Which mods/patches for Fallout 1&2?

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Yeah, like other folks here I also recommend playing without any mods if it's your first time. Fallout 1 and 2 (can't comment on tactics coz haven't played it yet) are not like fallout 3 or New Vegas which are highly customizable, and more importantly in need of mods for better a game experience, especially Fallout 3.
Personally I'd recommend playing most games without mods first. Specifically to this franchise, I'd even suggst playing Fallout 3 and New Vegas without mods first. There's multiple reasons for this...

1. Experiencing the game "as the developers intended" is a good thing your first time around.
2. Spending time hunting down and compiling mods before you've ever even played the game is silly; what if you don't end up liking it? What if you spend so much time getting mods that it lessens your enjoyment of the game?
3. You don't want to have a bunch of spoilers from reading through Changelogs of mods if you've never played the game. (some would argue this is the most important reason)
4. Mods can and do sometimes introduce crashes; nobody wants to play a crashy game their first playthrough. This is especially true with games like Oblivion and Fallout 3 because there's the tendency to install dozens of mods, which are likely to conflict.
5. You'll appreciate the mods more once you've seen the game, because you'll actually see the difference of what was added and improved.
6. It helps with bug reports to modders once you play with the mods, because you can say "This didn't happen in the normal game" :D
7. Reading changelogs will likely have spoliers and that's no fun your first time through a game.

The only exception would be pure patches -- Unofficial Fallout 2 Patch, Unofficial Oblivion patch, etc. Things that just fix the game, don't change it. But again don't read the changelogs because MEGASPOILERS OF DOOM
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I'm not always against playing your first time with mods, but it depends on the game. For Fallout 1 and 2 I would say no mods.
I'm about to start playing Fo2 again (after 10 years or so) but this time I'd like to have some new weapons. So my question is - can I use latest killap's unofficial patch and install Finesse and Handmade weapon mods? Has anyone tried mixing those three altogether?
I've been using Cubik's F2Wedit for years and made my own mods with different weapons frms and whatnot and play the Restoration Project without any issue. I've mixed and matched all kinds of stuff that I've found here. All you have to do is rename any frm you want to change and do whatever tweaking you want on the editor and even write your own descriptions. I've basically personalized the game to my own tastes.
Thanks CPL for your reply. That sounds very interesting indeed. Could you tell me please if I can make those changes while I'm playing? Will my old savefiles work without any problems? And I'm curious about what weapons do you use? I know only of that Handmade Weapons mod - are there some other mods that have new weapons? (I mean whole new graphics - not just skin in the UI)
You should be able to change stuff as long as you edit the protos for the items as well (you can do that with Cubik's editor,) but not while the game is loaded and running. I've never had any issues with save games doing this, but sometimes the game can get cranky, so it would be best to back stuff up to be on the safe side.

Check out the download section on the site and the Fallout Database thread. That's where I pretty much found a lot of stuff.
Like CPL said, you "should" be fine, but keep in mind: you MUST make sure all .PRO files are set to Read-Only before you run the game. If you don't, you can end up with the game deleting your files. It's happened to me. Fallout 1 doesn't seem to mind as much, but I've had Fallout 2 delete all the files. And if you didn't have backups, it fucking sucks.
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Thank you very much guys for your help. I'll give it a try even though I'm a bit concerned if I won't break something.
Hi guys,

Please, can anyone help me?

I have Fallout 2 steam version running on Windows 7 and I've been experiencing the 'rainbow colors' problem. Trying to solve it I came here and I see a big amount of different patches.
I understand that probably installing official patch 1.02 and high resolution patch that problem would be fixed. But I would like to install a lot of thing I see here and I don't know if they are compatible or which is the right order.

I would like to play the original game without bugs so I'm not really interested in any mod (well, I wouldn't mind as long as respects the original story and the new missions were good enough).

What would you recommend me to install and what order should I follow?

Is there any mod for FO1 to make damage appear above the head? SO when I deal 50 damage to someone it floats above his head instead of checking the log eachtime? Like in the multiplayer?
Is there any mod for FO1 to make damage appear above the head? SO when I deal 50 damage to someone it floats above his head instead of checking the log eachtime? Like in the multiplayer?

I think this might be possible. Why would you want this? If enabled, does it show up in the messagebox also, or only as the float messages?
Is there any mod for FO1 to make damage appear above the head? SO when I deal 50 damage to someone it floats above his head instead of checking the log eachtime? Like in the multiplayer?

I think this might be possible. Why would you want this? If enabled, does it show up in the messagebox also, or only as the float messages?

It shows bothway, chat log too, but when you shoot at someone above his head in red it shows the damage and then it fades away. Like you do a burst and it causes 210 damage and it shows that.
Hmmm. Well the way Fallout1 works, I'd have to set it to calculate their current hp and if less than last hp calculation, display float msg.

But, this might override taunts that happen upon hit. ("Ow!" etc)

I don't think there's a way to show true damage dealt, i.e. if you did more damage than their max hp. Because I don't know any way to access Damage_Dealt figure via script.
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So, i've played through the various games a varying amount of times. I bloody love ghouls as characters. From their practical agelessness to their skin problems (or lack thereof). I want to roleplay that despite the RadX (since I imagine Brotherhood Paladins probably thought of that) the Glow turned my Vault Dweller into a ghoul over the years. Not to mention, exposure to FEV through-out the first game. So, said-character can turn up in each Fallout to save the day, and disappear again when everything is said and done. Like a decomposing Mysterious Stranger. Sadly, I have no clue how to play as a ghoul critter in FO2 or start as one in FOT. Would anyone be kind enough to help? The out-of-date-engine Fallout's are easy enough to manage with.
So, i've played through the various games a varying amount of times. I bloody love ghouls as characters. From their practical agelessness to their skin problems (or lack thereof). I want to roleplay that despite the RadX (since I imagine Brotherhood Paladins probably thought of that) the Glow turned my Vault Dweller into a ghoul over the years. Not to mention, exposure to FEV through-out the first game. So, said-character can turn up in each Fallout to save the day, and disappear again when everything is said and done. Like a decomposing Mysterious Stranger. Sadly, I have no clue how to play as a ghoul critter in FO2 or start as one in FOT. Would anyone be kind enough to help? The out-of-date-engine Fallout's are easy enough to manage with.

Here is a link to the mod that allows you to start as any ghoul, mutant and a bunch of others. Just to let you know though, ghouls are slow and cant use all the weapons.
Thank you very much. Hm, don't suppose you can help with Tactics, also? Or shall I go ask in that section?
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Sorry, don't know much about FT. But I'm sure there are some helpful folks at Fallout Tactics Modding thread.
Hello everyone.
I want to play Fallout 1 for the first time. Should I install Fixt Fixes Only or should I play this game without any patches for the first time?