Mine is Cayenne, Legion survivalist
She was born Elisa Guerra in New Mexico before things were settled by the Legion. She was a tough kid who could hold her own against the boys, and quickly earned the nickname Cayenne due to her fiery temperament. Her mother died during childbirth, her father was a Desert Ranger who had been expelled from the organization and he taught her how to hunt, shoot, and live off the land in the Bandelier Wilderness. They were forced to eke out a subsistence lifestyle, foraging while fending off the raider tribes that were swarming the region.
Then the Legion came and forged civilization out of the chaos.
Being beneath the Legion's notice, Cayenne struck out on her own when she was old enough after scraping together enough caps working as a hunting guide. She headed west, traveling thru Circle Junction and onto New Reno where she continued holding her own against the boys in both fights and in the bedroom, and even in a few
Golden Globes productions. Eventually she made her way to California, hitting up Vault City and working Brahmin drives on Big Circle, before finding her niche as a courier.
From there her newfound occupation took her as far as Fort Aradesh and Utah, though much of her travels centered around southern California where her regular deliveries to settlers there gave rise to a survivalist community.
Ultimately Cayenne would become the woman to decide the outcome of the Second Battle of Hoover Dam, shaping the fate of the Mojave for years to come. The inherent corruption and obsessive bureaucracy of NCR had always frustrated her, as well as their bumbling mismanagement of the vast array of resources at their disposal. It also didn’t take long for her to become irritated with House’s inability to see beyond the walls of New Vegas. Lastly as far as Cayenne was concerned, Benny’s plan for an independent New Vegas was too haphazard—the situation in Freeside being ample proof of that.
Cayenne remembered what it was like growing up in New Mexico before Caesar, remembered the constant struggles she and her father undertook daily to survive. She learned that sacrifice is necessary for the greater good. Having witnessed firsthand the Legion carve civilization from the unfettered chaos Cayenne estimated that, right or wrong, the Legion were the ones with the best chance of surviving and thriving in the wasteland.
As Cayenne fastened the Mark of Caesar around her neck, she recalled one particular survival lesson her late father drilled in her since childhood: when confronted with a hostile environment you don’t become its adversary—you become a part of it.
Strength 5
Perception 5
Endurance 6
Charisma 6
Intelligence 6
Agility 6
Luck 6
Trigger Discipline
Black Widow
Bloody Mess
Jury Rigging
Them’s Good Eatin’