Hi Sander
>I will help IF and only IF a new engine is used, preferably created. I am NOT interested in creating yet another mod, at least two mods are already under way and are, from what I can tell, also very far in their development process.
You will find no arguement with me on that area. Problem is, I myself lack skills in that area. If you know some skilled people who could make such an engine and are willing to join, please invite them in.
>Furthermore, I'd like you to start looking at the last couple of pages of the "Fallout is dead" thread. A lot of good storyline ideas have been suggested there, and I think that using one of those would be better than using the original Ineptplay one. It's too boring and it's been done too often.
I will have a look, but it was my intention to use the concepts that were mentioned by Ipay and use these as a start. What I have on paper so far probably differts a lot from what the original FO3 team had planned.
Still, who knows what golden ideas lay hidden in the " Fallout is dead" thread. I will have a look at it.
>Lastly, you should make a seperate thread if you're serious about this. Usually, when people have posted on these kinds of threads, they never look back at it.
Will do so.[/b]