Which One Of These Games Had A Worse Impact On The Franchise?

Which One Of These Games Had A Worse Impact On The Franchise?

  • Fallout 2

  • Fallout 3

  • Fallout: New Vegas

  • Fallout 4

  • Fallout Shelter

  • Fallout 76

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Possibly unpopular opinion for an old-timer here, but I've honestly always felt like the main faction endings of New Vegas WERE one of the places the game could use a little polish, most especially the Wild Card ones. It would've been hard to account for every single choice and intention of the player, and they did what they could with the limited dev cycle, but it was slightly unsatisfactory as shipped. The lack of a lead faction with pre-defined goals to use as a skeleton for the writing made it fairly vague.

I think that's kind of the point, though-- THEY can't tell YOU what you're going to do with New Vegas and they didn't want to. They describe chaos in the post-Hoover Mojave following independence, IF you're evil, but-- there IS going to be chaos. There is always chaos when the established order in a region is upended, even in the most peaceful of revolutions. There's chaos BEFORE you even get to the Mojave, and that's with a political landscape that's roughly stabilized and 3 major faction's worth of infrastructure and logistics that aren't there when you're done. Whatever you do, there will be chaos.

They don't tell you that you don't establish a robot mafia cobbled together from the lesser factions. They don't tell you you don't organize with the Followers and eventually turn the tide, or remake the wasteland with a slow, plotted trickle of Big MT tech, or turn everyone into spore carriers and live in the .38 like a lonesome warrior-king either. They can't know. So they describe the immediate and intermediate results of your actions and the rest is headcanon.

The endings for the other areas and factions paint you a general picture without too many constraints, but no Fallout has ever given your still-very-much-alive Player Character outsize consideration in their ongoing presence in the world. Maybe my tribal from Arroyo in F2 was going to raze New Reno, shoot up FEV and go to Mexico with Marcus instead of becoming a senator, or steer the NCR into communism.

The Followers struggling in an independent Vegas is unfortunate, but it could well be temporary, and they struggled before it was independent, too-- there aren't always good endings for good intentions in Fallout, and governance of an isolated, high resource-inequality region has always been difficult, even with a Player Character god-king helping out.

And Fallout 3? It's been a long time, but don't they just basically give you 2 shitty unspecific ending options for the main game and 2 shitty unspecific ending options for Broken Steel? Yeah, they let you run around afterwards in a largely unchanged game world where you can see a few token consequences of your actions, but that's it. You're entitled to your opinion, @Hoplite, and I'm not trying to shout you down, but I don't see how someone could give a pass to F3 for a short ending with no branches that generally didn't project too far into the future or account for the player's future circumstances, and say that New Vegas did a bad job because they gave us a *detailed, tailored ending full of choice and consequence* that generally didn't project too far into the future but, by and large, took care to set the stage for the sort of life the player had won for themself.

Sweet mother of God this is long. I should never have feelings before morning coffee :silenced:
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I just always felt like the endgame factions, Wild Card included, were unsatisfactory to me. I regret not playing it on PC to fix that. The closest thing to a questline I could immerse myself in for a while in plain Vegas was Cassidy's questline because she was for whatever reason the most relatable character in NV
There is really only one ending for Fallout 3 and anything you can do that should turn the Brotherhood of Steel against you don't actually make that happen. You can poison the water with FEV and Brotherhood of Steel will literally not give a shit and the consequences for this are a few people in beds sick from water infested FEV.

You literally do what the evil AI tells you to and BoS just shrugs and continues to treat you like you are special.
Actually the Potomac river becomes undrinkable. If you drink from any source of water connected to the river enough times it kills you. However z since it's filtered at Jefferson, bottled water stays clean. You pretty much fuck the whole region

Of course, there's only two endings, but as usual only one of them matters, standard for multi ending ganes
I just always felt like the endgame factions, Wild Card included, were unsatisfactory to me. I regret not playing it on PC to fix that. The closest thing to a questline I could immerse myself in for a while in plain Vegas was Cassidy's questline because she was for whatever reason the most relatable character in NV

I suppose I can understand that, even if I'll never get it. My brother and I grew up with the franchise and have largely shared the same opinions on it since 1997, but he and I are diametrically opposed on our New Vegas takes, my father as well. Some perfectly intelligent longtime fans just don't feel the Fallout in it, for whatever reason.

Were I in those shoes I would still stop short of saying it had the worst impact on the series, as, whether we like it or not, Bethesda has seen to it that it's not going to have ANY influence going forward except for the gameplay elements they lifted from it that have generally been universally praised and the way it forced them to up their game on dialogue. But that's just my perspective.
I think that's kind of the point, though-- THEY can't tell YOU what you're going to do with New Vegas and they didn't want to. They describe chaos in the post-Hoover Mojave following independence, IF you're evil, but-- there IS going to be chaos. There is always chaos when the established order in a region is upended, even in the most peaceful of revolutions. There's chaos BEFORE you even get to the Mojave, and that's with a political landscape that's roughly stabilized and 3 major faction's worth of infrastructure and logistics that aren't there when you're done. Whatever you do, there will be chaos.
This is what I was saying. If this makes it more understandable then good. Those endings are far too vague to really criticize the karma flavored words that open them if you ask me. You can still, but I wouldn't.
This is what I was saying. If this makes it more understandable then good. Those endings are far too vague to really criticize the karma flavored words that open them if you ask me. You can still, but I wouldn't.

I hope I didn't step on your thunder. I just sort of felt like I needed to contextualize the rest of what I had to say.