Feminazis/femicommies tend to be like that.
I think the solution is rather that the world is more complex than "feminazis" and "non-feminazis", and so when some mild joke goes unnoticed, it is probably MORE to do with
MOST people being FINE with jokes, rather than the feminazi-conspiracy going "even deeper than we thought"
As in - nobody attacked it, because nobody actually cared that much. And that was an example of real reality, not a presented picture of reality.
Someone could TELL you that "feminazis" attacked FO4 for it, cus they'd be likely to do it, right?
But you can see for yourself they didn't. Nobody cared enough!
I think this could help calm a lot of people down, in general, to just realize this: There aren't as many nazis OR feminazis in the world, as the internet would like you to think.
I'm probably all of the typical derogatory things at the same time, I'm a feminist, I'm a socialist, I'm a fucking SJW, because I
like social justice, I don't get what people scoff so hard at justice for as of late, like some social-darwinist revival or something, which is ironic cus the entire internet-generation would
die in a fucking day "out in the wild", but whatever...
I really don't appreciate this automatic connection to "Bethestards" just because of that >:I