Who do you think is more sexy (For Girls!)

I liked Legolas - although his "feminine" look takes awhile to get used to. But I have a passion for long hair on guys - it's not a requirement, but it certainly can be a bonus.

A nice pic of Orlando Bloom:
You know, its been quite a delight to my eyes to brownse this thread :D

Hey Blade Runner, I know there is 90 % chance that you are kidding about looking like Aragorn - so I do challenge to post a pic of yours here :D

HUm, I did think there were more girls in this board - but I am not complaining at all, you guys have posted very interesting pics :)

Now tonight's pic:

I dont know *exactly* what fascinates me on him. Is it the scruffy look, the "macho but sensitive" type, the way he seems to be a strong and caring person? I think its for all of those reasons :D
Zoe said:
Hey Blade Runner, I know there is 90 % chance that you are kidding about looking like Aragorn - so I do challenge to post a pic of yours here :D

I'm not really kidding, Zoe, all my friends say I do, so I tend to believe it. Unfortunately, the most recent picture taken of me dates from somewhere in 2000. I looked like shit in 2000 and I had a crewcut back then. I have long hair now, I look healthier than ever and I'm arrogant enough to not shave my beard as frequently as I should. 8)
A picture? Forget it. First of all, I wouldn't have the slightest idea how to post one (from my own pc, that is). Secondly: my ex cheated on me with a photographer, so I tend to really, really hate the medium. :cry:
On the other hand: Brazil isn't that far away from Belgium (like what? 10 hours with a airplane), so feel free to visit me anytime you want. :lol:


Oh yeah: gotta post a picture...


EDIT: Hm... Sorry for bragging, guys...

Conor Oberst of the band Bright Eyes is a good looking cat.


Jon Spencer from Scarlet doesn't look as sexy in that picture as he does when he wraps the mic around your neck and chokes you with it!


My boys in ETID are so cute. Awww...


Mr. Buckley - ETID. Nothing's hotter than sweaty hardcore vocalists. I should know. :wink:
No pic no post, Odin!


Robin Finck is kind of cute in a wierd artsy way.

For those of us not as secure in our sexuality...
The man who could have been James Bond in place of Pierce Brosnan : Adrian Paul (Hewitt).


I wonder why I'm only posting in the 'for girls' topic...
*Blade Runner was bluffing* ;) lol

Anyway, Blade, if I ever go to Europe, I sure will have a lot to see, eh? :) j/k

Now, that guy "who would be James Bond" is way sexier than Pierce!

Now for anime. This is a nice character from NGE. Ryouji Kaji :)



Now THIS guy is freakin' hot!

EDIT: awwww chucks... That didn't work...

EDIT2: Woo-hoo!
Why does he have a finger in his mouth and a hand on his balls?


(and yes, I'm breaking the no pic/no post rule...sue me.)
Ok, Malk- a picture is the rule.
My PC is not showing pics. Is that true of anyone else's. It might have to do with my PC's configuration, but if others are having trouble we need to get this sorted out.
Ozrat said:
Start your sweating ladies...

Ozrat, why have you posted two pictures of yourself?

Oh yeah, no pic no post?


I'll find a picture of a guy I actually think is hot after I study for my Calc midterm tomorrow.
*sues Milky*

Zoe said:
I mean, come on, Luke, "Austin Powers" and the gay version of Batman? You were kidding, sure! ;)

Ok, I was kind of kidding with Austin, but "gay batman"? Come on, Val Kilmer is da bomb.
