Why do people think Fallout 3 was actually good?

The best part of Fallout 3 was the VR thing I forgot what they called it. It was actually entertaining without being stupid.
That memory lane thing.
A small girl saying “you can’t do that here” and electrocuting you to death is the most surreal thing in that surreal quest.

Pint Sized Slasher be damned, punching her in the face only to be zapped was wild to me.

I don't mind the music but I do mind the culture being entirely stuck in the 50's when the OG's were not.
I prefer OG soundtrack of BWWOWWWOOOOOOOOOWWOWOWWOOOOOOOOHHHHHOIOOWWWW until you reach a settlement and the music markedly changes from a flushing hell toilet and feels at once unique and interesting.
The OG music is great and all but it is literally just some samples Mark Morgan ripped off.
Ripped off samples are a better soundtrack than most, you have to admit.

I won't admit to anything until I have a brief (solicitor/lawyer)

Drunken voice :" I hate this fucking juke box there's no decent tunes"

Disclaimer : I am not chestikov2011 and the above quote is not from ' Fallout Robot Jukebox '