Who do you think is the most badass character in the entire franchise?

When it came to his wife there were always other options that he could've gone through to save her. Wait for her to be sold and then when she travels with a much lighter group he could ambush them and try to save her. But no, instead he just goes "I had to murder my wife and our unborn child!" No, Boone. You didn't 'have to', you were just too damn craven to actually try to save her because you fixated on the idea of "what if I fail" so much that you talked yourself into the idea that this was the only viable outcome.

There is another reason I find Boone cowardly but I am not getting into it here.
I don't know. You might be right . We don't know the circumstances of course and we can't treat an npc as the playable character, able to take out entire armies.
"What if i fail" is not an unreasonable thought seeing as how he very well could fail and that would mean that he'd die and his wife would spend her life as a slave.. is that so bad as dying though?
Boone seems to be uncertain about whether he did the right thing or not, he's very guilty over it and doesn't like to think about it.

I think he just thinks ..differently. I don't want to call him stupid,but he's not very practical. Boone is a soldier. We never see his wife but i'd imagine she was making all the decisions when they were together.
He doesn't act on impulse generally, for fear he might do something stupid, which maybe he did, but he thinks in absolutes so he can't even think of letting her go with the slavers for a while and finally he does act, i think, on impulse doing the only thing left for him to do at the time and shoots her.
He couldn't just leave it and not act at all. I'm not sure that's cowardice.

And by the time the courier meets him, he's stuck. His choice didn't satisfy him, but he couldn't/can't do anything else. Like most of the interesting nv characters, he can't let go of the past ( "bitter springs-never forget") .
And, he is a badass. I bet he could shoot down deamons without thinking twice.
And so it is somewhat satisfactory for the courier to take the role of his commander and bring him to kill ceasar and slaughter the legion. It's almost cathartic when he says " thumbs down you son of a bitch".
Almost though, because he's still stuck and broken. Good character.

Since i dragged this for so long, what was your other reason?
Anyway, you definitely have an interesting analysis of his motivations, I like it. I still find him a whiny grump who just steals kills though. :V
Ulysses, undoubtedly, is the best! All these bosses, chatacters with complex backgrounds are just that - bosses and characters with complex background. Some of them are badass, indeed, but none of them could match Courier Six
After replaying Fallout 1, i think Kane deserves a mention.
He is pretty much the only treat on the quest to bring down Decker gang. He has just a leather jacket and some spiked knuckles, but he can kill the PC or one companion on a single turn, just by punching him. You have to deliver him a striking blow on the very first turn, if you want to have a chance to leave the fight alive.

On the other hand, his badassery is mostly gameplay related. I don't think he has a huge badass reputation, except being the second most powerfull guy of the most powerfull gang of the whole wasteland.
Marcus, I guess. Guy have tons of bullets in his body and can fight bare hands with a PA user.

Human is Graham. Even I; the player; never be able to kill him. (I play in very hard and always do HH in low level)
eeerrrr......I post without read the thread and I totally forgot about Frank Horrigan. :oops:
Course he´s the number one badass of the franchise. He was created by developers precisely for this role

oh, respected thread for COURIER SIX? 0_0 Awesome hehe, I always use this threads in a forum about comics.

These topics have been more frequent and better, however. :(

Randall Clark.

Badass. Really, REALLY Badass.

Also, this is how you tell a history through terminals Bethesda.

Justice be done, have some nice things in the 3. The email from the Grognack fan, for example.

Chance was pretty badass. Too bad he died befor you could meet him in fnv.

He´s awesome. I really like using his knife as sidearm.

Okay, outside of the player character, I'm going to have to go with Cassidy from F2, the guy was just a complete badass with a shotgun.

Cassidy is cool and such, but you cant beat Sulik. He's absolutely KICKASS with a power fist. And to be honest, I have the impression that Vic always has a larger body count than him.

Boone is just a bitchy whiny coward.


It not an official character of the game serious however I made a mod where I had a deathclaw called mr cuddles how followed me around. I shrunk him down abit so he could fit more easily into places and yeah dam mr cuddles was one though bastard. I remeber just entering building and just raveraging everyone inside. Because I made him smaller it made him look like a babey however he still had same stats and strenght as a death claw so he was tough as heck.

hehe, this history remember once I playing HL1, many years ago. There´s a stage that we have at same time aliens and the army. I have one of blue shifts following me and when the two forces arrived, I take cover behind a wall like a bitch and I was only listening to the shooting and explosions.

When everything was silent, I went to see who was standing and it was just my sidekick, on top of a mountain of corpses.


Damn. The guy had iron running in his veins, totally rulez with that single pistol. Unfortunately he stopped following me when I had to get into a duct. I hope he was able to get out of that mess. XD

He did a lot of stuff. http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Ulysses

He also would've severely fucked up the NCR & Legion if the courier hadn't stopped him.

Aren't we all?

I like Uly. I know, I know, what can I do? Voice and clothes are totally badass and I like the idea that NV have a char that is hunting down my character.

But what I REALLY like is how the Ulysses is the anti-courier, the anti-protagonist.

Like us, he walks through the devastated lands, "completing quests" and molding the fate of entire communities through his actions. But everything he does ends up in tragedy. Responsible for:

- Destruction of Hopeville

- annihilation of the new caanites

- war on the mojave

- Partly responsible for the end of the Twisted Hairs (by default)

- Indirectly responsible for all the deaths that Elijah caused in the Sierra Madre.

- He planted the idea in the think tank of wanting to leave the laboratory.

etc etc etc.

Ulysses is a Fallout protagonist that fails. He is us, when we got ALL the bad slide endings.

I AGREE that his motivation towards the courier could be MUCH better, but it's easy to accept when you see that Uly is mad in addition to being a broken man.

Anyway, I´m with the minority here who thinks that Lonesome Road is a great DLC XD

A. Assumption.

Sure.....but you must have your canonic protagonist, dont you?


1) VD: diplomatic guy, made the Master commity suicide.
2) CO: sneak guy. Use a PA to lure the Enclave and use the turrets to kill Frank.
3) LW: also a sneak guy. He took advantage of the wreckage between the woody woodpecker villains and the paladins of justice to sneak under the control of the satelite there and bomb everything.
4) C6: A mothafucka badass cowboy. His CANON weapon is a brush gun, period.

I like Ulysses a lot. I know most people write him off as a "Gary Stu" but I feel he's actually fairly well developed. I like how he's essentially your antithesis, travelling from the East to West while you went from West to East. All his adventures. Good stuff.

One thing I enjoyed about Ulysses was the build up to Ulysses throughout the course of the DLCs. It was quite an experience attempting to unravel the mystery of this seemingly cut character and his influence over the events in-game. The fact that he was a fellow courier made it more obvious how he was Courier 6's main foil & equal which made him, to me, the Courier's greatest opponent in New Vegas.

It is also interesting how the problems faced by the Courier in the DLCs, and even in the base game, could be linked to Ulysses in some way (revealing the Madre's location to Elijah, training the White Legs, causing the Think Tank to consider the possibility of life outside Big MT and discovering the Dam for the Legion).

Ops, you guys already said almost everthing that I try to explain about Uly in this post. Lol.
Anyway, that's it.
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