tend to play OFP at every LAN we have, if only to dig up a copy of the rally course map and have some fun on that.

Those two would probably be the oldest games I play.
You ever play moo3? i never played 2, and my experience with startegy games is limited to sid meir's approach to them, but moo3 just totally overwhelmed me. i've been looking for a good strat game recently. is moo2 anywhere near as baffling as moo3?
I tried to play MOO3 a while ago (Long before I played MOO2) and was baffled by the interface. I could barely figure out what to do. I can tell you that the interface in MOO2 is MUCH more straightforward and easy to use. I was personally impressed with the graphics considering it came out in 1996. The game is quite polished and once you get over the dated 2D graphics, it gets REALLY fun.

I have a friend who has played both and said that MOO3 raped the siries, and I've heard from a lot of people that CIV 3 did the same thing.
i used to always play civ 1 on the snes with a friend, and then went to playing civ 3. i didn't think it was too bad, having also play alpha centauri. only after playing civ3 did i get civ2, whose graphics were kind of a downer. by that time i couldn't get used to the fact that settlers were needed to build roads and utilities, whereas in civ3 you had workers and in ac you had some similar utility vehicles.

EDIT: The default civilization scenerio in Civ2:Test of Time is the original civ 2, right?
Yeah, I just tried to play MOO3 again today and the graphics are so corny it's laughable (and not much better than MOO2 I might add), and there is WAY too much micromanagement. You have like 20 tabs at any one time ready to pull up a whole screen of info.....with a scrollbar.

Seriously, Hegemonia should be the bar to which all other 4X/space games are measured graphics-wise. That game is beautiful.

First of all I'd like to say that the newest version of Dosbox can run Warlords 2 Deluxe (last time I tried, some 2-3 years ago, it couldn't). So I'm going to play it some just because.

Last summer I had the idea of replaying Torment, since I've never done that. I didn't, though. Maybe this autumn. I also have some years-old plan of replaying Populous: the Beginning (if for no other reason because my computer can probably handle it).

Been spending some time with Wasteland due to guide upgradeage. It rocks, needless to say.

I have Divine Divinity installed on the computer in front of me and haven't played it, but for some reason I don't get down to it. I bet they wish they'd done a "choose a cover oh and also a title" thread on some RPG fan site. It just seems so darn cheesy.
calculon000 said:
Yeah, I just tried to play MOO3 again today and the graphics are so corny it's laughable (and not much better than MOO2 I might add), and there is WAY too much micromanagement. You have like 20 tabs at any one time ready to pull up a whole screen of info.....with a scrollbar.

Seriously, Hegemonia should be the bar to which all other 4X/space games are measured graphics-wise. That game is beautiful.

Then you aren't really playing MOO3 the way it's "meant" to be played. Believe me, I tried doing the micro-management thing, and it gets old fast. Especially since nothing ever stays quite at the level you told it to on the sliders.

But in any case, the game with full automation turned on and your settings properly on will basically play itself for you. Also, get some of the mods out there, they make the game a lot more balanced and more fun to play.

I've played games wherein I've succefully pushed my enemies out and taken over about half the galaxy, but the game doesn't get easier as you win more and more, it gets harder; more micro-management. MOO2 was more fun to play, ultimately,