Whats on YOUR christmas list?

Some comics, a new brush to ink my drawings with (the divine Winsor & Newton n°2, Series 7, Finest Sable) and a shitload of white beans in tomato sauce.


Maybe some Thai pussy as well.
I think I'm gonna get myself a 3M Littman Cardiology III Stethoscope. And new nurse shoes. The ones I have now are kinda worn out. Maybe some new scrubs. And a cat tree for the kitties.
This: http://www.microsoft.com

Well, and -- while I'm at it -- probably this:


But right now all I want is my freedom and self-respect back, but sadly the government has a different opinion about that.
SuAside said:
Sovz said:

a northwood or a prescott in a laptop? arf bad call mate...

of course if it's a gift, don't complain :wink:

I already have ECS G736, and as for the cpu, I rally cant stand mobile cpu's because they are crap, I have Thinkpad T42 at work with the fucked up Pentium M cpu, and I really cant stand the fucker.
anyways the whole thing is about 6+KG so im not going to use it for traveling (I have a slimline picturebook for that crap.
A few games, some books, and some anime. If I get the right gifts I can complete my Love Hina collection.

The Vault Dweller
Ashmo said:
But right now all I want is my freedom and self-respect back, but sadly the government has a different opinion about that.

.. can't stop myself from saying it again: T4, T4 muhahahaha!
(allergic to nuts; all emergency rations of the Bundeswehr are basing on nuts - or at least some synthetic stuff made of nuts)

@topic: forget the Guano Apes greatest hits album and the official title "EWW" ("Emperor of the Western World")
Well, yeah, and I was rated T2, which is short for "Totally Fucked".

Oh, there's neither a T nor a 2 in "Fucked"? So what, you gonna cry about it?
I'm getting exactly what i want for christmas, I'm flying home to see my family and friends one last time before my big vacation to the sandbox.
Sovz said:
I already have ECS G736, and as for the cpu, I rally cant stand mobile cpu's because they are crap, I have Thinkpad T42 at work with the fucked up Pentium M cpu, and I really cant stand the fucker.

a dothan or a banias ownz a P4 desktop version hands down... :roll:

old P-M might not have been so good, but you gotta check the 'new' developments...

Sovz said:
anyways the whole thing is about 6+KG so im not going to use it for traveling (I have a slimline picturebook for that crap.

yes, but still. a dothan or a banias core allows for a smaller heatsink which means less weight with better performance than the desktop cpu. it also consumes less than a desktop cpu, which means you can use it on its battery a lot longer. it's not as if you'd have to trade down the one to get the other.
Ashmo said:
Well, yeah, and I was rated T2, which is short for "Totally Fucked".

Oh, there's neither a T nor a 2 in "Fucked"? So what, you gonna cry about it?

What the hell are you all talking about?
SuAside said:
yes, but still. a dothan or a banias core allows for a smaller heatsink which means less weight with better performance than the desktop cpu. it also consumes less than a desktop cpu, which means you can use it on its battery a lot longer. it's not as if you'd have to trade down the one to get the other.

The reason why I don’t want Dothan is…. IF YOU HAVE BEEN FOLLOWING RECENT DEVELOPMENTS :wink: …. Intel is about to release their new mobile CPU called alviso that will operate on 533FSB instead of the old 400 and all the other crap… it will also have the “new” (referred to notebooks) PCI express and other interesting features. That’s why I prefer to stick to socket 478 for now.

as for the performance of the dothan vs p4 ..... just check one of the online test and you'll see who eats who. (note, I want to put the extreme P4 version)

I want a new driver for christmas, just in time to begin handing out beatdowns over at The Order come January...

And a new left headlight cover, hood, trunk, spoiler and bumper for a 96 Saturn SC2 that's been through 6 years of hailstorms, vandalism, parking outside and close encounters with dumpsters.
Sovz said:
The reason why I don’t want Dothan is…. IF YOU HAVE BEEN FOLLOWING RECENT DEVELOPMENTS :wink: …. Intel is about to release their new mobile CPU called alviso that will operate on 533FSB instead of the old 400 and all the other crap… it will also have the “new” (referred to notebooks) PCI express and other interesting features. That’s why I prefer to stick to socket 478 for now.

as for the performance of the dothan vs p4 ..... just check one of the online test and you'll see who eats who. (note, I want to put the extreme P4 version)

online test? a dothan ownz the laptop market tbh... (if it's used AS a laptop of course).

you are going to put a P4EE in a laptop?

two things are going to happen:
1) you are going for something that was never meant to be in a laptop & hence your batterylife will suck donkeyballs
2) you are going to burn your balls off (which might not be such a bad thing :twisted: )

why dont you just buy yourself a desktop fcol...
the only thing i have ever asked for is a old 8mm mauser.....i love those guns. o yea lots of the normal crap i get.....tools, dvds, and clothes.
Let me see:
- an MG3
- a few spare barrels
- a laffette-42 tripod
- a truckload of 7.62x51mm ammo.
- some politicians (preferably John Howard), and lawyers to line up in an orderly fashion. :twisted: