Whats up with the fallout 4 hate

Wouldn't make sense to you even if you could. Too alienating of a concept. It's like me and football (soccer), I can't for the life of me understand how anyone would find it remotely interesting to see a bunch of overpaid twats kick around a ball. Oh my, they scored, that's good? Why? It doesn't affect you in the slightest and your life won't really be any different because they scored or not. There's no humour in it. No drama. Maybe excitement? The thrill of seeing one team beat the other? I got news for you then, maybe you ought to try hang-gliding or mountain climbing or bungie(?)-jumping. I mean, if you're looking for thrill and excitement then why not take it all the way and actually do something yourself to get your adrenaline pumping.

Yet, billions of people are into various dumb sports that are just pointless and mean absolutely fuck all. At least in MMA you get to see someone get the shit beaten out of them, see human frailty as well as how barbaric and brutal we can be. At least with trick-shots you can see amazing feats of someone throwing or kicking a ball through a hoop or something that seems impossible.

But a bunch of fit twats running around on a field kicking a ball and going "OUCHIE!" the moment a butterfly lands on them? It's absurd. I can't for the life of me understand why anyone would find that shit interesting.

And yet, probably at least a billion people do. And that's way more than the people that enjoy a Bethesda game. Some people simply enjoy strange stuff that doesn't make any sense to you but clicks really well for them. With Fallout 4 I guess it is about the carefree nature of it. You don't have to worry about a big quest or anything. Simply play and enjoy. Here's a sandbox map full of distractions to keep your brain in a zombiefied state, here's some twitch shooting combat that requires no thought but base instinct. And the stories of Fallout 4? They're designed that way too. There's no conclusive whole but rather a bunch of little distractions to pass the time.

Fallout 4 is for those that just want to kick back after a day of hard work and just enjoy some carefree gameplay. Understanding the mind of a Fallout 4 player is easy. It's people who like sports that are far too alienating to me.
You just described every team sports for me... I never could understand why so many people spend tons of money in tickets and merchandising of "their" teams when they are not part of the team and winning or losing doesn't affect them at all... It is total stupidity, mob mentality and maybe even some weird kind of brainwash in my opinion.
You just described every team sports for me... I never could understand why so many people spend tons of money in tickets and merchandising of "their" teams when they are not part of the team and winning or losing doesn't affect them at all... It is total stupidity, mob mentality and maybe even some weird kind of brainwash in my opinion.

When they grow up they all want to be potatoes. Sweet deep fried potatoes caked with cheese and powdered with bacon.

Yeah, the mob is a silly place and we shall not go there.
What's the deal with airline food?

Airline food is the way it is because our taste buds change when we fly, because the air pressure and humidity change and that affects our senses of smell and taste which gives us the sensation of the food tasting bland.
You just described every team sports for me... I never could understand why so many people spend tons of money in tickets and merchandising of "their" teams when they are not part of the team and winning or losing doesn't affect them at all... It is total stupidity, mob mentality and maybe even some weird kind of brainwash in my opinion.

I don't think it's stupidity. I mean I don't understand it. At all. But it's ultimately just another fandom which stems to passion. And I can understand at least that.
I don't think it's stupidity. I mean I don't understand it. At all. But it's ultimately just another fandom which stems to passion. And I can understand at least that.
More like obsessive passion, which to me is stupidity... People beating each other up just because someone hurled an insult about the other side's "team", riots in the streets and smashing other people's properties just because "their" team lost...
Anyone that resorts to violence when their own or people they love lives are not at stake is stupid in my book.

For example, I am passionate about Fallout games but I would never start throwing punches at someone that tells me that Fallout 4 is the best and that old fallout games are shit :shrug:.

I would point out why I think they are wrong and if that failed probably use some sarcasm as humour to lighten the mood and that would be it.

And yes, there are plenty of sports fans that do not become violent, but those can still become depressed and/or stressed about it or let the game have a too big influence over their lives.

On a different note, even some of those that are not violent will become violent if they are in a big group that starts smashing stuff or beating up people, mob mentality makes people do stuff they would never do by themselves and not being able to control or think by yourself in those situations is being stupid too.

So what I am trying to say is that being passionate about anything is good, but being obsessed or letting stuff you enjoy shape your daily life is not good but stupid. And the average sports fan seem to be included in the stupid category, I said average because there are still plenty that are not like that, the sports fans category is huge and pretty much involves people in every country and region and area in the entire world so of course that even not being in the average category still leaves many people left :mrgreen:.
So what you're saying is, and I'm not sure who I'm quoting here, is that a person is smart people are stupid and irrational? Eh more of a paraphrase my bad.
So what you're saying is, and I'm not sure who I'm quoting here, is that a person is smart people are stupid and irrational? Eh more of a paraphrase my bad.
I guess so.
That and how the average sports fan lets their passion become obsession, I guess.

Sorry for my posts usually getting bigger than they should, I tend to ramble and I can't convey my intentions very well when I try to explain myself because I am not a native english speaker, I am a self taught english person and I have ADD which makes me lose focus of what I am saying and then I have to come back and try to explain it sometimes a few times before I hit "Post Reply". :hide:
I can agree with Risewild here. I currently live in the capital city of my country, and the city had its' own soccer/football team. The team's fans club were....rather primitive in the way to support their team, but unlike the other country's fans club, this fans club were coward in the face of security forces. They would riot and injure and even outright kill other people, they even brought weapons like machete and motorcycles part into the stadium. But the moment they have to face security forces, they would run away. I'm not surprised, though, considering most of the fans club members were below 16 years old.

Compare it to how your average Bethesda fans (or maybe even people like MrMattyPlays) defend Bethesda's games......
I can agree with Risewild here. I currently live in the capital city of my country, and the city had its' own soccer/football team. The team's fans club were....rather primitive in the way to support their team, but unlike the other country's fans club, this fans club were coward in the face of security forces. They would riot and injure and even outright kill other people, they even brought weapons like machete and motorcycles part into the stadium. But the moment they have to face security forces, they would run away. I'm not surprised, though, considering most of the fans club members were below 16 years old.

Compare it to how your average Bethesda fans (or maybe even people like MrMattyPlays) defend Bethesda's games......

We'll not with goddamn machetes...
Playing games is no different than watching a sport. You either enjoy it, or you don't.

Otherwise, we would have to ask ourselves "are our parents so stupid they don't enjoy videogames? Blasphemy!".

I didn't like football (soccer) at first, but after a while it grew on me and I learned I didn't like the game because I sucked at it. But once I started playing on my PS2 I started loving it and eventually followed a team on TV.

That said, I find it easy to see why people find Fallout 4 entertaining. It's a simple game for simple people who enjoy playing games on their smartphones while on a college lecture. It's Skyrim 2 with guns. If you ask them what Fallout is about, they will respond "3 & 4".

They don't give a shit about Fallout, they just want to shoot monsters in a post-apoc setting.
After reading all of this I lost faith in both the video game consumer and the developer.

Its like the entire business is wrapped up into a giant Skinner's Box and we are just objectively watching on the sidelines. Questioning the validity of its existence while simultaneously hoping for a better product to sink our teeth into.

Much like a upscale restaurant we expect quality for the asked for price, but everyone has gotten so used to eating garbage for such a high price they now believe the food is either of high quality, or that its just the price for low quality food now.

The mob is dumb, always was, always will be. However the trick is leaving the mob and thinking for ones self. Otherwise you are doomed by affiliation.

What is free choice compared to life?
Can this just go back to the point of the thread? Fallout 4 is one of the best games ever. Why don't you go on about that?
Back in my day, people were witty when they tried to troll people and they understood that saying something stupid, and having people respond to say that it was stupid is not the same thing as actual trolling. Why don't you go on about that?