What's the deal with Highwayman and fuel?


Keeper of the trout
Doing a replay, and getting an issue I had many, many times before: My character refuses to refuel the highwayman, getting *into* the car instead of fueling it. Tried getting to another position, in case the exit-grid was blocking access, and now my character gets into the trunk instead - still refusing to refuel.
Use the interaction cursor and scroll down to bag icon, then select the energy cells (or whatever it is)
Did you just ask how to refuel the Highwayman? :jiggy:

Left click and hold on the car. Select the backpack icon. Once you get to your inventory, select either Micro-Fusion or Small Energy cells.

Is that how you did it?
Guys... I know how to refuel the highwayman

The problem I'm having is that when I do try to refuel it - my character won't. My character either starts the car, and goes to the world map - OR runs off to rumage around the trunk. It's an issue that seems to come and go randomly, idunno what prompts it.
I seem to have had that issue before thinking on it. Are you using the Restoration mod?
Yes. It doesn't seem to follow any specific pattern, as I've had it before, and managed to refuel simply by repeatedly attempting (iirc anyway), but this time it seemed to not work at all, even when attempting inside an empty desert tile. In the town (the Den to be specific) my char only went to start the car and go to map instead of refueling, and in the desert tile he only went to the trunk to open inventory - both after specifically opening the menu interaction and selecting fuel. I'm not sure exactly where I went next, probably Klamath, where it worked normally again, and I was able to refuel.
I think that might be a bug with Restoration but it has been forever. Cross check with those search terms to see if anything pops up. Sorry I can't be of more help, but I never recall it in the vanilla game.
I tried Googling a bit, but I guess this is the thread for it now, in case anyone else gets the same issue, and maybe someone figures something out
Yeah I've had that problem. It happens when the fuel cell in your inventory is located on top of the car or trunk when you click it. It can happen any time there is something that can be interacted with under the item you click in the inventory screen. Not sure whether it's a mouse problem (double clicking) or an unsolid inventory window.
Guys... I know how to refuel the highwayman

The problem I'm having is that when I do try to refuel it - my character won't. My character either starts the car, and goes to the world map - OR runs off to rumage around the trunk. It's an issue that seems to come and go randomly, idunno what prompts it.
We were just making sure!
I have had it too, I just reload the game. To me is like the game doesnt see the interaction window and thinks you are clicking on map.
Probabbly the clicking is registered as double clicking. Have you tried reduce the sensitivity of mouse in both game engine OPTIONS and windows option?