What's Your Favorite Drink?

DJ Slamák said:
Also, Ashmo, wtf is that in your avatar? A chibi Hitler?

Score. You is a winner.

It is a very scared/crying chibi Hitler too.

I only have Colt to blame. He sent me the original picture hosted at DeviantArt.
La Trappe Quadrupel. Brilliant trappist. And strong. Slight fruity taste.

Also, Orval tastes like Jupiler. Ie. quite decent, but nothing special.
Sander said:
Also, Orval tastes like Jupiler. Ie. quite decent, but nothing special.

What? That's nonsense. If you really say that, then you either

a) you never drank Orval and are just talking out of your ass
b) don't know the first bloody thing about beer
c) have a serious taste problem

I mean really, they don't taste alike one bit - and Orval has a pretty unique flavour. Go do your homework better, boy.
Jebus said:
What? That's nonsense. If you really say that, then you either

a) you never drank Orval and are just talking out of your ass
b) don't know the first bloody thing about beer
c) have a serious taste problem

I mean really, they don't taste alike one bit - and Orval has a pretty unique flavour. Go do your homework better, boy.
Drank it once. On tap.
Although I usually drink Jupiler from a bottle, that might be the difference.
Anyway, the Orval I drank was...like Jupiler, although it did have a very different by-taste. The aftertaste was the same, though.
Almost everything comes on tap.
Then again, it might have been another beer. Methinks it was a Belgisch-Limburgs beer. Any clue as to which one that could be, then?
Sander said:
Almost everything comes on tap.

Not Belgian trappists. At least, I never encountered a trappist on tap.

It'd be sacreligious, too.



Then again, it might have been another beer. Methinks it was a Belgisch-Limburgs beer. Any clue as to which one that could be, then?

I guess it'd could've been Palm. That also basically a normal pils, but I guess it could be mistaken for a higher quality beer by the less knowledgeable.


No, I know Palm. I also know you can't get money for those beer bottles in the Netherlands. Stupid Palm had to make different bottles for the Netherlands and Belgium.

But indeed, I see now that Orval is a trappist, which shouldn't be drunk from tap, indeed.
That beer was...just a beer. And I can't seem to find it anywhere. On tap, tasted like Jupiler but with a slightly different by-taste. Drank it in Limburg. Was advertised as a Limburgs beer, even.

PS: How come, though, that although Belgium is the king of Trappist (and abbey) breweries, the best one I've tasted yet is Dutch (and the only Dutch trappist at that)?
Sander said:
PS: How come, though, that although Belgium is the king of Trappist (and abbey) breweries, the best one I've tasted yet is Dutch (and the only Dutch trappist at that)?

Because Belgian abbeys brew relatively small amounts, and the high-tier trappists are therefore rather hard to come by. The famous 'Westvleteren 12', for instance: widely recognised as the best beer worldwide, is incredibly hard to get your hands on. I only had the opportunity to drink one once in my life, and I had to pay 35€ for it.

But damnit, it was worth it.

For the rest, Westmalle and Chimay are indeed rather mediocre trappists. Rochefort, Achel and Orval are already way better tho', and Westvleteren of course takes the crown.

Yet, all Belgian trappists except for Westmalle are still better than La Trappe, in my humble opinion...
La Trappe's Dubbel is rather poor, yes, but especially the Triple and Quadrupel are better than, say, Rochefort or Maredsous.
And yes, I know about Westvleteren, but I've never tasted it. Hell, they're out of stock for the rest of the year because of the demand.

EDIT: And Witte Trappist is the best White I've ever tasted. ;)
Sander said:

Maredsous isn't a trappist.

But hey, tastes and colours...

And yes, I know about Westvleteren, but I've never tasted it. Hell, they're out of stock for the rest of the year because of the demand.

Yeah. Me and my brother already stood in line there twice, but we never got there before they were all sold out. I guess we're going to have to start lining up hours beforehand, next time...
Jebus said:
Maredsous isn't a trappist.

But hey, tastes and colours...
I said abbey beers and Trappists, Jebus. An abbey beer is just a Trappist, only not brewed in a Trappist-monastery.
Sander said:
Jebus said:
Maredsous isn't a trappist.

But hey, tastes and colours...
I said abbey beers and Trappists, Jebus. An abbey beer is just a Trappist, only not brewed in a Trappist-monastery.

Meh, Trappists are usually better than normal abbey beers, tho'.

And, I haven't come around to tasting all Belgian abbey beers yet (there's quite a lot of them), so I can't really make a judgement on those.
50% Sunny Delight : Smooth Californian Style
50% Bacardi Gold

Smells a bit like pure vanilla (the shit in the bottle used in baking), but it tastes like sunny d, no alchohal taste whatsoever.
Phil the Nuka-Cola Dude said:
50% Sunny Delight : Smooth Californian Style
50% Bacardi Gold

Smells a bit like pure vanilla (the shit in the bottle used in baking), but it tastes like sunny d, no alchohal taste whatsoever.
I knew a guy in high school who used to use Sunny D as a mixer. I don't believe he ever escaped from the ridicule involved.

Hells, why would you even choose to drink Sunny D?

Drunken Post
Belgium makes fantastic beer. Leffe Blonde is my favorite brew ever, followed closely by Bellevue Kreuk (because it's cherry-flavored). For less pretentious drinking, I usually go with Heineken or Corona.

As for mixed drinks, I likes me some Kahlua with coffee.