Whats the point of the Super Mutant cure?


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In Fallout 4 you have the option to bring Brian Virgil a sorum to cure him of his Super Mutant condition. What the fuck was that for? I know its a different strain of the FEV but still makes no sense and it feels like a huge 'fuck you' from the writer. Throughout the whole series the FEV is treated like this powerful thing, responsible for inumerous atrocities and the near extinction of humanity by the Master's army and then it can simply be cured, as if by magic. It totally disrespects tragic characters like Lily Bowen, Fawkes and the Nightkin because their condition can simply be ''cured''
because hes a nice good guy man, and him being a weird ugly super-mutant is weird and ugly. super-mutants are badguys, not good guys. he has to be cured.
One very easy explanation is Bethesda often being creatively bankrupt. See they wanted super mutants in FO4 but had no way to explain it so they gave the shittiest explanation thrown in somewhere in the Institute just to have them but there in lies a problem. We got super mutants, again. Ok, so what do we do with them? And Bethesda being the way they are created Strong which is basically just the same as any other super mutant except some bullshit milk thrown in because thats the only way a super mutant could possibly be friendly with a normie and the former scientist guy, who we get a cure for.

Ghouls are the same way. Once again they're treated like pariahs of society and we get yet another downtrodden ghoul community who's just trying to live in peace, man.

There is no point to the cure for the mutie. It's just a quest for the player to do.
One very easy explanation is Bethesda often being creatively bankrupt. See they wanted super mutants in FO4 but had no way to explain it so they gave the shittiest explanation thrown in somewhere in the Institute just to have them but therein lies a problem. We got super mutants, again. Ok, so what do we do with them? And Bethesda being the way they are created Strong which is basically just the same as any other super mutant except some bullshit milk thrown in because thats the only way a super mutant could possibly be friendly with a normie and the former scientist guy, who we get a cure for.

Ghouls are the same way. Once again they're treated like pariahs of society and we get yet another downtrodden ghoul community who's just trying to live in peace, man.

There is no point to the cure for the mutie. It's just a quest for the player to do.

I hate to defend Bethesda here but the Insitute having FEV makes sense. Not that they HAD it, just that at some point they had a defector from the Enclave barter their life in exchange for the blueprints of old FEV and possibly Curing FEV. They already are transhumanists so they try and get the kinks worked out Mengele style but they release them topside to keep the Commonwealth weak.

And remember that's all they want post CPG. To keep the Commonwealth weak so no one can challenge their power.

And there are disadvantages to being a supermutant. Rage problem, fingers too big for many applications and physical deformity. Physical deformity is something you're not considering. If your body doesn't match your internal mapping, pain and sorrow are the results. That's why transgender people kill themselves, and why medical people say that transition is a medical necessity.

And if the trans thing puts you off, try listing to the stories of people ho've suffered horrible facial deformiities from war or power lines or hungry dogs. It's not just the judgements of other people that drive them to dispair.
Some defector from the Enclave wouldn't have the old FEV. Most of the scientists, especially those who worked on anything revolving the FEV, the only ones with access to it and the formula to make it were nuked. All that remained of Enclave were those on outposts they had established fairly recently (IIRC) in Fallout 2. So no, that would not have happened. It is not believable. Could someone from the Enclave in Fallout 3 have had access to V87 and deserted once Mobile Base Crawler got blown up? Sure. Problem is... They had FEV before Fallout 3.

"To overcome the limitations of metal synthetic materials, the Institute endeavored to create synthetic flesh, with the first research initiative beginning in in 2178. Under the auspices of Doctor Frederick, FEV samples served as the starting point for the new, organic synthetic program despite the objections of some members of BioScience.[11] Both women and men were abducted from the Commonwealth and submerged in the Institute's modified FEV, their mutations carefully tracked and extensively investigated. Successful mutations would be monitored to ensure survivability, then tagged and discarded.[12] Research ground to a halt in March 2224"

What you just said is made up fanon. In the wiki I saw literally no mention of the Enclave at any point. They also didn't release the muties to make sure that the commonwealth was kept shitty so no one could challenge them. They just released them. That's it. They tested them, tagged them, released them.

And I don't get what the last two paragraphs are even about. I understand fully well why someone with a clear mind would not want to be a super mutant. That doesn't mean that a cure should be available though. We're talking about, not mutating something in a controlled manner, but regressing something. Something that can down to the DNA alter things to remove aspects and mass. It's not you're a human in a super mutant meatsuit and you can just peel the layer off. (I would like a visual representation of this from an artist though)

What do you think realistically the result of that would be? Especially the first one? He wouldn't turn human. He'd turn into something probably worse off than a ghoul. I don't care about why someone wants to revert a mutation, I care about the fact that he managed to do it.

The whole thing is childish and written without thought. There is no deeper meaning to it. It's literally just them throwing their hands up in the air and going "I don't know what to write about, how about some mutant turns human that good? Good? Good, phew that was hard work, I need a nap and some milk."
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I suppose it's for the same reason Virgil is essential. They don't want you to see a bespoke green mutant, have Lieutenant flashbacks, and put a bullet in his brainpan.

What they don't realize is that I play with "no essential flags" mods, so I did what most players probably tried (you fucking mutant racists), and shot him until he fell down because fun shooty green man.

The difference is that due to my mod set he didn't get back up and it broke the main quest.

Virgil is marked as essential? I know you can cause him to commit suicide, but I never tried going up and just blasting him.
Yeah, he's integral to the building of that teleporter thingamafuck. If you shoot him before it's built he just goes to one knee, and his robot turns hostile.

You can only get him to kill himself after the first visit to the Institute, at which point he no longer matters to the story.
I completely forgot about that teleporter nonsense.

It was disappointing that Virgil used that one dose to cure himself and then nothing else happens regardless of if he lives or not. He just wastes away in his cave. Did The Insistutue know about that cure? I don't remember right off. It was super hard to create that one dose of the cure but meanwhile they have teleportation technology.
It almost seems like Bethesda is too lazy to craft a new IP and they just throw away all their sci-fi related ideas in the new Fallout title
EXACTLY. Like, he doesn't even ask for a fuckin hazmat suit! HE JUST SITS THERE. ALONE.

I cured that punk ass bitch so he could starve to death in a month? Oh, good lord above bless me, I'm a goddamned hero.
The Institute having the FEV CAN make sense.
There's the foundation there for it to be interesting, that being that they tried to recreate the formula from vault 87.

There's a lot of potential for storytelling there, especially if they wanted to replace subjects to test on with androids.
Then you could have a small band of super mutants who want to revolt against the Institute, allowing them to be recruited into the final conflict.

It's not perfect, of rather they be left alone, but if we're going to have them, we may as well have them.

The cure itself leaves a glaring pothole, why did Father die of cancer if the FEV virus cured cancer? Like they have the cure with them.

It would make more sense if the railroad were had the cure, they would have a number of scientists to work on it or so.

Honestly, it does betray the films of the series, especially New Vegas.
The cure itself leaves a glaring pothole, why did Father die of cancer if the FEV virus cured cancer? Like they have the cure with them.
That part pissed me the fuck off. So much so that I vented my anger on Shaun and punched him to death.

Pretending that I wouldn't have done that anyways because it's my personal tradition to beat every leader in Fallout 4 (except for Maxson) to death bare-handed.
The cure is one thing, but why the fuck would they make super mutants in the first place? If their ultimate goal is to save mankind.
Something something about wiping out the wastelanders to retake the surface.

But if you dare to even think about how it would work...
It makes the story feel more epic. That's all, it's just a kewl setpiece with no broader implications on anything in the world. Like everything else in this game