cratchety ol joe
Mildly Dipped

I'm with Jax Sparrow...
Take FO:1 FO:2 and FO:Thumb-tacks engine / game style mash it all together... add in some of the NWN features...
a dabble of JA2...
find new 'locale' (sadly Russia is being bitch-fucked at the moment Metro 2033, Stalker ...) but Europe ? South America ? Africa?!?!?
I want the Fallout World to be fleshed out, I want MORE post-apoc, but from different angles..
talking of angles, as per NWN, I want 3rd Person ISO view, that I can rotate / zoom a little...
Do away with gun-monkey based story-lines, lets have a game that a 'diplomatic/charismatic' character can win...
also, interactivity of the game/world inhabitants. let me use subtle espionage to trick 2 factions into fighting, or let me help set up new trade routes that actually affect the towns they trade with..
basically I want a Sandbox world in which my character can have influence, be it by killing a certain person, helping a certain faction or saying the wrong thing at the wrong time.
All this and I want mutated wildlife, secret bunkers crazy robots and all the great stuff any good (FO:1 / FO:2) fallout game should have.
too much to ask?
Take FO:1 FO:2 and FO:Thumb-tacks engine / game style mash it all together... add in some of the NWN features...
a dabble of JA2...
find new 'locale' (sadly Russia is being bitch-fucked at the moment Metro 2033, Stalker ...) but Europe ? South America ? Africa?!?!?
I want the Fallout World to be fleshed out, I want MORE post-apoc, but from different angles..
talking of angles, as per NWN, I want 3rd Person ISO view, that I can rotate / zoom a little...
Do away with gun-monkey based story-lines, lets have a game that a 'diplomatic/charismatic' character can win...
also, interactivity of the game/world inhabitants. let me use subtle espionage to trick 2 factions into fighting, or let me help set up new trade routes that actually affect the towns they trade with..
basically I want a Sandbox world in which my character can have influence, be it by killing a certain person, helping a certain faction or saying the wrong thing at the wrong time.
All this and I want mutated wildlife, secret bunkers crazy robots and all the great stuff any good (FO:1 / FO:2) fallout game should have.
too much to ask?