Why do Super Mutants, Ghouls, and Humans look better in Fallout 1 than Fallout 4?

It's hard for me to really invest myself in how the SMs of F4 ought to look when I can't get over the far more basic problem that they shouldn't have been in F4 at all. I can't stand how Bethesda keeps rehashing elements of prior games in the series like this. SMs were a thing that happened once. Once. A particularly demented mind discovered how to create them, he had the idea of using them to overrun the world, he armed them using the weapons at the military base where they were created, etc. All of this wasn't just some fluke that could happen anywhere there was FEV. It was a unique problem to that corner of the world, and while there are still some lingering aftereffects, as we saw in F2 and NV, that situation is largely resolved. It's over. Time for the series to move on. But no, Bethesda had to look at that and go, "Okay, I guess this is the blueprint for the series. SMs are part and parcel of the Fallout series - anywhere we set a game, there needs to be lots of them for the player to kill."

Same thing applies to the player being a vault-dweller who's new to the post-apocalyptic world. It was a thing that happened once, in the first game of the series, and now Bethesda thinks that every game in the series needs to start like that.

OH! OH! OH! You wanna talk about the complete pointlessness and bullshit explanation for why Super Mutants are in Fallout 4? You wanna talk about how stupid it is for the institute to make super mutants because........ research? When it took a lot of dead bodies, centaurs, and floaters for the master to eventually create super mutants!?

That somehow the god dammed dying race of super mutants........ migrated to the east!? That Vault Tec and a god dammed college got the highly volatile and experimental virus to just toy around with?!

That even if the Institute was able to make a shit ton of super mutants they should've died out long ago because the super mutants are sterile! And even if the super mutants weren't sterile, that would completely ruin the ending to Fallout! Because then if they aren't sterile then they really are the best choice for advancing humanity! THERE SHOULDN'T BE A DIFFERENT STRAIN OF FEV! THERE WAS JUST THE ONE! AND IT WAS KEPT IN A TOP SECRET MILITARY BASE DEEP IN THE WEST!
What about Fallout 1 though... You don't much of either ghouls or SMs aside from a few talking heads. It's all prerendered pictures and it makes sense to give them as much detail as possible. Which doesn't excuse bethesda from being lazy in 2008~2015 but should also be noted.

The sprites for the ghouls gave the impression that they were zombie like in appearance
http://www.spriters-resource.com/fullview/52124/ (favorite sprite from fallout)

Admittedly the Super-mutant sprites give the impression that they are like The Giant Hulk.
Fallout 1 was made in 1997 when people were still bragging about their 200 mb of RAM or whatever it was back then.
Fallout was designed to run on a Pentium 90MHz with 16 MB ram that it shared with the Windows OS. ;)

Fallout 4 was released in 2015. So why exactly do the Super Mutants, Ghouls, and even the Humans you talk to in Fallout 1 look more detailed, more interesting, and simply better than their counterparts in Fallout 4?

For example, Set from Necropolis is a Ghoul. You can't even tell what those leatherfaces with black eyes are in Fallout 4, but apparently that's Bethesda's take on ghouls now. Set was a hideous monstrosity with visible muscles and tendons and his face was downright terrifying. On the other hand, Fallout 4 ghouls are simply leathery-skinned people with black eyes.

Same goes for the Super Mutants. Compare Lou Tenant or his subordinates, who have a lot of detail with their various accessories down to their hideous teeth, with Strong in Fallout 4 who is just a giant green man like The Hulk.
That's been my own question since FO3, when clearly they could have designed the entire game to look like the FO1 cutscenes, and conversations with the Talking heads.

*But there is a reason: If you notice, the feral ghouls in FO3 look a lot more like Harold than Gob, or anyone else in the game. It's because they don't speak with lip-sync and don't interact with usable props like outfits, and chairs. They use a common animation rig and Face-Gen for all of their interactive NPCs. The feral ghouls are a monsters [same as mole-rats and dogs], and so do not wear human outfits, or have any close-up dialog... which makes extensive use of Face-Gen and the common skeleton. It's also why there are no fat people in FO3.
This is exactly what I'm talking about. Everything has been made as generic as possible, as though they were afraid the horrifying appearance of ghouls and Super Mutants would be too much for their target audience with Fallout 4.
Bethesda is just a greedy corporation so they want to make games that will appeal to as many people as possible(including children, basic bitches, overprotective parents etc). They want parents to be okay with their kids playing their games. Kids have a low tolerance when it comes to scary looking ghouls and super mutants, after all. They want their games to be sold at Walmart instead of banned from Walmart. They want their games to appeal to mainstream women who have only played games on Facebook. They want their games to appeal to generic people. They want generic people to be able to gently ease into their games and not get "triggered" by a hideous ghoul or super mutant or anything else. Bethesda is nothing like the PC game devs of the 90s who were more like artists than business men in suits and ties. That being said, I still enjoy Bethesda's games even though they were designed for the masses.
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OH! OH! OH! You wanna talk about the complete pointlessness and bullshit explanation for why Super Mutants are in Fallout 4? You wanna talk about how stupid it is for the institute to make super mutants because........ research? When it took a lot of dead bodies, centaurs, and floaters for the master to eventually create super mutants!?

That somehow the god dammed dying race of super mutants........ migrated to the east!? That Vault Tec and a god dammed college got the highly volatile and experimental virus to just toy around with?!

That even if the Institute was able to make a shit ton of super mutants they should've died out long ago because the super mutants are sterile! And even if the super mutants weren't sterile, that would completely ruin the ending to Fallout! Because then if they aren't sterile then they really are the best choice for advancing humanity! THERE SHOULDN'T BE A DIFFERENT STRAIN OF FEV! THERE WAS JUST THE ONE! AND IT WAS KEPT IN A TOP SECRET MILITARY BASE DEEP IN THE WEST!

Fallout 4 doesn't detract from the lore, It ADDS to it.

Fallout 4 doesn't detract from the lore, It ADDS to it.

Yeah! Because having everyone and their grandmother own power armor doesn't detract from its coolness! Because having "rare" Enclave X-01 experimental power armor be littering every trash can doesn't detract from how smart technically the Enclave were! Because having F4llouts Maxson be a retarded racist asshat doesn't detract from the legendary line of Elders know as the Maxsons! BECAUSE HAVING THE SOLE SURVIVOR MAKE A BAJILLION WATER PURIFIERS DOESN'T DETRACT FROM THE NEED TO MAKE THE RETARDED WATER PURIFIER IN FALLOUT 3!!
Yeah! Because having everyone and their grandmother own power armor doesn't detract from its coolness! Because having "rare" Enclave X-01 experimental power armor be littering every trash can doesn't detract from how smart technically the Enclave were! Because having F4llouts Maxson be a retarded racist asshat doesn't detract from the legendary line of Elders know as the Maxsons! BECAUSE HAVING THE SOLE SURVIVOR MAKE A BAJILLION WATER PURIFIERS DOESN'T DETRACT FROM THE NEED TO MAKE THE RETARDED WATER PURIFIER IN FALLOUT 3!!
-I hate Fallout 3 so Fallout 3's story doesn't count.
-Oh, that's just game's conventionalities.
-Oh, yeah, but what about [list of sillyness of FO2]?
And so on and so forth.
Yeah! Because having everyone and their grandmother own power armor doesn't detract from its coolness! Because having "rare" Enclave X-01 experimental power armor be littering every trash can doesn't detract from how smart technically the Enclave were! Because having F4llouts Maxson be a retarded racist asshat doesn't detract from the legendary line of Elders know as the Maxsons! BECAUSE HAVING THE SOLE SURVIVOR MAKE A BAJILLION WATER PURIFIERS DOESN'T DETRACT FROM THE NEED TO MAKE THE RETARDED WATER PURIFIER IN FALLOUT 3!!

Don't you know? Because Fallout 2 had bad moments means that we shouldn't complain about kid in a fridge quest or anything like jet being prewar because everyone knows that it is pesudo science. Enclave armor is prewar didn't you know? My wiki that post retconn information confirms it!
Embrace yourself since because Bethesda let Fallout: New Vegas happend five years ago, FO4 is good (not because it's good but because FNV was good and Interplay's F:BOS was bad, oh yeah)nonetheless and Interplay is bad and ruining the franchise since FO2. That's true so it's relevant!

Alright, alright, the real reason is that's the game is working with so-called leveled lists of inventory items. You'll get armor pieces adjusted to your level. High level? Enjoy your X-01 in a grandpa's closet.
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One of the main issues with the Deathclaw's new form is how it focuses on everything else BESIDES THE FUCKING THINGS IT WAS NAMED AFTER. Horns? Let's make them big, jutted out and in the players' face! Back? Make large rows of spikes that jut out like a mountain peak and make his legs shake the screen as it walks...until you see their claws, that is, and they look like a fucking joke. They're incredibly small compared to the Deathclaws in NV and FO1 and 2, and with how the animation looks, they're always using the middle finger of the claw to kill their victims, which is dumb, honestly. They claws should go back to them all being indentically large, make it the most "Oh god, jesus fucking christ, don't let that thing touch me!" attention grabbing moment.
Let's just post a less goofy clay model? Although it won't retcon the fact that they are mutated lizardschameleons.
Someone will say it's worse than FO4 ones buttfuck you, seriously. FO4's ones are dragons without wings and that's about them.
Let's just post a less goofy clay model? Although it won't retcon the fact that they are mutated lizardschameleons.
Someone will say it's worse than FO4 ones buttfuck you, seriously. FO4's ones are dragons without wings and that's about them.
I prefer the other one tbh. It doesn't look goofy to me. It looks original and threatening. I was never a fan of that model you posted.
I prefer the other one tbh. It doesn't look goofy to me. It looks original and threatening. I was never a fan of that model you posted.
Let's just say they are threatening? I always find FO4's Deathclaws a lot goofier than they really should be. They are, thanks for the rendering, does look like clay, physically based shading yo.
They just illuminate MEAN. Horns shaped as most blatant view on a demon, horns on the back... I lost the words so I'll go with 'the most blatant look on a demon'. Somehow it's also about Skyrim's dragons... Which are closer to blatant demonic wyverns than dragons.
Let's just say they are threatening? I always find FO4's Deathclaws a lot goofier than they really should be. They are, thanks for the rendering, does look like clay, physically based shading yo.
They just illuminate MEAN. Horns shaped as most blatant view on a demon, horns on the back... I lost the words so I'll go with 'the most blatant look on a demon'. Somehow it's also about Skyrim's dragons...
I want talking about fo4's shitty model. I was talking about the one I posted above your post.