NMA/tO and RPG Codex are the last bastions of monocled video game taste on the internet.
lol, it was an enjoyable forum to be on back then with lots of mature discussions and great members, also much less strict. They've slowly went down the drain however.Banned.![]()
The biggest difference between NMA and the Codex is that no one would ever say this on the Codex unless they were literally stabbing you and consuming your fluids for sustenance.Good to get some new blood.
The Codex is a good community. To me, it's like having a conversation in real-life -- say what you want, no mod to hand you a ticket if you say something "out of bounds", no one banning you for your opinions. I think the place just scares people who lack a good layer of thick skin.I like RPGCodex since they support the incline of RPG's. Without them we might not have Age of Decadence or UnderRail or Serpent in the Staglands or Wasteland 2. Both of our communities are basically striving for the same thing. Styg and even Avellone post on Codex occasionally. It might be a hostile place but the great thing is you can tell people to go fuck themselves and it is no big deal.
Bethesda games deserve all the hate they get. They are good for what they are but they lack substance. Due to rampant fanboy brown-nosing we now have Fallout 4, one of the weakest entries in the series thus far. All of that is off topic but it should be noted. Good to get some new blood. Stay frosty.![]()
Monocled taste for everything else too, it seems. I've barely ever heard of most songs, films and games everyone here talks about. I feel like a peasant on here.NMA/tO and RPG Codex are the last bastions of monocled video game taste on the internet.
The Codex is a good community. To me, it's like having a conversation in real-life -- say what you want, no mod to hand you a ticket if you say something "out of bounds", no one banning you for your opinions. I think the place just scares people who lack a good layer of thick skin.
NMA is a good place too -- very mature community generally, great members.
I hate this place. Just knowing the fact that there are people who prefer FPS open-world over Turn-base Isometric on this forum piss me off.
Pretty much the same story here, just replace Fallout 3 with Fallout 4. You know, Fallout 3 was actually my entry into the series, and I fucking loved it. Main game, DLC, everything, I just had a blast. It was only after I played New Vegas and all it's expansions that I looked back and noticed the flaws. The nonsensical story, the lack of interesting enemy factions, settlements with no effort to make them feel alive (except Rivet City, that's still pretty cool). Around that time, must have been 2013, I remember coming over here and reading some posts that reflected my feelings toward the game (distinctly remember it was Walpknut who said something that resonated with me), but I didn't really feel like jumping into the conversation myself. I then played Fallout 1 because of curiosity in the origins of the franchise, and although I had little to no experience with isometric turn-based RPGs, I thoroughly enjoyed it. Fast forward two years and we have the release of Fallout 4, where I find myself being even more disappointed than I was before. I thought with the release of New Vegas, along with that pretty cool E3 trailer, that Bethesda was going to turn it around and make a really good Fallout game. But we all know how that turned out. So I came back here on a whim, remembering that this place housed people who were not afraid of criticizing Bethesda (coughcoughReddit). I made an account and actually posted a bit, and now here we are. Despite what a lot of the apologists say, NMA is actually a really friendly place. Ironically enough, you guys treat fans of Fallout 3 and 4 (as long as they don't flip out and harass people) better than the folks on Reddit treat us. Never change, NMA.I got annoyed with Fallout 3 and needed to find a place to reaffirm my opinions, and Reddit wasn't working for me.