Who else here LIKED Fallout 4?

Companions: Fallout: New Vegas was a massive step forward in terms of Companions from Fallout 3 and I think they did a fantastic job with them here. Piper, Cait, Curie, Danse, Nick Valentine, and even Preston to some degree are all people I loved travelling with. Unfortunately, I feel like the game overstepped itself and it would have benefited from dialing it back a bit. More focus on a small cast of characters and you can garner a lot of good will.

Romances: Not a big deal for me but I did like it. I just felt it would have been better to have a lot more dialogue for them related to the fact the protagonist is a widower or widow. Then again, that plays into one of the biggest cons.

Fixing the Brotherhood of Steel: I very much enjoyed Elder Lyons Brotherhood of Steel but I think it makes the story retroactively better to have his character become a tragic reformer who, after his death, had everything good about his actions washed away by those who just saw the potential for power. Arthur Maxon being promoted to villain also makes his short appearance in Fallout 3 more interesting.

The Last Voyage of the USS Constitution: Love every bit of it.

Destroying the Brotherhood of Steel: This is something which I felt is probably going to be controversial but I find the Brotherhood of Steel as antagonists much more effective than the Institute. They are capable, intelligent, and you understand exactly what they're going to be. I wish they had pressed this button harder but either way, the conflict with the BoS is the most intensive and enjoyable part of the game.

The Glowing Sea: Easily the best location in the entire vanilla game, the Glowing Sea is an enjoyable location to visit and the first place which actually feels like its as dangerous and magnificent as the Capital Wasteland. It's like visiting hell when you first go in and I could have done with a lot more there.

Diamond City: Is a good central hub location and I have to say that it stands up with Megaton and Rivet City. One of the thing I love about Bethesda is, even when they're doing really bad writing, they manage to come up with some visually stunning locales. Which is part of the problem with the game as they have a few gems in this game but they're drowned out in the larger pile of coal.

Vault 81: I can't help but wonder if they should have just skipped all the Buck Rogers nonsense and just had you come from here. The whole idea of a fully functioning idealized 1950s Vault which survives to this day (and still has minor Pre-War problems like adultery and sickness) works wonderfully.

Far Harbor: I really enjoyed this particular DLC for its writing but it suffers the opposite problem of Nuka World in that it is a bit of a boring setting with good writing. Still, again, I felt it had a lot more personality than the overworld of Fallout 4. Still, it becomes troublesome when you realize the Children of the Atom, Harbormen, and Arcadians have more personality than most of the main faction.

Nuka World: This is just a magical playground and I probably had more fun here than in the entirety of Fallout 4 as a hole. It's a beautifully designed visual treat and full of wonders and joys for exploration. Unfortunately, Nuka World just underscores how drab and dreary the main overworld is.

Humanized Raiders: One of the elements I disliked about Fallout 3 was the Raiders were treated as generic enemies. I love killing Raiders don't get me wrong. I'm fully 100% in support of Fallout the post-apocalyptic murder-simulator but I prefer when they have backstory. Having them have terminals talking about missing loved ones, power-structures, and hearing about the destruction of other gangs was a step in the right direction. Albeit, I was very annoyed by Talon Company Redux in the Gunners. They had a backstory but I wanted to join them in raiding the Commonwealth.
I'm sorry, your right. What was I thinking! I'll let you do the thinking for me from now on. I thought the question was asked to members of No Mutants Allowed, but apparently it isn't up to individual observation. If you insist on thinking for me, please spell check your writing and use commas as well as proper punctuation.

You're such an asshole.
Romances: Not a big deal for me but I did like it. I just felt it would have been better to have a lot more dialogue for them related to the fact the protagonist is a widower or widow. Then again, that plays into one of the biggest cons.

Romance shouldn't even be in Fallout 4. You just watched your spouse get shot in the head. Your character should be in mourning not trying to start dating again. Not to mention Fallout 4's idea of romance is picking locks or shooting your dog and healing it.
Romance shouldn't even be in Fallout 4. You just watched your spouse get shot in the head. Your character should be in mourning not trying to start dating again. Not to mention Fallout 4's idea of romance is picking locks or shooting your dog and healing it.

I suppose it depends on your definition of the time frame here. Part of the problem is we don't know a lot of central key facts.

However, if we're building gorram cities, then I'm thinking more than a few days have passed in-universe.

Perhaps enough for the SS to seek out human companionship.
I suppose it depends on your definition of the time frame here. Part of the problem is we don't know a lot of central key facts.

However, if we're building gorram cities, then I'm thinking more than a few days have passed in-universe.

Perhaps enough for the SS to seek out human companionship.

The plot for Fallout 4 is finding your son. Why would you be wasting time building cities instead of looking for your son?
The plot for Fallout 4 is finding your son. Why would you be wasting time building cities instead of looking for your son?

Honestly, I struggled with that and basically had to RPG my Sole Survivor searching for Shaun out of blind hope when he knew, in his heart, he was dead.

The truth being so much worse.
Well I can name a few here who do like Fallout 4 but they are either trolls or people who like the game but have mixed opinions on the game despite liking said game. That said, I won't name them since it's not right for me to do so.

Meanwhile, I found this little gem on the PC gaming subreddit, anyone up for bingo?:
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I fall into the category of "I had a lot of fun playing Fallout 4 but it was disappointing in many ways."
CONFIRMED : Fallout 5 will be in NY.
Open world, but every street is inhabited by raiders or superraiderorcs. There will only be 1 gun- the pipe assault rifle which was a pre-war gun created by the BOS (they're pre-war now, just roll with it) that is incredibly modifiable. No skills or traits, no perks- instead of SPECIAL it's now LEAPS- loot (determines how much stuff you get) exploration (unlocks new cool dungeons with cool things to shoot with your cool gun) action points, and shooting.

Then in a misguided attempt to appeal to New Vegas fans they'll announce the DLC:
Deceased Currency - initiate a heist with 3 other sarcastic good guys to steal ammunition to shoot things with $24.99
Call of Zion : Tribal Warfare - have a big fight with lots of raiders $3.99
Old World Furniture - unlock pre-war furniture items $19.99
Fun Runner's Arsenal - different decorations for your guns and paddle balls $9.99
Lonely World - a video of Todd Howard admitting Bethesda games are lonely experiences because all of the NPCs have no depth and are glorified rag dolls $149.99

I'm not going to lie, this had me laughing hysterically. Good Job.
What I liked about Fallout 4:

1. Vault 81 and its quest
2. The Last Voyage of the US Constitution
3. Nick Valentine
4. Far Harbor
5. Nuke World
6. Humanized Raiders
7. The Corvega plant
8. The Minuteman Plot up to when you get your artillery
9. Sanctuary Hills
10. The Starlight Drive-In
11. Curie and her quest to be a real girl
12. Piper
13. Cait
14. The mission to rescue Rex Goodman (but not Strong)
15. Goodneighbors general Mos Eisley atmosphere
16. The Institute as a place (if not a faction)
17. The evil Brotherhood of Steel
18. Arthur Maxson
19. Having the balls to kill Elder Lyons and Sarah Lyons both before shitting on their legacy.
20. The Memort Den
21. Kellog was a decent mid-level Boss/Boba Fett
22. Preston Garvey up until those damned Radiant Quests
23. The opportunity to make fun of Little Lamplight to Macready's face
24. The Communist Submarine Quest
25. Codsworth
26. The Glowing Sea
27. Paladin Danse
28. The entire Paladin Danse Synth subplot
29. The Railroad's Personnel even if they're a boring faction
30. The Ride of the Valkyries slaughter of Super Mutants by the Brotherhood
31. Fighting Dagon, I mean the Mirelurk Queen at the Fort
32. Beerbot who should have been the star of a much larger quest
33. I like the Cabots even if their background is stupid
34. Dunwich Borrowers
35. The Slog
36. The fact no faction is good AND competent.
37. Mama Murphy just because I recognize she's supposed to be Cyndi Lauper's character from Vibes at Cyndi Lauper's current age.
38. Magnolia because this as close to romancing Wonder Woman as I'm ever going to get.
39. Vault-Tech guy.
40. Romances.
41. I like Hancock even if I don't love him and he feels like he's trying too hard.

So, lots to like. Just....spread out about a bunch of other stuff.
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What I liked about Fallout 4:...
Oh boy.
1. Broken quest- vault idea was good but I can't get past the horrible oversight with Codsworth getting bit and giving you the disease. It was fixed within a week by modders.
2. Could've been better but one of the good quests in F4. I admit I loved the sentry bot captain.
3. Good character, great VA. Shit loyalty mission.
4. A step in the right direction.
5. Not going into detail, but my Nuka Rant sums up my feelings (and check out No review possible, better format)
6. Should've been able to side with them without DLC. But yeah their radiant dialogue adds depth, it just should've been taken further.
7. No- it's another shooting gallery.
8. So radiant quests and easy power armour?
9. Neat location.
10. Also a good location, until you consider that all the people watching a movie were doing so in the morning.
11. You missed one out.
12. Needed more depth. Good voice acting though.
13. Terrible Irish accent, nothing like what an Irish person sounds like. Crap loyalty mission.
14. It was a cool shooting mission, the kind that reminded me of Mass Effect. I agree with the not Strong part.
15. Goodneighbour was too small. It hurt when I had to classify it as a "large settlement". Pretty useless too. And what do they eat?
16. The Institute looked amazing. Mass Effect vibes again.
17. No. Factions should be grey, not black. Even the fiends were a grey faction.
18. Good voice acting. Nice coat. "He took down a deathclaw and got that scar". Bitch please I've taken down 20, where's my airship and army?
19. That shouldn't be... what?
20. Needed more quests to really drive home the heart-wrenching story they were going for.
21. Yeah, but not a Fallout one- should've been able to reason with him.
22. So Quincy? Neat idea, terrible execution.
23. That's a teeny tiny piece of dialogue in a game with 10s of thousands of lines.
24. Nah, suffers the same problem as Linear Voyage of the USS Constitution.
25. Another one missed out.
26. Yeah it was neat. Mods enhance it though.
27. URGH! They didn't bother to change his lines after his loyalty mission, only his affinity checks. Pisses me off, they had an amazing arc but didn't follow through.
28. See above^
29. Seemed like dickheads to me, but it was nice seeing NPCs that weren't identical for a change.
30. If that's your cup of tea then sure. I would've preferred to reason with them or use stealth.
31. I get that you can't reason with a Mirelurk Queen, but maybe have a crane or something to kill it. not just conventional weapons- do something different!
32. "should've been" see this is your problem, you're admitting that it needed more!
33. The characters maybe, (ghoul mercenary should've been a companion), but the questline no.
34. Bethesda like Lovecraft, we get it. Maybe have a different enemy than just feral ghouls.
35. At least they answer some questions. But how do they survive near the Forged? At least show them giving tribute or something.
36. You're saying it's good that no faction is competent? Factions can have flaws, but they need to be competent or they won't survive for very long.
37. Idk about this one. I like the VA just because her character had a stroke and it shows.
38. Lounge singer, in Fallout 4? You mean there are people doing stuff other than killing in a Bethesda game?! Woah
39. Felt bad for him, just wish he didn't repeat the same lines over and over. Just hum or something.
40. You're character should be moving on. But the bigger problem is that you have to pick locks to impress people.
41. The whole "he doesn't care about stuff" makes no sense to me. He abandons his town, doesn't care if you kill his bodyguard and take his stuff, etc.

Some of these points were good. Others you even admitted needed to be more.
What I liked about Fallout 4:

1. The way power armor works.
2. The way radiation works.
3. Sprinting
4. Having enemies pop out of the ground and crawl through little windows and such.
5. The Japanese robot in Diamond City.

I think that's about it...
1. Broken quest- vault idea was good but I can't get past the horrible oversight with Codsworth getting bit and giving you the disease. It was fixed within a week by modders.

They seemed really fixated on the meaningless "sacrifice" of 10 HP.

2. Could've been better but one of the good quests in F4. I admit I loved the sentry bot captain.

It's a good choice too. Human beings or insane robots. Well, until the human beings murder you for scrap.

3. Good character, great VA. Shit loyalty mission.

I think it would have been better to investigate who killed his girlfriend and solve the murder 200 years later.

4. A step in the right direction.

Far Harbor was good and creepy but I can't help but think it floated gently than soared.

5. Not going into detail, but my Nuka Rant sums up my feelings (and check out No review possible, better format)

I'd love to discuss that sometime.

6. Should've been able to side with them without DLC. But yeah their radiant dialogue adds depth, it just should've been taken further.

I remember planning to look for the dead Raider's sister only to find in their terminal that she was already dead.

7. No- it's another shooting gallery.

I enjoyed it as a level.

8. So radiant quests and easy power armour?

The Minutemen quest stopped being interesting after defeating Sarge. They should have either ended it or made part of the quest be the Brotherhood siege.

9. Neat location.

Like the Corvega plant, I liked the feeling of something mundane made strange with the damaged suburb.

10. Also a good location, until you consider that all the people watching a movie were doing so in the morning.

I never noticed that one.

11. You missed one out.

I like Curie and her quest to be a real girl.

12. Needed more depth. Good voice acting though.

I sometimes think she might have been a better newswoman than Travis.

13. Terrible Irish accent, nothing like what an Irish person sounds like. Crap loyalty mission.

I just assumed she was Boston Irish. :)

15. Goodneighbour was too small. It hurt when I had to classify it as a "large settlement". Pretty useless too. And what do they eat?

They should have made it a slum in Diamond City. Like a walled off street linked to it.

17. No. Factions should be grey, not black. Even the fiends were a grey faction.

I say evil but really dark neutral seems better. A bunch of conquest-minded BOS conquistadors.

18. Good voice acting. Nice coat. "He took down a deathclaw and got that scar". Bitch please I've taken down 20, where's my airship and army?

I wonder how much of Arthur's history is BS and how much is just spin on, "The West Coast Elders appointed him to be the new Elder after they negotiated the BoS Outcasts return."

19. That shouldn't be... what?

I love the Lyons but I think their story has more resonance that they tried VERY HARD and they didn't quite succeed.

21. Yeah, but not a Fallout one- should've been able to reason with him.

Kellog as a companion would have felt very wrong but it would have been a choice.

24. Nah, suffers the same problem as Linear Voyage of the USS Constitution.

I confess, murdering him is entirely justified and it seemed like forgiving him is a bit easy. You are, literally, the last surviving one of his victims who isn't a ghoul. It seemed like there should have been more to his story.

26. Yeah it was neat. Mods enhance it though.

Going out into it was one of the few things which reminded me of leaving Vault 101. It was like Hell and I loved it but sadly it became a little too tame.

31. I get that you can't reason with a Mirelurk Queen, but maybe have a crane or something to kill it. not just conventional weapons- do something different!

I remember realizing they expected you to use Power Armor there.

33. The characters maybe, (ghoul mercenary should've been a companion), but the questline no.

Bizarre fact, I think my favorite part is Emogene takes a lover. I like the idea of working as the snarky merc for a bunch of rich assholes more than I do the whole Lovecraft family bit.

34. Bethesda like Lovecraft, we get it. Maybe have a different enemy than just feral ghouls.

Sentient Mirelurks!

35. At least they answer some questions. But how do they survive near the Forged? At least show them giving tribute or something.

Actually, the Forge attacked them regularly in my Radiant Quests for them. :) I liked the Forged, btw. What a bunch of assholes.

36. You're saying it's good that no faction is competent? Factions can have flaws, but they need to be competent or they won't survive for very long.

More the Minutemen's idealism gets them in trouble. They don't tax the Commonwealth so when they don't see danger, they let them starve.

38. Lounge singer, in Fallout 4? You mean there are people doing stuff other than killing in a Bethesda game?! Woah

Good songs too.

39. Felt bad for him, just wish he didn't repeat the same lines over and over. Just hum or something.

I hate he bugged at my store.