What's Your Favorite Drink?

As far as beers I like (used to like). It has to be Mackeson triple stout, it's a stout dark beer, but it has a sweet taste to it as well. Tinkov was pretty good too.
Crap... I forgot to mention the best thing i've ever had in my life: Cristal. Maybe its just cause of all the hype surrounding it, but, god damn, that's one good champagne.
And a brand new addition....Self Described "New Orlean's Most Powerful Drink"....the Hand Grenade. I'm not entirely sure what's in it, but there's definitely a lot of alcohol, and fruit juice. And it comes in this nifty plastic container shaped like a hand grenade, with a big neck attached to it.
King of Creation said:
Crap... I forgot to mention the best thing i've ever had in my life: Cristal. Maybe its just cause of all the hype surrounding it, but, god damn, that's one good champagne.

Cristal isn't bad, but you haven't had champagne until you've had Krug. About the same price, higher quality, plus without the stigma of knowing that ignorant gangsta rappers drink it. Of course, to paraphrase Churchill, the best Krug should be cold, dry (well, that's a given) and free.
IMHO Domaine Ste-Michelle brut, a sparkling wine from Washington state is a lot better than crystal. Sure the Roederer house makes nice products, but their crystal is somewhat overrated.

I like Lanson black label, it's very chardonnay. But when i go big on Champagne i go for La Grande Dame 1990.

For drinks i like cognacs and scotches (pure or single malt) 18yo and up, i have been spoiled by excellent scotches and cognacs, and now i can't go back to "regular" stuff.
Now seriously, I enjoy a good whine
hehehehehe, I bet you do, c0ldst33ltrs4u!

Before today, my favorite would be sprite, but after you have eaten four big red chilis, swearing enough to make a cop blush, when you finally buy a big m(milk shake), you all but marry it! :bow:
Oh, and I can not drink any alcohol yet, only 15. :(
Gruug said:
hehehehehe, I bet you do, c0ldst33ltrs4u!

Before today, my favorite would be sprite, but after you have eaten four big red chilis, swearing enough to make a cop blush, when you finally buy a big m(milk shake), you all but marry it! :bow:
Oh, and I can not drink any alcohol yet, only 15. :(

That never stopped me.
Daemon Spawn said:
Antarctica Guaraná
Yes, I like it on occassion too, but it's hard to get in the US. But if you drink too much of it, the taste gets to you.

Milkshake, chocolate- love it.
lesson i learnt the wrong way. never have more than 15 shots of straight baileys : |
hmm.. Abscent.. (dont know how the name is spelled, sounds like that).. all i know is its has like 60% alcohol in it and heroin too :D
I think you're speaking of Absinthe,
and No, it does not have "Heroin" or any other drug for that matter in it.

Absinthe is a very strong herbal liquer. It contains thujone, which is supposed to be a psychoactive substance, but it has never been proven to be, despite lots of scientific test.. Thujone comes from the Wormwood oil which is also in Absinthe.
Irish whiskey, Bushmills for preference.

On the age issue, most kids start drinking here at 12/13 (usually cheap white cider or vodka).

King of Creation said:
Specialist said:
lesson i learnt the wrong way. never have more than 15 shots of straight baileys : |
That's really not a lot (coming from a college (binge) drinker). Baileys is only 17% alcohol.
I think the cream would be the problem, not the alcohol.