Why Fallout 3 is Going to Suck on FF-On

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Really, really new site (as in opened just before thanksgiving) sure knows how to kick off to get people's attention, with an editorial and comic on why Fallout 3 will suck. Skip if you're sensitive to swearing, because there's lots of it here.<blockquote>So here’s the deal. I’m an old-school RPG nut. I love fallout 1 & 2. I love Baldur’s Gate 1 & 2. Planescape: Torment? Yes please. But the new RPG’s? No. KOTOR is solid stuff, but aside from that we’ve got crap. NWN 2 was a giant piece of garbage. I attempted to play MP with two of my friends, and while we were going through the story it was actually impossible to keep certain characters out of your party. So here we are, playing a game with 8 party members, which given the weird AI in NWN 2 is almost impossible to manage with three people.

But really, my biggest gripe is with Oblivion. Don’t even get me started on it because I could write a thesis on how it is the most over-rated piece of shit you ever saw. I’d be willing to call it a good game if the world at large didn’t make it seem like it was the second coming. Anyway, the whole notion of paying for “additional” content really irks me. I mean, usually extras like horse armor or a few new quests are things developers release to the people who bought their game for free. I look at it as continued support for your product. Bethesda has separated the patching process. Things that need “fixing” are free, but things that add a little extra to your game add a little extra to Bethesda’s coffers. I mean I payed 50 bucks for your damn game, do you really need to charge me 2 dollars for some wizard’s tower? Why not just roll that into the patch, so that people can actually get jazzed about your companies support for their games? I dunno, sounds crazy.</blockquote>Upon close inspection, that article isn't really about why Fallout 3 is going to suck, it's a piece against DLCs. Well, ok then, bit of a contentious title then.

Link: Why Fallout 3 is Going to Suck.
Link: Why Fallout 3 is Going to Suck comic.

Spotted on Fallout 3: A Post Nuclear Blog.
not about FO3, yeah... with throwing words around such a thesis and whatnot, i was kinda expecting the dude to make a serious attempt rather than just a rant on a blog.

as for the comic, kinda weak and besides the point, but his heart is in the right place.
Well at least it gives a sense of: not alone on the internet. Not vaguely as strong as NMA but its a good start :)
Someone needs to send the link to Bethesda's forums.

You will surely not survive this mission.
doesn't look THAT mean .I could easily make a Blog/Website that could make the guys at Bethesda angry.But whats the Point ?!
I mean they are doing what they want to the game and they are sure that the same people who bought Oblivion will also buy Fallout 3 since it is almost like an Oblivion MOD FFS.nothing will top them from what they are doing !
Did this guy just wake up after a couple of years of deep slumber or something?
Neamos said:
Why does the site and comic look so much like CAD? (That's not a good thing)
I thought the style was more like Penny Arcade, just with horrible writing. The art isn't nearly as bad as CAD.

Really, really new site (as in opened just before thanksgiving)
The comics seem to go back awhile. Maybe they've only just realised they wanted to make something of their old comics or perhaps it is a sinister plan to seem more legit :o
Vault 13 said:
doesn't look THAT mean .I could easily make a Blog/Website that could make the guys at Bethesda angry.But whats the Point ?
Vengeance :) .
He's such a copycat!

(points at sig)

Not to mention we at least focused on the game and didn't derail into some random tangent about Downloadable Content...

Makes me think he's got a poor train of thought or just trying to shake up some rabble.
Hello guys,

Well vengeance is rather overrated.
As for revenge against Bethesda, well in what way?

The only real form of 'revenge' would be rather indirect, that this... well "Gears of War/Elder Scrolls Oblivion" bastard child would fall flat on its face in front of the casual gamers who are now attracted to it because its "Oblivion in a Post Nuclear setting".

Actually attacking Bethesda itself would work quite opposite of what we would like to accomplish.
And what do we really want to accomplish in the end?

I don't really see any of the few old style RPG developers picking up the Fallout franchise should the Bethesda game fail.
The company where Tim Cain works for only develops MMO games (correct me if I am wrong)

The only other option would be Obsidian, but would they be interested in getting the Fallout franchise?
Personally I would like to see a game that captures some of the same spirit but takes place in a different setting, perhaps a Buck Rogers' style space setting with atomic space craft.

Sure I would like to see a new Fallout but not one that feels like a rehash of the previous storylines with the latest FPS engine attached to it in order to appeal to all.
Well... this makes us look great.

Add another onto the list of rabid ranting anti-Bethesda fallout fans eh?

We're all the same.... :(
Wasn't that impressed. But the whole thing with the rock and the pancor jack hammer was funny. On Fallout weapons come slow, on Beth's Fallout guns come fast and big! Because bigger is better right??? I can't believe they actually made a nuke launcher for Fallout 3, how fucking stupid can they be? I know its been said, but in case the moron who made the nuke gun comes around; I'd like to get my 2 cents in.
zioburosky13 said:
A cross between penny-arcade and Zero-punctuation :P

i thought it was a bad knock off of penny arcade. the style and all.

but nothing like ZP because he does reviews, and a review can't really be done until a game is out. also, ZP is hilarious and this guy is not.
The Dutch Ghost said:
As for revenge against Bethesda, well in what way?
By speaking the Truth. The Truth hurts.

The Dutch Ghost said:
And what do we really want to accomplish in the end?
I want them to suffer. I want them to remember how pathethic is everything that they create.

The Dutch Ghost said:
Personally I would like to see a game that captures some of the same spirit but takes place in a different setting, perhaps a Buck Rogers' style space setting with atomic space craft.
Me too :) . I think that Fallout setting should be left alone and that the gameplay formula should be improved and used for new cRPGs in different settings :) .