Who else here LIKED Fallout 4?

atmospheric storytelling..... the main storyline was good,
The strange shit that apparently happened in bathrooms pre-war also kind of tells strange, darkly comical stories that would easily fit it in to an Obsidian sidequest.

Secondly, how the story tricks you.... it turns face-heel.... Over the course of minutes, you see things from their point of view, and it changes the story massively.
Lol, even an attempt at pointing out the good parts of 4 spiraled back in to hate at around page 2.

NMA, NMA never changes.
I think this game could be more likeable if it's a brand new IP instead the sequel of a good old CRPG series.
Lol, even an attempt at pointing out the good parts of 4 spiraled back in to hate at around page 2.

NMA, NMA never changes.

Could you at least troll with higher quality posts? Your tryhard post of what was good in Fallout 4 was pretty bad, especially when you gave no evidence for it.
I liked Fallout 4 a great deal. I didn't LOVE it like I loved its predecessors. They were two of my all time favorite games.
There were more than 2 predecessors. Come on Petey you should know this.

Ehhhh, I tend to think of F3 and NV as a spin-off series of the main gameline versus actual sequels. Fallout 1 and Fallout 2 are ALSO two of my favorite games and Wasteland was the first game I ever loved. However, I keep a mental distance between them which helps me appreciate them on their own unique merits.
Ehhhh, I tend to think of F3 and NV as a spin-off series of the main gameline versus actual sequels. Fallout 1 and Fallout 2 are ALSO two of my favorite games and Wasteland was the first game I ever loved. However, I keep a mental distance between them which helps me appreciate them on their own unique merits.
So, for clarity's sake, do you also consider Fallout 4 in that spin-off head-cannon? Or is your official Fallout like this
Main Series:
Fallout - > Fallout 2 | Fallout 4
Fallout 3 | Fallout New Vegas
So, for clarity's sake, do you also consider Fallout 4 in that spin-off head-cannon? Or is your official Fallout like this
Main Series:
Fallout - > Fallout 2 | Fallout 4
Fallout 3 | Fallout New Vegas

I'd say I consider it like this.

Fallout 1>Fallout 2>Fallout: Tactics are the "main series."

Fallout 3>NV>Fallout 4 are the "new series."

The events of the first three games technically happened but it's pretty much a new world.

It helps that I also consider Fallout 3 something of a remake of Fallout 1 and Fallout 2.

Bethesda's Fallout is basically the Battlestar Galactica remake of the series. So different as to make comparisons pointless but clearly inspired by it.
I'd say I consider it like this.

Fallout 1>Fallout 2>Fallout: Tactics are the "main series."

Fallout 3>NV>Fallout 4 are the "new series."

The events of the first three games technically happened but it's pretty much a new world.

It helps that I also consider Fallout 3 something of a remake of Fallout 1 and Fallout 2.

Bethesda's Fallout is basically the Battlestar Galactica remake of the series. So different as to make comparisons pointless but clearly inspired by it.
Fallout Tactics... :clap:

Yep, because one that has contradictory lore is definitely the main series.
I have a Masters degree in history.

Contradictory lore is just how history is to me.

1. I think pretty much everyone knows that, and that a Master's Degree is not necessary for that. Knowing what the Mongolian Revolution of 1911 and 1921 is, knowing the finer details of the Russian Civil War is, knowing... actually what did you do for it? Just asking (I love history).

2. It's not history, it's a game series.
1. I think pretty much everyone knows that, and that a Master's Degree is not necessary for that. Knowing what the Mongolian Revolution of 1911 and 1921 is, knowing the finer details of the Russian Civil War is, knowing... actually what did you do for it? Just asking (I love history).

2. It's not history, it's a game series.

I was being flippant, not actually making a serious point. I have a pretty high tolerance for violations of canon so much that it took the Power Armor of Fallout 4 to make me say, "No, fuck it, sorry, there's no good fix for this." Everything else, I'm pretty good at defending or coming up with an excuse for.

I even have a story as to why X01 armor is in Nuka World with a Quantum paint job. It involves a Nuka Cola-obsessed Enclave soldier named Mary Petrovich who, unlike her sister, did not run away from Raven's Rock.
I was being flippant, not actually making a serious point. I have a pretty high tolerance for violations of canon so much that it took the Power Armor of Fallout 4 to make me say, "No, fuck it, sorry, there's no good fix for this." Everything else, I'm pretty good at defending or coming up with an excuse for.

I even have a story as to why X01 armor is in Nuka World with a Quantum paint job. It involves a Nuka Cola-obsessed Enclave soldier named Mary Petrovich who, unlike her sister, did not run away from Raven's Rock.
I'm usually also fine, but I dislike it when an impartial narrator states something as fact. It's not just some random guy in the middle of nowhere but a non-existing narrator. Not to mention other violations of the canon... But the main problem is that many of the lore violations aren't simple honest mistakes but really stupid.

Again, what did you do for your history degree. I'm honestly interested. Or was that bullshit?
I'm usually also fine, but I dislike it when an impartial narrator states something as fact. It's not just some random guy in the middle of nowhere but a non-existing narrator. Not to mention other violations of the canon... But the main problem is that many of the lore violations aren't simple honest mistakes but really stupid.

Again, what did you do for your history degree. I'm honestly interested. Or was that bullshit?

I had a specialization in Asian History but when I transferred universities, I ended up having to do my thesis on the historical environment depicted in Beowulf and the role of women as peace-weavers. Notably, I remember when I first turned in my paper with a talk of the horrible treatment of women in the environment, I was told by my professor to rewrite it as how the environment was progressive for women and helpful.

Events like this and my time working as at the University as unpaid and (barely) paid labor warped my perception of the Institute. I now cannot shake the belief they're a bunch of doddering academics who have no idea how to properly use the awesome power at their disposal, so they waste their time doing pointlessly sadistic experiments.
I had a specialization in Asian History but when I transferred universities, I ended up having to do my thesis on the historical environment depicted in Beowulf and the role of women as peace-weavers. Notably, I remember when I first turned in my paper with a talk of the horrible treatment of women in the environment, I was told by my professor to rewrite it as how the environment was progressive for women and helpful.

Events like this and my time working as at the University as unpaid and (barely) paid labor warped my perception of the Institute. I now cannot shake the belief they're a bunch of doddering academics who have no idea how to properly use the awesome power at their disposal, so they waste their time doing pointlessly sadistic experiments.
Specifics? Asian history is an intensely broad topic covering the Mongolian (and their ilk's) expansion, Japanese Genpai Wars and Sengoku Period, the Siamese Empires and the long history of India. That's only a small part. Then your professor is a fool. First you show him your evidence and wait for his response. If he fails then ask him about that.

You didn't go to an Australian one right? Because it's not so bad here.