What's Your Favorite Drink?

Snuff in the U.S.A. is pretty much the same, as you described it. Don't have it in tea bags, though, it's always sold in round "cans". Either plastic, or wax coated cardboard like material.

And I forgot about white russians, I used to love those. And Captain Morgan and Coke.
Ugly John said:
Rum and Coke, my favorite technique involves a can of coke and a 26oz bottle of rum, you take a sip of Coke, fill it back with rum, and keep going till you have no rum left.

I've always had Pepsi with rum - never tried rum and Coke. Also I've never had it that way.

And jelly shooters are good - they just don't get you drunk very fast.
Jello shooters are for wimps.

2 shots rum per 1 12oz can of pepsi.

best way to drink.
toresica said:
And jelly shooters are good - they just don't get you drunk very fast.

You can't put enough alcohol in them and still have them congeal. Wop is better as a party drink.

I've also seen too many cases of jello shots being used as projectiles during drunken food fights. :lol: fun, but messy.
There was this liquor called "Alpine Vodka" I found on a trip to Slovakia, Tyler... 80% strong... Your people are geniuses :)
Absinth really depends which one you drink, Pernod's is still IMHO the best one out there.
toresica said:
The idea is to have them before you start to drink.

I don't understand, are they supposed to taste good or something? I prefer my jello by the spoonful, not shot, regardless of whether they have alcohol or not.
Jello shots basically have the same amount of alcohol as a regular shot (i think), but you don't taste the alcohol at all. You just suck down the jello shots one after another, and wait a bit for the effects to set it, whilst chugging beers and jungle juice.
King of Creation said:
Jello shots basically have the same amount of alcohol as a regular shot (i think), but you don't taste the alcohol at all. You just suck down the jello shots one after another, and wait a bit for the effects to set it, whilst chugging beers and jungle juice.

Bah. Getting drunk isn't supposed to involve *cooking*.

Murdoch treatise on how to get drunk:
1. Buy bottle of 100 proof Smirnoff.
2. Download this picturehttp://home.freeuk.com/markaldridge/ugly/femail/gerner.jpg
3. Take shot of number 1.
4. Examine image in number 2. If it isn't attractive yet, repeat step 3 in five minutes
5. Once it is attractive, you are drunk. Enjoy!
King of Creation said:
You like the ales, huh?
I'm a big fan of Miller High Life, although the 30's are pretty expensive. I'll usually drink Miller Lite or MGD


Those beers are for keg parties and super bowls. What kind of beer do you actually like though? You have had ales, porters and the like, right?
Not really. I don't beer that often. I'll mostly drink hard stuff. But, now I wanna dry some ales. I think I'll go buy some this weekend. Any really good suggestions for what kind to get?
King of Creation said:
Not really. I don't beer that often. I'll mostly drink hard stuff. But, now I wanna dry some ales. I think I'll go buy some this weekend. Any really good suggestions for what kind to get?

Anything in this thread is great. Beers are like women, everyone's taste in them is different.

Want fruity? Spaten.
Robust? Guiness
Bitter? Amber Bock (IMO)
A little of everything? Newcastle

Or try the ciders, like Woodchuck. Regional beers are often hits too. Ask the liquor guy for a local ale, he'll show you 50.

These guys: http://www.boozebros.ca/forum5.html seem to have their shit together. Good luck!
me and my drink of choice....

Murdoch said:
Anything in this thread is great. Beers are like women, everyone's taste in them is different.

Want fruity? Spaten.
Robust? Guiness
Bitter? Amber Bock (IMO)
A little of everything? Newcastle

Or try the ciders, like Woodchuck. Regional beers are often hits too. Ask the liquor guy for a local ale, he'll show you 50.

These guys: http://www.boozebros.ca/forum5.html seem to have their shit together. Good luck!

Bitter is an actual kind of beer though, about as English as it gets. My favorite is Fuller's London Pride. Favorite lager would probably be a tie between Jever and Pilsner Urquell. Boddington's is my ale of choice and Guinness is the stout although Young's Double Chocolate Stout is good if you want something a bit different. Hmm, I guess I just like quality beer, plain and simple.
To be perfectly honest with you guys: my favourite drink is this soya drink with the taste of bananas (made by Alpro). It's like milk but man, is this stuff good. I can drink a litre of it in a day (I probably could drink even more, but it ain't cheap). They have different tastes in it, but I think banana flavour is the best. (Now, don't you guys go Freud on me!)