Who else here LIKED Fallout 4?


First time out of the vault
Or, if you didn't like it, what were some things you DID enjoy about it?

There are a lot of things I enjoyed, personally, especially the Settlements and the new Power Armor system, but these two are the most important.

For one, the atmospheric storytelling. While the main storyline was good, but not exactly great, the scenery had told it's own story. The corpses scattered around, clearly just doing things people do, show how suddenly the bombs fell. The way the Prydwen entered the Commonwealth gave off the simultaneous sense of dread and hope that the people of the Commonwealth would feel. The strange shit that apparently happened in bathrooms pre-war also kind of tells strange, darkly comical stories that would easily fit it in to an Obsidian sidequest.

Secondly, how the story tricks you. It sets it up like it is a straightforward story, the Institute are the bad guys, that's the end of it. But, as soon as you enter the Institute, it turns face-heel. The Commonwealth Government? The blame was pinned. Broken mask? Unexpected, uncontrolled incident. The release of Super Mutants? Minor negligence with huge consequences. The masterminds of the Institute? Just normal scientists living their life underground, just as fearful of the outside world as it is of them, and genuinely convinced that their synth servitors are just machines. Over the course of minutes, you see things from their point of view, and it changes the story massively.
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I enjoyed it at first very much so. I initially liked the settlement building option although less so now looking back .I like how the game starts and frist mission. Game map seize is good glowing sea is also good. Good new enemy animation ect I like how certain guns where over hauled such as 10mm pistol looks much better. Weapons mods are also good. The best thing about the whole game is the PA although it found far to frequently
I kinda had some fun mucking about with Settlement Building and Shooting Shit.

It was overall a fun game, but every time I was reminded that this is supposed to be a sequel to 1, 2 and New Vegas, I couldn't help but feel how crap it was in comparison to its predecessors.
They also tell a very compelling story about how 200 years later, after civilization has been reborn and people have started living and doing business in the ruins of the city, no one has bothered to clean up.

Okay, actually, I have nothing for that. These idiots need to clean up the goddamn streets. Take some clues from the Institute.
I think ultimately fallout 4 didn't live up to the up or the praise people placed on it. I don't think we need to keep talking how crap the game is but it does't deserve any praise either
Instead of directly mentioning something(s) I like, I will explain it as such. Fallout 4 has moments, but they are sparse and only sprinkle the core of the game. Anything that is "good" is overshadowed by bad, making the whole thing bad.
If I pooped on the floor in your house and squirted your favorite garnish over-top, you might think, "Boy, I sure do like Ketchup, but all that poop is ruining the experience.", or "I Love Ketchup, I really wish that asshole (pun intended) didn't crap all over my Ketchup, now, I'm put off of Ketchup."

If I pooped on your favorite condiment, what would be something you like about it?
Instead of directly mentioning something(s) I like, I will explain it as such. Fallout 4 has moments, but they are sparse and only sprinkle the core of the game. Anything that is "good" is overshadowed by bad, making the whole thing bad.
If I pooped on the floor in your house and squirted your favorite garnish over-top, you might think, "Boy, I sure do like Ketchup, but all that poop is ruining the experience.", or "I Love Ketchup, I really wish that asshole (pun intended) didn't crap all over my Ketchup, now, I'm put off of Ketchup."

If I pooped on your favorite condiment, what would be something you like about it?

I completely understand what you're saying but i think you're wrong this is what i mean.

Fallout 4 is real shit okay it was underwhelming but it felt more like an average kinda game. It just felt mediocre and easily forgettable. It does't feel like watery shit it feel like after you slept with a hooker just cold indifference well at least for me
I completely understand what you're saying but i think you're wrong this is what i mean.

Fallout 4 is real shit okay it was underwhelming but it felt more like an average kinda game. It just felt mediocre and easily forgettable. It does't feel like watery shit it feel like after you slept with a hooker just cold indifference well at least for me
I'm sorry, your right. What was I thinking! I'll let you do the thinking for me from now on. I thought the question was asked to members of No Mutants Allowed, but apparently it isn't up to individual observation. If you insist on thinking for me, please spell check your writing and use commas as well as proper punctuation.
I'm sorry, your right. What was I thinking! I'll let you do the thinking for me from now on. I thought the question was asked to members of No Mutants Allowed, but apparently it isn't up to individual observation. If you insist on thinking for me, please spell check your writing and use commas as well as proper punctuation.

Why get shitty it was suppose to be a joke but okay
Why get shitty it was suppose to be a joke but okay
You're wrong, it was meant as sabotage. You were close when you said it was a joke, but your true nature is to slowly gain the trust of NMA, eventually gain moderator status, then start closing threads related to Fallout 4, your favorite game.
You're wrong, it was meant as sabotage. You were close when you said it was a joke, but your true nature is to slowly gain the trust of NMA, eventually gain moderator status, then start closing threads related to Fallout 4, your favorite game.

Nothing wrong as having the best Fallout game be your favourite. ;)

But in all seriousness, Fallout: the Minecraft experience was fun to mess around with. The pip-boy minigames were a nice touch, as was the better gunplay and animation.

V-sync is better but still terrible by 2015 standards. And I don't mind graphics but holy hell why is the optimization so piss poor!? Is it because it's running on an engine older than the Saw films? There are like 6 NPCs per interior cell. And Diamond "City"- the f*ck is that?! Then there's the writing and all the other shit....
^When you ignore this, the game is quite fun.
Gore got a nice step up (though the blood got a downgrade, wut), Some of the creature/robot designs got huge improvements (bloatfly, sentry), but others got downgrades (Deathclaw). Animation of the PC is smoother than before, but still clunky. The game can be quite a fun 'fuck it, kill shit herp a derp' fest, which when I'm not doing the main quest (or letting my character fucking talk), it's actually Okay. But as soon as a quest comes up, or I have to find Nick, I'm thrown into the backseat yet again, my Immersion of being a Raider/Tribal that believes in consuming the essence of others (cannibal), and powerful creatures grants him strength is destroyed once I hear the character fucking speak, and worst yet, it's about some fucking son he somehow had 200 years ago. Ayyyyyy. Hell, the only reason I can play this is because of mods that actually make things a bit more entertaining (Dual Wield Melee mod and getting Dual Wield Deathclaw Gauntlets).
You're wrong, it was meant as sabotage. You were close when you said it was a joke, but your true nature is to slowly gain the trust of NMA, eventually gain moderator status, then start closing threads related to Fallout 4, your favorite game.

Yeah as if i do that (Seriously i don't want to do it ).

How can you say fallout 4 is the worst fallout? It improves the dialogue system you don't have to read it anymore
No, but it obviously isn't perfect yet nor where it should be. I mean there is still some dialog after all. Fallout 5 should fix that, as I guess Bethesda didn't had enough time to thinker with that in the last 5 or 7 years. So Fallout 5 will probably just come with a single button, that says 'initiate combat' or something like that. Some would say they already achieved it with F4! But, only in a very sloppy way! You still have to listen to SOME of the NPCs! That's not how true RPGs should be these days ... I mean for fucks sake, Bioware pretty much outlined it years ago.