What's your GOTY?


So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs
So, with 2010 nearing an end, what was the best game you played this year?

For me, it's a tie between 3d Dot Game Heroes and Red Dead Redemption.
Probably Civ 5. Other than that, I've played nothing this year that I liked that was from this year. I haven't gotten to Divinity 2 DKS though, let's see if the expansion is as good as the main campaign.
Man, I think the only 2010 games I've played are Metro 2033 and FO:NV.
So I guess because of lack of competitors, FO:NV wins. Although Metro was pretty nice, but too short.
Damn, got a new PC a few months ago and all I do is giggle about how fast Dosbox works now (hint: it's awesome).
I hear quite a lot about Red Dead Redemption but I never bothered about it much. Is it really that good?
Red Dead Redemption for me, it is so fun, even after you have finished the story there is a ton more things to do like wanted posters, and challenges. Not to mention the online, which never ever leaves you wanting for more.

By the way the Undead Nightmare DLC is amazing, especially side missions like saving the towns and people, I find them both extremely fun to play, i'm not surprised in the least that RDR got the 2010 game of the year award.
I Haven't played many games this year and most of them didn't impress me. So for me it's either Bayonetta (ehi, the EU version was released in January :P) or FO:NV, but I can't decide.

*flips a coin*

My top 5

1.Call of Pripyat*
3.ARMA 2: Operation Arrowhead
4.Amnesia: The dark descent
5.Metro 2033

Ausdoerrt said:
Wasn't STALKER:COP a 2009 release though?

Release date(s)

* CIS October 2, 2009

* NA February 2, 2010
* EU February 5, 2010
* AUS February 23, 2010
Dammit rcorporon, I wanted wanted to make a 2010 Top 5 this month.

* grumble * Anyway here is my top 5 of this year so far.

1. Fallout New Vegas

I am not writing this because I am a Fallout fan, this game was honestly more enjoyable and replayable than most games this year.

2. Mass Effect 2 plus DLCs

It was a bit of a competition between ME2 and Starcraft 2 but I decided ME2 was slightly more entertaining.

3. Starcraft 2 (accidentally read SC3)

Another one of the better games this year, I really like the ideas behind some of the missions but the campaign did not have the ' umph' Starcraft Broodwar had.

4. Deathspank/Deathspank: Thongs of Virtue

I consider them both to be one game.
This was a pretty entertaining slash and loot game and I like the anachronistic jokes, some of the jokes could be a little sharper though.

5. Borderlands - The Secret Armory of General Knoxx

Now borderlands is not the most complex game around, but I find Knoxx an example of a DLC done right.
In general DLCs fail compared to some expansion packs in the past but occasionally developers make one worth your time.
New lands, new quests, etc.
going strictly on most hours played

ARMA II Op Arrowhead

FNV rocked, but i still havent beaten it.
thegaresexperience said:
In the Ukraine it was, but in American it as released in 2010. So could you count that as a 2010 game?

Considering no one in the western world cares about the Ukraine and they are the punch line in our sitcom jokes, I would say it is safe to say we count it as a 2010 release.

Personally, i think this year was kinda shit as far as good game releases go.

Few titles i've played and liked were New Vegas (a-duh), Alan Wake, Starcraft 2 and Red Dead Redemption. Gran Tourismo 5, Mass Effect 2 and Alpha Protocol were ok, too.

GOTY = Pokemon HeartGold. :3