What's your Occupation?

mirdza said:
currently working as a 3D modeler in Cadenas GmbH...

Interesting, I might end up with such a job eventually, unless I manage to do what I really want to do.
I am a foreman at Paccar (Quebec plant) I have been there for 2 years now; I had a job interview yesterday for the same job title but for the Montréal subway (STM).
I make Potable water from raw and make sure it gets to the customer (repair main breaks), listen to their bitching 'bout the cost (50cent per thousand litre for christ's sake :x ) and clean up their shit when they flush a towel 'n block the sewer main :evil: , those i would like to shave, sterilise and sell off for medical experiments :twisted:

I work at a comp service point, building em' and providing maintenance. Also did/am doing some random eng <-> pl translations, but seeing as i never had proper English education, it's all simply amateur stuff.
Kind of a bit of everything for a small (there's only 6 of us) lighting wholsaler/manufacturer (my official job title is "Operations Executive", which, as far as I can tell, does not really mean anything). I do most of the purchasing, a little sales/customer services, enter all the sales orders onto the computer, despatch all the goods, most of the Goods In, occaisionally help out with the manufacturing and in the next few months I'm supposed to be coordinating us getting ISO9000 certification.

Oh, I'm also supposed to be running the website, once we get one, because I'm "good with computers". The fact that I'm only basically competant, ie. comparitively good with computers when compared to my colleagues, is lost on the MD.

My day is usually fairly busy.
I'm a utility guy (take out trash and help maintenance) at a factory that makes clutch plates for several automotive companies. It's lowly work and it'll never make me rich, but I like it.
Im a dental surgeon

I rip peoples face apart, put it back together and then charge them for it. Pretty simple really!
now that sounds like fun! :D

ashley52, is it worth doing or do you get some really fucked up mouths that just make you want to be sick?

I work in the film industry....
translation: I manage at a video store.

I also have my own screenprinting business that I work at and getting a weekend job to save funds for the move to Adytum...I mean Los Angeles.
I'm back to doing what I was in high school, Industrial Machining. I just got my medical discharge kicked back by the MEPS, I tried to re-enlist since I can still fight, but they just said no and made it permanent, so I am now applying for Law Enforcement.
Worth it.??.. its great money and for short hours.
I got too much free time though! 3 and a half days a week and Im set.

I rarely get sick, because after a while you start to see things differently. And you focus on the problem structurally and aesthetically... like a builder etc. But there have been a few where I have thought what the flying fuck is this .... most notably this really really really hot chick! ... never forget that.
I am unemployed and am not in school, living with my parents spending the money I saved when I worked in a factory a year ago...

Before that I did DTP in Eindhoven... It's horrible.
retired AT - aviation electronics technitian,navy trained,worked on f14b jets(those that dont know thats the jet tom cruise flew in top gun,maybe not bravo tho),loved the job,hated alot of the crap in the military that comes with it.