Fireblade said:
Thanks for the lightshow, alec. Sorry to saw however, but coming from someone who he himself professes to lack any sort of morals whatsoever, I have to be a bit skeptical there? I mean, given your own vaunted university knowledge and degrees and such, it is amusing that it doesn't seem to matter at all given the propensity of university degrees out there possessed by people who *do* have faith in something better? Honestly, the only insane person here I would think would be you for stating this is the best of all possible worlds, don't give a shit about anybody but yourself, give in to whatever vice you favor, etc.
And do you honestly believe that good ol' wishy-washy alec has been like this for thirty years? Don't you think I've been through all of that do-good-and-be-happy-crap you find so sublime? I went to church when I was a naive little jerk and know-it-all like you. I've said my hail mary’s and what have you after breaking my sister's left arm by accident or stealing some candy at the grocery. I've cried to the heavens and asked my parents for advice when the going got tough. I even did the long and lonely walks through green pastures meditating on life and death and the mystery of how it all works. Then one grows up. One loses his dad to cancer. One sees how his sister falls in love with a gangster, runs away from home, gets pregnant and finds herself all alone again, well, not quite, rather with an extra mouth to feed but no money and no job. One falls in love with a girl, the most beautiful girl in the world (one thinks) and one worships that girl, one would kiss the ground she walks on, only to discover that this love is not mutual but faked by her just because you've gathered some fame somehow and you’ve some money to spent. One hears how that youngest daughter from the neighbours got gangbanged by a group of Moroccans and had to have an abortion at age 14. One sees footage from 9/11, tsunami, WO2, concentration camps, the madness in the Middle East. One gets unemployed and one starts to drink and smoke all his troubles and sorrow away. Drugs, anti-depressants, hookers, more drugs, more anti-depressants. One is just one step away from cutting his wrists. It takes no miracle from some fucked up God to cure misery like that, kid. It takes your last dose of human dignity and your last breath of air. It takes lots of discipline and the best set of ideas and solutions in the goddamn galaxy.
So quit pointing a finger in good ol’ wishy-washy alec’s direction, kid, and don't you talk to me about your fucked up God. If I were to meet him, I'd bite his throat open and urinate in his gullet until he chokes to death on my stinking piss. Don't come talking to me about your so-called morals and dignity and wisdom and laws, 'cause you wouldn't recognize wisdom even if it stared you in the face and spat in your eye. Before you start to call me insane, you'd better be able to show me a decent record of thirty years or more of 'survival of the fittest' on this hard, violent and lonely planet instead of talking out of your neck whilst still living under the protective wings of your mommy and daddy. You don't know shit about life, kid, and still you expect me to listen to your blabbering about God and admit that you are right? If you were my kid, I'd steal your pocket money, buy a whip with it and spank your scrotum so long and so hard, you'd be squealing like a castrated piglet for the rest of your days.
Fireblade said:
Where is *your* sense of something greater? What keeps you going day to day if it isn't licking feet per se? Studying science and such, i can easily claim the natural order and 'geometry' of the universe is indicitive of certain laws that were postulated by a divine source. I could also say that the "belief in heroes makes us heroic" as a wiser person said.
Are you a random collection of fucked up quotes or do you think for yourself now and then? The belief in heroes makes us heroic? In which fortune cookie did you find that one? Had a bad curry with that? I sure hope so.
Now I’ll tell you where my “sense of something greater” is: at night, when I look at the sky and I look really well (because there’s so much light pollution in our modern cities) and I see a star or maybe, if I’m lucky, I see two or three or four stars, I have a sense of something greater: a big black space filled with practically nothing but balls of fire, a fire that eventually will go out, everywhere. And I like that. It makes me feel all small and meaningless. A speck of dust. Alone. And miserable. No one’s looking out for me, but me. And that’s what keeps me going: self-preservation. It’s something genetic that screams to me: ‘You have to stay alive, you have to watch your back!’ And another one: reproduction, who’s voice squeals: ‘Fuck that pussy, oh yeah, fuck it hard, stuff that chick with your delicious man cream!’ Thank “God”, most of them sluts are on the pill, eh?
I don’t believe in Intelligent Design, because it’s a fucking retarded idea. I’ve said this before and I’ll keep on repeating it until you mongoloids start to get the point: if your so-called God created the universe and everything in it, then who created him? Ha! I bet you can’t answer that one, eh? Loser.
The only thing that makes sense is a closed universe and the idea of perpetual return, because that means there isn’t a real beginning to everything nor a real end. Reality as a movie on endless repeat. It sure beats the idea of some omnipotent, ethereal, sick, twisted and sadistic bastard God, if you ask me. And there’s more salvation and hope in understanding that you are reliving the same life again and again, than in becoming a sheep and hoping that one day you’ll get your own private cloud up in heaven.
Fireblade said:
Truth and wisdom? Funny how all the wise people seem to be saying opposite of what you say is 'truth'. Do good for others, believe in things such as good and evil and choose the former, don't forget to remember to be thankful for what you DO have. You know, being a decent person (which must be so terribly, terribly difficult). Honestly, I think the rantings of someone who feels alone and unloved are the more childish, as they reflect the wonderful angsty teen years better than any I have ever heard of. The point of the whole damn argument I made was that the faith did not matter, as long as you have faith in SOMETHING to make you act better to others. There is some 'wisdom' for you. That, maybe, morality isn't some absurd quality that only psychopaths worship and intelligent people ignore. For any 'sane' and 'rational' individual, there is the proper assertion that human beings are *not* rational and that some of our greatest and worst qualities come from seeking to go beyond what we know. That our codes of society are predicated not just on morality, but that society as a whole and virtue rely on the beliefs of individual people to accept there are higher standards than pleasure.
Blah blah blah, kid. Now I need morals and faith to act better than others? What the fuck would you know? You’re still wasting tax money by occupying a place in school whilst it is pretty damn obvious to me that you’re genuine McDonalds material and aren’t worth the effort. ‘Cause trust me: that’s where you’ll eventually end up if you keep acting the way you are. Either McDonalds or a monastery. Let me tell you something about life, kiddo: it’s rough. It’s hard. And it sucks. And your handy dandy morals and faith in humanity and god and what have you, will get you nowhere. The only thing that matters out there is bling bling. And lots of it. If you ain’t got no bling bling, you might as well take your faith and morals and stick them up your arse until you resemble a stuffed turkey. People aren’t good. People are vile and mean and sly. If you treat them like your equal, they will spit you in the eye. If you wave your bling bling at them and show them who you are, they will wait to spit on you until you’ve turned your back to them, but they’ll still spit. Morality is a sucker’s solution to his weakness. All these laws and rules and all this Christian ‘wisdom’ was invented to protect the weak herd of mongoloids like you from being butchered and beaten and raped. Survival of the fittest, a evolutionary process that kept us fit and smart and capable has deteriorated into a survival of the weakest: modern society is an incubator that breathes life into a huge pile of offal. That’s why intelligent people should despise all your morals and all your rules and all your so-called wisdom: it’s the word of the herd, the cry of the lamb, and it only breeds more degenerates who will keep the incubator working day and night, the big mechanism of producing crap and consuming crap, the carrousel of Western civilization. You go do your good deeds, kid, and you go preach your values and morals and wisdom to the big flock out there. I’m sure you already know that there is a black sheep in every flock, but trust me: one day you’ll discover that he’s probably the only one you’ll be able to trust to tell you the truth. The real truth.