What would happen in your area in Fallout

Hassknecht said:
Nope, haven't read that. Sounds interesting, though, I'll look out for it.

It's a childrens book. :p I've read it in school many years ago. Pretty brutal and depressing in times, though.
Lich said:
Major problem is water, because you may survive 2-3 days without. So am guess whole bandits would make camp near lakes and barter goods for it. Its like predators which hunt always near water source, because soon or later prey come to it.

shit forgot about raiders that will lead to a problem since they will most likely attack and raid small towns and i live in one and i doubt a powerful faction will be forming here :( . they also could make camps near lake erie blocking us off from a water source.
The Texas version of the Enclave with President Sam Houston jr (a protectron programmed with John Wayne's personality).

I'm the president pilgrim
Surf Solar said:
Hassknecht said:
I'm at least a dozen kilometers aways from 'larger' cities.
In Germany, this is called "Kaffland". Nothing but villages here.
A nuclear war will not happen here.

Ever read "Die letzten Kinder von Scheweborn"? You might reconsider your statement after reading it. ;)

I read it. Unbelievably depressing stuff. I even wrote a short epilogue for it as a project for German class. The main point seems to be that most of Germany would´ve been gone in the event of an actual WP-NATO showdown. I read about some released Soviet war plans from the 60's about a month ago where they calculated with detonating at least 50 nuclear warheads (battlefield-size) within the first 1-2 weeks.
the americans also planned to fire nuclear artillery shells into the Fulda gap on a pretty regular basis.

One artillery piece would fire several shots, then the crew would abandon it, knowing counter battery fire or air attack from the soviets would be coming quickly.

another artillery piece would then begin firing etc.

The hope was to stop the first few waves from making it through the fulda gap... and allow the american and british troops/tanks to advance toward the front line (which would have put them in harms way from soviet battlefield/tactical nukes as well.
I recommend The Third World War: August 1985 by Sir John Hackett.
It's a very detailed description of a soviet invasion of western Germany and everything that leads up to it and what happens because of it.
The book is very detailed and more documentary than prose (and reaaaaally dry and boring), but it's interesting.
New Jersey! Hmm, let's see.

My part of the state, the northeastern section, would not fare very well IMO. A thermonuclear strike on NYC would be likely to take out a good chunk of it outright. In addition, the four northeastern counties are very very densely populated - we have the country's highest state population density if i recall correctly. So there's a few small cities, surrounded by suburbs squashed together really tightly. That means precious little land for subsistence activities like agriculture or grazing and the like.

So in other words, a bombed out shithole with a tiny to nonexistant permanent population, occasionally visited by packs of scavengers.

Western and southern portions of the state are more spread out and could support villages or tribals I guess. Fishing communities on the Deleware? We also have something called the Picatinny Arsenal, which is a military weapons development kinda deal - the famous Picatinny rail was designed there. I could see some lucky band of mooks excavating the place and becoming a regional powerhouse from all the firepower they extract a la the Boomers. Doubley so because we have a low rate of firearms ownership; there'll be alot less guns floating around to be scavenged to begin with.

WITH ANY LUCK, Seaside Heights and other shore tourist traps are swallowed by the sea or something =/

And of course, a post-nuclear New Jersey would be totally incomplete without some giant mutant horror wandering the Pine Barrens and being associated by locals with the Jersey Devil!
Guiltyofbeingtrite said:
I live in DC and I can tell you that the Super Mutants wouldn't be jerking off in the middle of bombed out museums.

But would the Washington Monument magically grow a metal frame to support itself, so that you could still get a good view of it from a low priority target like the mostly intact US Capitol building?
Well I live in Melbourne which is a fairly large city in Australia, Melbourne is fairly condensed so if bombs did fall on Melbourne it would leave the city in absolute ruins and surround areas would be ghoul infested,
most survivors would flee to the country since it is not that far away, and there would be very few guns because of Australia's strict gun laws.
I'll be talking about my mother Russia instead of Prague today.

Well, Perm is a pretty large city, so I'm pretty positive they'd launch a nuclear warhead right at the middle. I know nobody really gave too much fuck about the Union, but come on, we've got so much factories, salt and also Yakov so they'd be jealous to leave it behind. Nobody leaves me behind!!!

As for the rest of our region, most likely bombed/nuked too. I see colorful jets flying above my head for practice every day (at least in summer), so military bases would be fucked up.

At last, we'd be near those commie Chinese, so the US wouldn't really mind bombing us either. Or the Chinese.
I live right near Philadelphia so I might be screwed so I would definitely go underground and make myself a home in a large drainage system. Wearing my vault 13 costume of course.
Here's what I think what happened to where I am, especifically, Belém, Pará:

Brazil: Brazil was nuked, but their enemies didn't have the ammount of nukes required to totally anihilate it. All big capitals and big cities were attacked, but the interior was mostly intact, suffering the ravages of radiation, chaos and mutation instead.

What remained of the brazilian army weathered the storm, but the central governanment was apparently wiped out. That means that, although the nation of Brazil still exists, central authority is limited to some areas controlled by the armies of Brazil. In the local context, authority was passed to the "Colonels", leaders of local militias of various origins, who report to the military. The idea is that post-nuclear Brazil is like a Coronelist and secular version of the Holy Roman Empire. The military is divided in multiple factions. Some believe in restoring central authority here and now, others believe in keeping descentralization, others believe what remains of the army should invade other countries to use the destruction of Brazil's enemies and rivals to their advantage, etc.

The city of Belém (a large city of three millions at the time) and the metropolitan region (Ananideua, Marituba, Benevides, Barcarena, Santa Isabel) was the target of nuclear strikes from the enemies of Brazil. The destruction of land transports in amazon meant that the local peoples of the Amazon returned to using rivers as their main form of transport and communication. The roads and highways were abandoned to the wilderness.

These city-states are usually surviving countryside cities near rivers, whose resources, industry and localization allow them to keep a semblance of working society. The city-states are independent from one another, and seek to co-opt the smaller villages and towns into their domination or "protection", as a way of acquiring more resorces, troops, technology and power to use against the other city-states.

Beyond the rivers and the coast-line, live only military enclaves, isolated towns and amerindian tribes. Mutated by radiation, the jungle turned into a ever-growing vegetation that constantly threatens to overwhelm the cities. The animals of the jungle included mutated army ants (imagine New Vegas ants, now make them orange and make them into a immense swarm that devours everything), Jaguars (biting and scratching machines of death, about the size of deathclaws) and Cobra Grandes (IMMENSE cobras that eat people and spit poison) and the ever-present Radscopion, except that the one in amazon is the most poisonous in all of Brazil, so it makes the FO radscorpion look harmless.

The city of Belém and its metropolitan region is now a lawless land. After the radiation went away, scavengers moved in. Then the City-States decided to move after Belém in a effort to find ancient technology and salvage it to obtain greater firepower, better medicine and more. Currently, Belém is a battleground between factions of scavengers, raiders and other criminals, along with some troops from the city-states helping their local allies. All city-states seek to reclaim Belém and declare themselves rightful rulers of the land, but to do that requires great power, power that can be only found in old technology.

The archeotypal "hero" (think Mad Max) of this land is a small (1,55m-1,65m) brown man of luso-indian-african features and dark brown eyes, wearing a light sleeveless shirt with a old police bulletproof vest over it, jeans shorts and military boots. His head is covered by a strawn hat. His weapons are a spear, two taurus .38 handguns in his holsters and a shotgun at his back.
Ireland wouldn't be hit by bombs but the fallout from England would be pretty bad. We would probably end up with a good few ghouls, society would collapse and gangs would start taking over. Not that many guns in Ireland and divergence happened after WW2 so I doubt our no guns for the police force policy would have changed but you never know. So yeah expect lots of people stabbed and battered over the head with blunt objects. So nothing new if you live in Limerick.
We had a war of independence in 1919-1921 to become a free state. I don't see why they would try to take us over again seeing as we would just keep fighting them. Still alternate universe you never know.
Ireland would just become full of ghouls and with less people.

So basically just a somehow more depressing version of Ireland. I don't know how that would be workable.
Here in Buenos Aires, Argentina I think we would go on Neutral and no bombs would hit us.

But the society would kill itself when the world collapse. I think Buenos Aires would become a battlefield for survival, knowing the rest of the world is dead.

Also I think the whole South America to be like this, at least the south region... knowing what happens in Venezuela, Cuba and Colombia, I think more than one bomb would hit em :P

I think the Patagonia and the very south of Chile would be the forbidden paradise of that ages, where survivors escape.