Whats your belief? (short 20 Qs. quiz)


It Wandered In From the Wastes
Pretty nifty test, i actually learned a bit about what i belive in

We all belive in something, but whats that something called?

My Results:

1. Liberal Quakers (100%)
2. Unitarian Universalism (97%)
3. Neo-Pagan (89%)
4. Mainline - Liberal Christian Protestants (84%)
5. Reform Judaism (81%)
6. New Age (73%)
7. Secular Humanism (67%)
8. Sikhism (66%)
9. Mahayana Buddhism (64%)
10. Bahá'í Faith (60%)
11. Theravada Buddhism (58%)
12. Orthodox Quaker (58%)
13. Orthodox Judaism (56%)
14. New Thought (54%)
15. Jainism (49%)
16. Taoism (49%)
17. Hinduism (47%)
18. Scientology (42%)
19. Islam (42%)
20. Eastern Orthodox (41%)
21. Non-theist (41%)
22. Roman Catholic (41%)
23. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons)(38%)
24. Seventh Day Adventist (38%)
25. Mainline - Conservative Christian Protestant (36%)
26. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (29%)
27. Jehovah's Witness (25%)
1. Eastern Orthodox (100%)

2. Roman Catholic (100%)

3. Seventh Day Adventist (95%)

4. Mainline - Conservative Christian Protestant (92%)

5. Orthodox Quaker (88%)

6. Mainline - Liberal Christian Protestants (60%)

7. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (58%)

8. Orthodox Judaism (57%)

9. Hinduism (54%)

10. Islam (49%)

11. Sikhism (49%)

12. Jehovah's Witness (43%)

13. Liberal Quakers (42%)

14. Bahá'í Faith (38%)

15. Jainism (33%)

16. Unitarian Universalism (33%)

17. Reform Judaism (32%)

18. Theravada Buddhism (31%)

19. Mahayana Buddhism (31%)

20. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (30%)

21. Scientology (22%)

22. Neo-Pagan (21%)

23. Taoism (20%)

24. New Thought (17%)

25. Non-theist (17%)

26. Secular Humanism (15%)

27. New Age (14%)

No surprises.
My Results:

1. Secular Humanism (100%)
2. Unitarian Universalism (90%)
3. Non-theist (82%)
4. Liberal Quakers (66%)
5. Theravada Buddhism (64%)
6. Neo-Pagan (53%)
7. Mainline - Liberal Christian Protestants (52%)
8. New Age (38%)
9. Taoism (35%)
10. Reform Judaism (34%)
11. New Thought (29%)
12. Mahayana Buddhism (23%)
13. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (20%)
14. Scientology (20%)
15. Orthodox Quaker (15%)
16. Sikhism (15%)
17. Bahá'í Faith (9%)
18. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (6%)
19. Mainline - Conservative Christian Protestant (3%)
20. Eastern Orthodox (0%)
21. Hinduism (0%)
22. Islam (0%)
23. Jainism (0%)
24. Jehovah's Witness (0%)
25. Orthodox Judaism (0%)
26. Roman Catholic (0%)
27. Seventh Day Adventist (0%)
Your Results:

1. Secular Humanism (100%)
Browse Secular Humanism related books. Click here for info

2. Unitarian Universalism (95%)
Browse Unitarian Universalism related books. Click here for info

3. Non-theist (83%)
Browse Non-theist related books. Click here for info

4. Theravada Buddhism (73%)
Browse Theravada Buddhism related books. Click here for info

5. Liberal Quakers (72%)
Browse Liberal Quakers related books. Click here for info

6. Mainline - Liberal Christian Protestants (57%)
Browse Mainline - Liberal Christian Protestants related books. Click here for info

7. Neo-Pagan (57%)
Browse Neo-Pagan related books. Click here for info

8. New Age (43%)
Browse New Age related books. Click here for info

9. Taoism (43%)
Browse Taoism related books. Click here for info

10. Reform Judaism (41%)
Browse Reform Judaism related books. Click here for info

11. Mahayana Buddhism (31%)
Browse Mahayana Buddhism related books. Click here for info

12. New Thought (28%)
Browse New Thought related books. Click here for info

13. Orthodox Quaker (24%)
Browse Orthodox Quaker related books. Click here for info

14. Sikhism (24%)
Browse Sikhism related books. Click here for info

15. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (20%)
Browse Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) related books. Click here for info

16. Scientology (20%)
Browse Scientology related books. Click here for info

17. Bahá'í Faith (16%)
Browse Bahá'í Faith related books. Click here for info

18. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (16%)
Browse Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) related books. Click here for info

19. Mainline - Conservative Christian Protestant (13%)
Browse Mainline - Conservative Christian Protestant related books. Click here for info

20. Eastern Orthodox (8%)
Browse Eastern Orthodox related books. Click here for info

21. Hinduism (8%)
Browse Hinduism related books. Click here for info

22. Islam (8%)
Browse Islam related books. Click here for info

23. Jainism (8%)
Browse Jainism related books. Click here for info

24. Orthodox Judaism (8%)
Browse Orthodox Judaism related books. Click here for info

25. Roman Catholic (8%)
Browse Roman Catholic related books. Click here for info

26. Seventh Day Adventist (8%)
Browse Seventh Day Adventist related books. Click here for info

27. Jehovah's Witness (0%)
Browse Jehovah's Witness related books. Click here for info
This is odd...
I mean, I got a "not sure" or a "not applicable" answer on everything except for the abortion etc. thingies that are not inherent to religion, and I am STILL a Liberal Quaker for 72%.
How unsure ARE those guys?
Your Results:

1. Secular Humanism (100%)

2. Unitarian Universalism (94%)

3. Non-theist (78%)

4. Theravada Buddhism (77%)

5. Liberal Quakers (75%)

6. Neo-Pagan (67%)

7. Mainline - Liberal Christian Protestants (57%)

8. New Age (49%)

9. Mahayana Buddhism (45%)

10. Taoism (40%)

11. Reform Judaism (36%)

12. Orthodox Quaker (30%)

13. Jainism (28%)

14. New Thought (25%)

15. Bahá'í Faith (24%)

16. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (24%)

17. Orthodox Judaism (22%)

18. Seventh Day Adventist (19%)

19. Hinduism (18%)

20. Jehovah's Witness (18%)

21. Mainline - Conservative Christian Protestant (18%)

22. Sikhism (18%)

23. Scientology (17%)

24. Eastern Orthodox (15%)

25. Islam (15%)

26. Roman Catholic (15%)

27. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (15%)
Hmm, might have been better if they separated the not sure and don't care people into their own choices.
1. Secular Humanism (100%)
2. Unitarian Universalism (89%)
3. Non-theist (87%)
4. Theravada Buddhism (80%)
5. Liberal Quakers (66%)
6. Neo-Pagan (62%)
7. Mainline - Liberal Christian Protestants (51%)
8. Taoism (42%)
9. Reform Judaism (41%)
10. New Age (40%)
11. Mahayana Buddhism (28%)
12. New Thought (25%)
13. Bahá'í Faith (20%)
14. Sikhism (20%)
15. Orthodox Quaker (17%)
16. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (15%)
17. Scientology (15%)
18. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (13%)
19. Eastern Orthodox (13%)
20. Islam (13%)
21. Mainline - Conservative Christian Protestant (13%)
22. Orthodox Judaism (13%)
23. Roman Catholic (13%)
24. Hinduism (10%)
25. Jainism (10%)
26. Seventh Day Adventist (10%)
27. Jehovah's Witness (0%)
Your Results:

1. Secular Humanism (100%)
Browse Secular Humanism related books. Click here for info

2. Unitarian Universalism (92%)
Browse Unitarian Universalism related books. Click here for info

3. Non-theist (88%)
Browse Non-theist related books. Click here for info

4. Theravada Buddhism (79%)
Browse Theravada Buddhism related books. Click here for info

5. Liberal Quakers (71%)
Browse Liberal Quakers related books. Click here for info

6. Neo-Pagan (67%)
Browse Neo-Pagan related books. Click here for info

7. Mainline - Liberal Christian Protestants (66%)
Browse Mainline - Liberal Christian Protestants related books. Click here for info

8. Reform Judaism (58%)
Browse Reform Judaism related books. Click here for info

9. New Thought (55%)
Browse New Thought related books. Click here for info

10. Taoism (49%)
Browse Taoism related books. Click here for info

11. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (47%)
Browse Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) related books. Click here for info

12. Scientology (47%)
Browse Scientology related books. Click here for info

13. New Age (45%)
Browse New Age related books. Click here for info

14. Sikhism (44%)
Browse Sikhism related books. Click here for info

15. Mahayana Buddhism (43%)
Browse Mahayana Buddhism related books. Click here for info

16. Mainline - Conservative Christian Protestant (33%)
Browse Mainline - Conservative Christian Protestant related books. Click here for info

17. Bahá'í Faith (29%)
Browse Bahá'í Faith related books. Click here for info

18. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (29%)
Browse Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) related books. Click here for info

19. Eastern Orthodox (29%)
Browse Eastern Orthodox related books. Click here for info

20. Hinduism (29%)
Browse Hinduism related books. Click here for info

21. Islam (29%)
Browse Islam related books. Click here for info

22. Orthodox Judaism (29%)
Browse Orthodox Judaism related books. Click here for info

23. Roman Catholic (29%)
Browse Roman Catholic related books. Click here for info

24. Jainism (22%)
Browse Jainism related books. Click here for info

25. Orthodox Quaker (22%)
Browse Orthodox Quaker related books. Click here for info

26. Jehovah's Witness (14%)
Browse Jehovah's Witness related books. Click here for info

27. Seventh Day Adventist (14%)
Browse Seventh Day Adventist related books. Click here for info
Your Results:

1. Secular Humanism (100%)

2. Unitarian Universalism (92%)

3. Non-theist (78%)

4. Liberal Quakers (72%)

5. Theravada Buddhism (71%)

6. Mainline - Liberal Christian Protestants (60%)

7. Neo-Pagan (57%)

8. New Age (50%)

9. Reform Judaism (46%)

10. New Thought (42%)

11. Taoism (41%)

12. Mahayana Buddhism (38%)

13. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (35%)

14. Scientology (35%)

15. Orthodox Quaker (32%)

16. Bahá'í Faith (25%)

17. Sikhism (23%)

18. Islam (18%)

19. Jainism (18%)

20. Mainline - Conservative Christian Protestant (18%)

21. Orthodox Judaism (18%)

22. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (14%)

23. Eastern Orthodox (7%)

24. Hinduism (7%)

25. Jehovah's Witness (7%)

26. Roman Catholic (7%)

27. Seventh Day Adventist (6%)

I guess we should create an Fallout Secular Humanist sect, and flame over those quakers.. :P
85% Liberal quaker...

WTF :?

1. Neo-Pagan (100%)
2. New Age (87%)
3. Liberal Quakers (85%)
4. Unitarian Universalism (84%)
5. Secular Humanism (80%)
6. Mahayana Buddhism (75%)
7. Taoism (71%)
8. Mainline - Liberal Christian Protestants (64%)
9. Theravada Buddhism (61%)
10. Sikhism (52%)
11. Reform Judaism (51%)
12. New Thought (50%)
13. Non-theist (49%)
14. Orthodox Quaker (49%)
15. Scientology (45%)
16. Jainism (44%)
17. Bahá'í Faith (42%)
18. Hinduism (42%)
19. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (37%)
20. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (22%)
21. Orthodox Judaism (20%)
22. Seventh Day Adventist (19%)
23. Mainline - Conservative Christian Protestant (17%)
24. Eastern Orthodox (13%)
25. Islam (13%)
26. Roman Catholic (13%)
27. Jehovah's Witness (9%)
No biggie Dove - at least you didn't come up at 95% SCIENTOLOGIST.

I promptly disregarded this test when that result came up fo rme.
A pretty crappy survey. There were a more than a few there that I couldn't find a right answer.

Oh well, I guess I will stick with leftie Catholicism- (because of the Exorcist).

Your Results:

1. Mainline - Liberal Christian Protestants (100%)
2. Unitarian Universalism (77%)
3. Liberal Quakers (75%)
4. Orthodox Quaker (74%)
5. Mainline - Conservative Christian Protestant (71%)
6. Eastern Orthodox (68%)
7. Roman Catholic (68%)
8. Reform Judaism (59%)
9. Seventh Day Adventist (53%)
10. Bahá'í Faith (50%)
11. Secular Humanism (48%)
12. New Age (47%)
13. Neo-Pagan (45%)
14. Orthodox Judaism (42%)
15. Sikhism (40%)
16. New Thought (39%)
17. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (39%)
18. Islam (38%)
19. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (37%)
20. Mahayana Buddhism (36%)
21. Taoism (35%)
22. Theravada Buddhism (35%)
23. Non-theist (33%)
24. Scientology (32%)
25. Hinduism (29%)
26. Jainism (27%)
27. Jehovah's Witness (20%)
My Results:

1. Liberal Quakers (0%)
2. Unitarian Universalism (0%)
3. Neo-Pagan (0%)
4. Mainline - Liberal Christian Protestants (0%)
5. Reform Judaism (0%)
6. New Age (0%)
7. Secular Humanism (0%)
8. Sikhism (0%)
9. Mahayana Buddhism (0%)
10. Bahá'í Faith (0%)
11. Theravada Buddhism (0%)
12. Orthodox Quaker (0%)
13. Orthodox Judaism (0%)
14. New Thought (0%)
15. Jainism (0%)
16. Taoism (0%)
17. Hinduism (0%)
18. Scientology (0%)
19. Islam (0%)
20. Eastern Orthodox (0%)
21. Non-theist (0%)
22. Roman Catholic (0%)
23. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (0%)
24. Seventh Day Adventist (0%)
25. Mainline - Conservative Christian Protestant (0%)
26. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (0%)
27. Jehovah's Witness (0%)
28. Yourself (100%)

That wasn't so hard, was it? Quite predictable, I'd say...:twisted:
# Secular Humanism (100%)
# 2. Unitarian Universalism (87%)
# 3. Non-theist (74%)
# 4. Liberal Quakers (71%)
# 5. Theravada Buddhism (65%)
# 6. Mainline - Liberal Christian Protestants (56%)
# 7. Neo-Pagan (54%)
# 8. New Age (45%)
# 9. Taoism (37%)
# 10. Reform Judaism (36%)
# 11. Mahayana Buddhism (30%)
# 12. Orthodox Quaker (30%)
# 13. New Thought (27%)
# 14. Bahá'í Faith (21%)
# 15. Sikhism (21%)
# 16. Scientology (20%)
# 17. Jainism (19%)
# 18. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (19%)
# 19. Seventh Day Adventist (15%)
# 20. Hinduism (15%)
# 21. Jehovah's Witness (15%)
# 22. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (12%)
# 23. Eastern Orthodox (9%)
# 24. Islam (9%)
# 25. Orthodox Judaism (9%)
# 26. Roman Catholic (9%)
27. Mainline - Conservative Christian Protestant (8%)

Yeah, the part "what the religion should look like" should be expanded - the correct answer if you believe there should be no religion is "not applicable" for every question.
Anyway, I ignored that and marked as usual.

Bu the way, guess what religion all my family (and 95% of people around me) is?

EDIT: this looked like crap
# 1. Secular Humanism (100%)
# 2. Unitarian Universalism (94%)
# 3. Liberal Quakers (80%)
# 4. Neo-Pagan (72%)
# 5. Mainline - Liberal Christian Protestants (71%)
# 6. Theravada Buddhism (68%)
# 7. New Age (64%)
# 8. Non-theist (61%)
# 9. Reform Judaism (61%)
# 10. New Thought (56%)
# 11. Mahayana Buddhism (46%)
# 12. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (45%)
# 13. Scientology (45%
# 14. Taoism (42%)
# 15. Orthodox Quaker (40%)
# 16. Sikhism (40%)
# 17. Bahá'í Faith (30%)
# 18. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (25%)
# 19. Mainline - Conservative Christian Protestant (17%)
# 20. Eastern Orthodox (15%)
# 21. Hinduism (15%)
# 22. Islam (15%
# 23. Jainism (15%)
# 24. Jehovah's Witness (15%)
# 25. Orthodox Judaism (15%
# 26. Roman Catholic (15%)
# 27. Seventh Day Adventist (7%)

Typical religious test. If you're religious they'll tell you to the letter where you fit in, if you're not, you just fall into the category "non-religious". As if that is one big category

It's still very surprising to see that most of you guys have a 100% score for Humanism, because I really couldn't tell. Honestly. :twisted:
Your Results:

1. Reform Judaism (100%)

2. Orthodox Judaism (82%)

3. Unitarian Universalism (81%)

4. Sikhism (81%)

5. Liberal Quakers (80%)

6. Bahá'í Faith (76%)

7. Islam (74%)

8. Mahayana Buddhism (72%)

9. Neo-Pagan (70%)

10. Jainism (68%)

11. Mainline - Liberal Christian Protestants (66%)

12. New Thought (66%)

13. Theravada Buddhism (63%)

14. New Age (61%)

15. Hinduism (61%)

16. Scientology (50%)

17. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (43%)

18. Jehovah's Witness (43%)

19. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (40%)

20. Orthodox Quaker (38%)

21. Secular Humanism (38%)

22. Mainline - Conservative Christian Protestant (33%)

23. Taoism (31%)

24. Non-theist (27%)

25. Eastern Orthodox (26%)

26. Roman Catholic (26%)

27. Seventh Day Adventist (25%)

...well this was unexpected. heh.

EDIT: How the hell did I get Orthodox Judaism as SECOND? I can relate to Reform Judaism - but I just read the information, and Orthodox Judaism is way off. mmf.
Your Results:

# 1. Mainline - Conservative Christian Protestant (100%)
# 2. Orthodox Quaker (96%)
# 3. Mainline - Liberal Christian Protestants (87%)
# 4. Seventh Day Adventist (84%)
# 5. Eastern Orthodox (75%)
# 6. Roman Catholic (75%)
# 7. Bahá'í Faith (65%)
# 8. Islam (63%)
# 9. Orthodox Judaism (63%) books. Click here for info
# 10. Liberal Quakers (60%)
# 11. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) 59%)
# 12. Jehovah's Witness (52%)
# 13. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (48%)
# 14. Unitarian Universalism (45%)
# 15. Sikhism (41%)
# 16. Reform Judaism (38%)
# 17. Jainism (32%)
# 18. Mahayana Buddhism (27%)
# 19. Theravada Buddhism (27%)
# 20. Hinduism (22%)
# 21. Non-theist (20%)
# 22. Scientology (20%)
# 23. Neo-Pagan (19%)
# 24. New Age (19%)
# 25. New Thought (19%)
# 26. Secular Humanism (17%)
# 27. Taoism (15%)
No kidding Kharn. I bet the Unitarian Universalists get near the top even for the Jehovah's Witnesses.

Oh, and I'm supposed to be a Unitarian Universalist, no surprises there. Thought I would be a humanist, though. hm.

EDIT: I wonder if Tone (he's Mormon, right?) will come up as Mormon?
# 1. Mainline - Liberal Christian Protestants (100%)
# 2. Unitarian Universalism (88%) Browse
# 3. Liberal Quakers (88%)
#4. Orthodox Quaker (67%)


1. Theravada Buddhism (100%) - Yeah, too bad I don't believe in one true "enlightened one."

Your Results:

1. Theravada Buddhism (100%)
2. Unitarian Universalism (88%)
3. Neo-Pagan (83%)
4. Secular Humanism (81%)
5. Liberal Quakers (75%)
6. New Age (74%)
7. Mahayana Buddhism (73%)
8. Taoism (57%)
9. Jainism (56%)
10. Mainline - Liberal Christian Protestants (56%)
11. Non-theist (51%)
12. Reform Judaism (47%)
13. Hinduism (46%)
14. New Thought (46%)
15. Sikhism (44%)
16. Orthodox Quaker (42%)
17. Bahá'í Faith (32%)
18. Scientology (32%)
19. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (25%)
20. Orthodox Judaism (23%)
21. Seventh Day Adventist (18%)
22. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (15%)
23. Mainline - Conservative Christian Protestant (12%)
24. Eastern Orthodox (10%)
25. Islam (10%)
26. Jehovah's Witness (10%)
27. Roman Catholic (10%)