Surf Solar
So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs

Hello dear RPG Community, today I want to introduce you a bit into what I have been working on the past few weeks (and the future few months). I am planning this thing since almost a year and did spreadsheets etc, but I didnt want to announce anything before I actually have n-amount of content so it's not just another announcment of "just some cool idea" one has.
Thanks to the power and usability of the FOnline Engine, it is much easier to create Singleplayer, as well as Multiplayer mods basing on it. As far as I know, I am the only one yet trying to make a singleplayermod, rather then another multiplayerthingy. Anyway.
The Big Picture: This mod rather concentrates on storytelling, dialogues, player investigation, atmosphere and not really on combat style, saving the world, guys with miniguns and stuff. If you are more into cool new guns and loads of new and shiny stuff, this wont be your thing. If you enjoy immersing yourself into a more serious toned, "realistic" game with rich story telling, then you might like it as much as I do. But, as the biggest limitation I set to myself - I don't want to make it too big, it will feature 3-4 bigger locations and some smaller ones, not making it too huge. I take some unusual way of creating a game - I first make music for a location, and THEN create the location itself. Some other design approach.
Some Story Tidbits: I want this game to be as close in tone and asthetics as it can be to Fallout 1. The Games setting is located in the postwar USA of the "Big Lakes" region in the USA, no one really knows which year it already is, but seeing how fucked up the things are, the years after the great war can be counted on a few hands and toes. Same will be the main keyword of the mod: "Water". You will see many ruined cities too, as Chicago, Detroit and many other metropols lay in this area. You won't be the savior of the world, just some guy trying to come by, but this doesn't mean you can't influence your surrounding areas, doesn't it.

For other modders and graphic scavengers: From now on I will use this thread here for small updates and little announcments of things I made. Everything found here in this thread can be used, be it music, soundeffects, scenery objects, tiles etc - feel free to take everything you want. I'd be rather proud, not pissed, if someone can find a use from stuff that I make.
Current Development Status: Music done 60%, SFX done: 80%, Maps done: 50%, Dialogues done: 20% Additional Scripting: Soon Start to work on it.
For all the "graphic whores" (


Hope You'll enjoy the game as much as I do,