First time out of the vault

(I swear this thread has a point, please read to the end before leaving an angry comment)
I came back here to get ideas for a tabletop campaign I'm building up, because people have posted that sort of stuff in the future fallout campaign... yet the future fallout forum, along with Fallout PNP aren't very active. Instead it seems you guys are completely stuck in the past. I'd make an old world blues joke, but we all know how cringy it would be.
No matter how much you bitch and moan, the official franchise is still as dead as Prewar America, and no amount of complaints will get Bethesda to hand the franchise to Obsidian. Bethesda will likely never change as a company, and the Fallout you know and love will never come back in the form of an official video game.
I realize this whole post I'm making will probably be emotionally provoking to whatever extent, but it infuriates me that despite you all having so much passion for the Fallout franchise, you all would seemingly rather huddle up and complain about it YEARS after Fallout 4 made it apparent there was no turning back. Maybe some of you can keep playing 1, 2, and NV for the rest of your life, but wouldn't be great if there was something much more fulfilling then that? I'm talking about playing your own Fallout Tabletop Campaigns. If you people haven't experienced the greatness that is tabletop rpgs, the things Fallout itself took great inspiration from, well let me tell you why you should:
1. Tabletop Campaigns aren't anywhere as hard to make as actual games. Most of you are already familiar with Fallout 1's mechanics, so you can skim through the rulebooks if you decide to run a game.
2. Tabletop Roleplaying offers more choice then the Fallout games ever did. You have literally unlimited dialogue options at your disposal, only limited by your imagination, the consequences of your actions, and as much bullshit that the GM and your other players are willing to put up with from you.
3. Fallout has always been somewhat roleplay friendly, but never enough to satisfy someone who is used to tabletop rpgs.
4. Fallout PNP 4.0 has some weird balance choices, but it's far less bullshit than 3.0, and I believe has the most features out of any system for fallout that has been made. It is actively being worked on, and could use some playtesting.
If you guys know what makes a good Fallout game, why can't you put that to the test? There are quite a few pieces of media, even in Japan that have been inspired by tabletop sessions. I think if you guys tried, you could probably make comics and other media out of the tabletop campaigns you and your friends have made. Once a campaign is over, you can share the art and story assets to make it easier on newcomers who just want a quicker start. Hell, if you really wanted to stick it to bethesda, you could all collaborate on an alternate Fallout universe where the changes Bethesda made didn't happen. I know that for some of you, creating new Fallout adventures wont be the same, but whats better: partially enjoying something you're still passionate about, or bitterly posting on an internet forum for the rest of your life, never happy at all?
So stop fucking complaining all the time and have fun, you silly silly people.
I came back here to get ideas for a tabletop campaign I'm building up, because people have posted that sort of stuff in the future fallout campaign... yet the future fallout forum, along with Fallout PNP aren't very active. Instead it seems you guys are completely stuck in the past. I'd make an old world blues joke, but we all know how cringy it would be.
No matter how much you bitch and moan, the official franchise is still as dead as Prewar America, and no amount of complaints will get Bethesda to hand the franchise to Obsidian. Bethesda will likely never change as a company, and the Fallout you know and love will never come back in the form of an official video game.
I realize this whole post I'm making will probably be emotionally provoking to whatever extent, but it infuriates me that despite you all having so much passion for the Fallout franchise, you all would seemingly rather huddle up and complain about it YEARS after Fallout 4 made it apparent there was no turning back. Maybe some of you can keep playing 1, 2, and NV for the rest of your life, but wouldn't be great if there was something much more fulfilling then that? I'm talking about playing your own Fallout Tabletop Campaigns. If you people haven't experienced the greatness that is tabletop rpgs, the things Fallout itself took great inspiration from, well let me tell you why you should:
1. Tabletop Campaigns aren't anywhere as hard to make as actual games. Most of you are already familiar with Fallout 1's mechanics, so you can skim through the rulebooks if you decide to run a game.
2. Tabletop Roleplaying offers more choice then the Fallout games ever did. You have literally unlimited dialogue options at your disposal, only limited by your imagination, the consequences of your actions, and as much bullshit that the GM and your other players are willing to put up with from you.
3. Fallout has always been somewhat roleplay friendly, but never enough to satisfy someone who is used to tabletop rpgs.
4. Fallout PNP 4.0 has some weird balance choices, but it's far less bullshit than 3.0, and I believe has the most features out of any system for fallout that has been made. It is actively being worked on, and could use some playtesting.
If you guys know what makes a good Fallout game, why can't you put that to the test? There are quite a few pieces of media, even in Japan that have been inspired by tabletop sessions. I think if you guys tried, you could probably make comics and other media out of the tabletop campaigns you and your friends have made. Once a campaign is over, you can share the art and story assets to make it easier on newcomers who just want a quicker start. Hell, if you really wanted to stick it to bethesda, you could all collaborate on an alternate Fallout universe where the changes Bethesda made didn't happen. I know that for some of you, creating new Fallout adventures wont be the same, but whats better: partially enjoying something you're still passionate about, or bitterly posting on an internet forum for the rest of your life, never happy at all?
So stop fucking complaining all the time and have fun, you silly silly people.
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