Which ending do you believe is YOUR canon ending?

Atomic Postman

Vault Archives Overseer
Obviously, the topic of the overall canon ending has been discussed and I firmly believe (and hope) it will never be revealed, but for all of you who have done a playthrough for each faction, which is your canon ending? which one do you prefer out of all of your personal playthroughs?

This isn't a what is the best ending for the mojave, or what you think Bethesda or Obsidian will chose, but what you like the most personally and look upon as the canon ending.

For me, I chose to believe the House ending is canon,He's a man with a plan and the means to go through with it, plus in my playthrough I greatly strengthened the followers in freeside, provided more power for the area as well as Westside and also built up allies help secure and provide for Vegas.
Sort of a mix between NCR and Independent.
NCR manages to hold on to the dam but fails in securing New Vegas which remains a power on its own.

As with Van Buren NCR establishes a new settlement around the Hoover Dam.
I always felt it was NCR. Although they haven't had a good president since Tandi, I believe they can bring safety and order to the mojave.
It varies by character, but I guess in the long run I'd say NCR because 8/10 plays I end up siding with them.
NCR for me. I also only played the NCR and Yes-Man ending.
I am torn between NCR and House.
Both of them could result in the scenario were the Legion disintegrates into splinter tribes creating potentialy interesting plots in the future, the NCR won't be so hurt in their ending, but House represents the rise of a new Faction altogether....

House, with a light dose of the NCR benefitting too.
House ending is my favourite, but I'd say Independent seems the most canon to me. Of course I also believe independent Vegas would get annexed by the NCR in ten years or so, but that's a different story.
It's a coin flip really, it all depends on who gets to me first and convinces me to help them. There's the chance of House, Brotherhood of Steel, or NCR that would be my canon ending. I can't see myself selfishly killing House just because Benny started to conspire and plot. Especially since Benny tried to kill me, it'd make me feel better knowing that I ended his plans.