What was your first RPG?

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I think it may have been Final Fantasy X (god how many hours I spent on that), but Diablo 2 and Fallout 2 weren't far behind.
My first was Deus Ex: Human Revolution, though I never really got into RPGs until after I played Skyrim.
heh, yeah I know, but if it weren't for those games I would've never found this community. Without you guys I would've never played RPGs like Fallout 1 and 2.
AD&D 1st Edition. I still have a bag of dice in my desk drawer, and many figs painted in various states of completion. My first console RPG (if you can consider it one) was NES "The Legend of Zelda" and my first CRPG was "Eye of the Beholder". Gawd I'm gettin' old! :shock:
AD&D 1st Edition. I still have a bag of dice in my desk drawer, and many figs painted in various states of completion. My first console RPG (if you can consider it one) was NES "The Legend of Zelda" and my first CRPG was "Eye of the Beholder". Gawd I'm gettin' old! :shock:
I still have mine; (and the bag of dice too.)

This was probably my first cRPG as well. I remember playing it on my friend's Amiga 2000. Years later I bought the game; then had to buy a computer capable of playing it.
The first one was CGA, the second one was a Tandy 1000 ex ~EGA. Eventually I got one that could run VGA. It bothers me that the entire map layout for the game occupies space in my head; (including secrets that aren't in the clue book). O.o
The first WRPG I finished was Obllivion.
and the first real WRPG I finished was Morrowind.

I also played Fallout 1 before I play them, but at that time, I have no idea what the game was.
so I quite the game just after I killed by rats.

I don't remember what is first RPG for me;; but maybe it was one of SNES games played with ZNES from a CD.
maybe it was 4'th robot war because it's start with 4 or FF 5 because it was famous, or it was Fire emblem 776 because I still remember the game.
but first RPG I finished with my own affort was Megaman legend.
My first RPG was Fable 2 if it can be considered as one. After, it was the legendary Oblivion (I'm sarcastic). I played both of these games a LOT before I realized that there was way better RPGs.

Should I be ashamed?
My first RPG was Fable 2 if it can be considered as one. After, it was the legendary Oblivion (I'm sarcastic). I played both of these games a LOT before I realized that there was way better RPGs.

Should I be ashamed?

Nah. You see the error of your ways, right? ;)

Fable 2 was a fun game, but I don't even consider it a real RPG anymore. I call games like that RPG lite's. They look vaguely similar to a RPG on the surface, but underneath you find out it's really just an adventure game with minor stats and character progression. To think Project: Ego was initially supposed to be something revolutionary, but it became a rather forgettable series that never lived up to the expectations it set from the start.
I don't remember the first computer RPG (I was sorta late, could have been a Gothic) but my very first RPG ever was Das Schwarze Auge (P&P) in round about 1985 and I was 12. The only problem was that in my class there were only three players, so the fun was limited.
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My first was Pokemon Gold version for the gameboy color. Which imo is the best overall pokemon game that has ever been released. (Along with its remake) I will remember that game for the rest of my life for not only introducing me to the genre, but giving me a reason to believe that you can truly live another life through the body of a virtual character.
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If you're including P&P, probably Cyberpunk 2020, all the way back in '90 or '91. I heard the guys who made the Witcher are making a videogame based on the old pen and paper games.

I would have gotten into it earlier, but I'm not a fan of any high-fantasy (like Dragon Warriors, D&D, Dark Eye etc.), and that's all that was available where I lived for the longest time. But a cyberpunk-themed game was right up my alley. Haven't played in years though.

Actually, now that I think of it, that was what attracted me to Fallout in the videogame world when it came out. Thematically it's much more my cup of tea than its many contemporaries.
If P&P's included, then my first (and only non-computery) was some generic D&D stuff with my cousin. It ended in tears and wrestling on the floor
Dragon Crystal on Sega Game Gear. It was actually more Roguelike than RPG but still it was a great game.