What's your Occupation?

Great joke KQX...I forgot about Josh's name and its an excellent reference.

Yeah I wondered where Josh was...funny since I also wondered what he did to earn money/educate himself and it appears I got both questions answered.

The Vault Dweller
I'm a Supply Specialist for the Canadian Government...

presently i'm spending Soyz's (and all other Canadian NMAers) Tax money on armoured trucks to send to Afganisthan.
I'm a Magister Artium student (think of it as Bachelor and Master combined but with more freedom and less regulations) of Information Processing / Computer Linguistics, English Philology and Computer Science.

I also know stuff about making websites and make money with that.


BTW, in American usage College also means "undergrad university". University in turn can include both, grad and undergrad studies.
Currently i'm studying at WWSI (trying to get a bachelor's degree in Computer Sciences) and attending a CISCO CCNA curse (just completed the 1st semester).

Also I'm working at Computer Service Support S.A. in Warsaw (the biggest shithole in Poland).
CSS S.A, is the biggest HP Partner in Poland and service most of HP's equipment (except high-end-server systems and HP's Storage Works systems).
I help supervise CSS's on-site HP service and take care of a few service contracts with enterprise clients.

I'm attempting to get transferred to our HP bench service as a Laptop/Desktop/Works Station technician.
Damn! What a computer generation. :))

I´m studying languages... And also have a part-time job at some Czech servers (usually focused on games).
It could have been worst..
3rd year on the System Analysis Programme in Linköping (Operational-oriented systems development). Also taking some programming courses in Uppsala.

Bailing on life.
I work an incredibly boring job as a houseman in a hotel. Help the maids by stripping beds and taking trash, linen, and towels from the rooms. Currently going to school for computer technology... Hoping to open my own computer shop.
Actually, I have no idea what I do here.

Technically, I am the communication director for a specialist medical equipment company that is trying to get a joint venture going here in Beijing. And if you have read Mr. China, you will know how well that really works..

Anyway, in reality I am the go to guy for everything that requires dealing with the outside world. That includes getting certified to service the huge complicated machines (think DNA sequencers, HLA crossmatching systems, etc), train people to use and work the machines, and dealing with tons of idiots who came waltzing in China thinking he/she knew what the F*ck is going on here and get ripped off. Frankly, I am surprised at the suppose level of sophistication compared with the realities of operating it. I thought my distaste for chemistry will probably hamper me in this field, but surprisingly, nobody gives a damn. A lot of people I work with have 2 - 3 PHds, and I am surprised that these people (many of whom can't really understand English worth a damn) hold so many lives in their hands. Of course, oligarchy at work. I don't really think anybody here really cared if 1.3 billion is + or -1.

Other than that, I have started a few businesses on the side centering around the tried and true such as education, dating site, import/export and such. I'll probably take a part time job teaching ESL to local MBA students in a BJ uni. I'll eventually write that crappy memoir that so many of us expats write to get rich consulting jobs. I was thinking about finishing my Masters in Psy/marketing or actually do a MBA or something.
Well, since I have been gone for an incredibly long period of time, I believe it is only fair to let you know what I do. Other than just being alive, I am a CNA; which is a Certified Nursing Assistant, but I want to be a tattoo artist.
As you can see from my profile, I am a student of Visual Arts. Fourth and hopefully last year.
3rd year in German language and literature but still couldn't pass the preparation class :oops: (I know I'm stupid so don't flame me)...

Also I work at a computer firm giving technical support for hardware in summer holidays... And composing songs in my spare time (and by spare I mean when I don't play games :) ).
I'm student of biology (diploma).

Currently I'm on weekend schooling to become an emergency medical technician (Rettungssanitäter, DRK), even though I got now idea when to attend the practical hospital and ambulance training units.

Which equals to: My main occupation is more or less to be my father's son, and wasting his money on pizza and alcohol.