No Blade you get me wrong.
I was just commenting on the board. It is becoming kind of "gay." One could think of this as a qualitative comment- like this is becoming red, or soft, or strange or frustrating. It is a statement of being.
It is not a value comment. If gay folks want to post here, great. If women want to post here, great. After all I think it was Zoe's intention to create a chick's "whose sexy" thread to match the guys' "whose sexy" thread. But on this board it's free speech. So open season for anyone to post.
Just post a picture with your message.
Personally, I am posting here because I think that, in fact, men do appraise each other for how they look and how they act. Men follow role models. What I am curious about is whether men follow role models like women do, and in that sense, exactly how do women judge each other.
We know, for instance that women are usually more competitive than men with their own gender. We also know that women regulaly observe each other for fashion, for ideas. Chicks know and acknowledge what is hot in each other. Guys also acknowledge what is attractive, sexy, and cool in each other.
We just don't talk about it because we are afraid of being labelled gay. And being labelled gay is risky in some circles. A gay man often loses prestige among peers, is sometimes seen by some as an abomination (often by the religiously jealous and homophobic) or just soft. Yet we also have a set of values that we aspire to, which is derived from our sense of who we think are role models, heroes or people we would want to be.
At the same time, men often can look at another guy and judge what they think is feminine. I have a number of gay friends, some are feminine and others are just like any dude you share a beer in a bar with. But generally, I think, most straight guys will look down on someone they judge to be feminine. Again that emphasizes that men do have a sense of value when it comes to others.
I think this is somewhat problematic within society. Women can often be closer friends with their own gender because they are more sensitive with each other. Yet some of the worst homophobes I have known have been women. Men, because of the stigmas and norms of society, play by different rules. WHether that's good or not, is something worth considering.
Oh and the pic-
Because Richard Roundtree as the original shaft was one cool mutherfucker that set the role for Samuel Jackson to follow.
"Whose the black private dick who's a sex machine with all the ladies---- Shaft" (also a great simpson's episode).