What will be the canon ending of New Vegas?

Surf Solar

So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs
Yes, that's what I am curious about. Since the actual game features so many endings really important to the Fallout Series, what will be the canon ending? Can we expect some update to the Fallout bible, Mr. MCA? :P What do you think of it?
Hmm, hard to say. The way they presented it, it doesn't look like NCR could hold on to the area for long even if they won, and I doubt the silly Legion would last long either. I'd say, it's probably either NCR wins but then retreats due to massive losses and inability to hold the area, or we get some sort of "independent" ending.

Would be interesting to see the official version. Just as long as it's not Beth writing it.
[spoiler:1a51d0655d]In the "Legion wins" ending they conquer all the lands and move on to conquer California as well. Something like a new Roman empire[/spoiler:1a51d0655d]


Go home!
Fallout1FTW said:
[spoiler:ca53c35306]In the "Legion wins" ending they conquer all the lands and move on to conquer California as well. Something like a new Roman empire[/spoiler:ca53c35306]


Go home!

This would be quite funny and frightening at the same time, they would build a new Colosseum and slaughter all kinds of people, perhaps ghouls for not having a smooth skin and people with different religion.[/spoiler:ca53c35306]
The canon ending I think would be the Ms. House ending, where he becomes the ruler of New Vegas and surrounding lands and is in a tense alliance with the NCR.

However, he doesn't present a large threat to the Legion or the NCR because his few hundred robots don't consist in a very large force as compared to the NCR and the Legion's forces, with number in the thousands or more.

The combined forces of the mojave locals, ms. house and the nrc manage to deafeat the legion's attack, the courier convices the legate that the conquest of the NRC is not worth the cost and the legion's menace to the west ends.
The respective positions of the NCR and the Legion's western holdings can be show in this expertly draw map (:lol: )


The territory under dispute is the green circle of land there and the hoover dam, with is the black square there.
gumbarrel said:
Or they do a "Deus Ex Invisible War" and make all endings canon :mrgreen:

That's what Bethesda ended up doing after Daggerfall (which has multiple endings) and IMO it's the weak way out.

I bet the canon ends up being NCR taking over, much like the canon from FO1 ended with Shady Sands' survival. Or perhaps the canon will be the independent ending, but with an alliance with NCR.
I think Mr. House ending would be the best since he could simply mind his own business while keeping the Legion and NCR on a leash or even better, leaving room for more upcoming plot variation.
I would say it will be the Legion ending, so they could really be the "Big Bad Evil" in the next game, this time with Centurion on Power Armor and whatnot. :mrgreen:
gumbarrel said:
I would say it will be the Legion ending, so they could really be the "Big Bad Evil" in the next game, this time with Centurion on Power Armor and whatnot. :mrgreen:
If thats what happens then I really really hope they somewhat move away from those roman references. I thought they where cute here and there but they seriously have exaggerated it.

And I dont think like some do that its that much out of the place (Caesars explanation made a bit of sense what so ever as that he choose it cause it was so "alien" to the american-pre-war culture), but even the Nazis which have aquired a lot by the romans (Heil Hitler - Ave Caesar and a lot more) did not simply copy pasted the roman empire.
I prefer the NCR, and seeing as they've been a major faction in 2 games now, I don't believe Obsidian/Beth will just totally eradicate them. Well, maybe not Obsidian....
My assumption is that Bethesda will utterly ignore everything that happened in New Vegas, go back to the East Coast and focus on the Brotherhood and Enclave. Again.

It wouldn't surprise me. I remember in FO3 the Brotherhood said that they are still a threat, and will have to monitor the borders. So, I'm sure they will show up in FO4.

As for the canon ending in NV, I hope it's the NCR one.
I know this hasnt really something to do with the topic, but I didnt want to create a new one..

Has anyone yet tried out to side with the legion (maybe even become a legion member?) while playing a female character? Since the legion considers women and children just as "things" and slaves, I would be interested in the dialogues, do they change at all?
I want it to be ncr so they can get more recruits for a bigger faction. If Beth do things right then FO 4 could be about NCR expanding to DC, CL following them. Then the return of the enclave. The outcasts also become a bigger faction leading to some big war between NCR, CL, Enclave, Outcasts and BoS. That would be good, in my opinion anyway.
Millim said:
I want it to be ncr so they can get more recruits for a bigger faction. If Beth do things right then FO 4 could be about NCR expanding to DC, CL following them. Then the return of the enclave. The outcasts also become a bigger faction leading to some big war between NCR, CL, Enclave, Outcasts and BoS. That would be good, in my opinion anyway.

I can't seem to determine what any of the canon ending are. For Fallout 2, Fallout Tactics, Fallout 3, and now Vegas. It seems they never fully explain what happens.

But to stay on topic, I would prefer the NCR to win. But I would be fine no matter what.
Ghost_loy said:
I can't seem to determine what any of the canon ending are. For Fallout 2, Fallout Tactics, Fallout 3, and now Vegas. It seems they never fully explain what happens.

But to stay on topic, I would prefer the NCR to win. But I would be fine no matter what.

A lot of it's left up in the air, but you can assume quite a bit, tho. Various characters expatriated from the Hub, Klamath and New Reno point out that they're still there, and that New Reno's run by the Wrights and the Van Graffs. NCR's assumed to own pretty much everything, which means the "good" ending of FO1 where Tandi, Aradesh and Ian live and the raider problem was ended by the vault dweller was canon, tho pretty much every ending in FO2 had NCR taking everything over with varying degrees of bloodshed.
I think the canonical ending will have to be a stalemated conflict, with both NCR and Legion retreating after both realize how overextended they are and unready for an all-out war (despite what Caesar thinks, his primary strategist was pretty willing to concede that point and go home without a serious fight in the independent ending).

That leaves House "in-charge", which doesn't require much fudging in story detail to include both House and yourself as co-rulers of a shaky New Vegas, something along the lines of:

"Although he achieved the independent New Vegas he dreamed of, House didn't survive to see its zenith, dying mysteriously in the aftermath of the battle, his trusted lieutenant, Courier Six, ably stepping up to run his varied interests after showing a deft hand at manipulating the local powers..."

Something like that, vague enough about House so that he could have died of Legion/NCR vengeance after the battle, or been killed by the PC before/during it, or just succumbed to 216 years of pickling in a spicy dill-brine mechano-casket.