Eh, Arin, Arin... This guy haven't even wrote down these "arguments" himself, just asked another fanboy (MrWert1978) to do it for him. I refuted most of his arguments in about 5 minutes and this was his only answer:
Eh, when will I finally understand that I should "never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience."
I thought that this website is indeed too harsh on Fallout 3 fanboys, but now I understand who they really are. "No mercy for stupidity" seems like good policy to me now. You will meet only insults or ignoring your posts at bestfrom them anyway.
There is plenty of food from the many hunters and scavengers and caravans. Even the leader of Arefu says that Brahmin milk was their "life blood". There isn’t much difference in the settlements you find in both games either. They all rely on trade, especially Goodsprings, and scavenging. Manny says Novac wouldn’t exist if it wasn’t for scavenging REPCONN and Nash in Primm talks about “townies out scavenging for supplies.”
Are they scavenging 200 yo food? Certainly not, that's job for Lone Wanderer

Paraphrasing Avatar: Last Airbender - is even their meat eating meat? Is such ecosystem possible? IIRC, there wasn't enough veggies in DC to sustain enough of herbivores, so wouldn't carnivores die out of starvation? And therefore humans? Besides, had they said what EXACT kind of "supplies" they scavenged? It's rather wide term, doesn't have to mean only "food".
Jump to 10:15 if you don't care about the rest.
It is the first not to have a player history, no random encounters, and the first to have people turn to ghouls, seemingly overnight, at Camp Searchlight
And what backstory had LW? Brought up in vault, had father and some friends (which were as shallow as rest of this game). Wow, thrilling. And someone haven't played Lonesome Road apparently...
I'd rather have no random encounters than trip over raider or supermutant every 10 feets in this supposed "wasteland".
How did Moira turned? Or guy from Dunwich? Hell, his voice changed in like 5 seconds (tape). Besides, F3 is first in series to have ghouls RUNNING! (Well, I don't remember if it's in Tactics)
first to have a worthless Karma system
Karma in NV is pointless, unless you wanted Cass as a companion. But how it looks in FO3? You donate Church of Atom - good karma, but if you do what they dream of - somehow that makes you evil, not messiah. After that you go to Rivet and donate 2000 caps. You are saint now. Than you kill the guy who received donation and have your caps back. But you are still a saint. Thanks, I'll stick to reputation system.
When you choose NCR, your basically choosing your"karma" as good , Legion is bad and Mr House is neutral
I believe Legion was made so evil because there were some fans that regretted you couldn't join bad guys in F3. Now they can. Otherwise, it's concept from Van Buren, game that you love to refer to so much. NCR has many issues actually - plain incompetence, corruption, taxes (in NCR ending it's said that some of people of Goodsprings had to migrate because they couldn't pay them), imperialism... Also - Tandi is long dead, and Kimbal isn't someone to be respected. Legion is far better in securing its people and territory (especially trade routes). It seems to be no worse than nazis - yet there were (and are, unfortunatelly) many people liking them, so making Ceasar satan himself is stupid. Those aren't even only options, you have House and indie.
Seeing these four choices only as good/bad/neutral is shallow and childish.
Remember, there hadn’t been a FO game in over 10 yrs till 3. Bethesda had to reintroduce certain elements of the Fallout world that make it a Fallout game.Both FONV and 3 were mostly developed from ideas found in Van Buren, it’s just simple as that.
There's difference between similarity, continuation and just plain rehash. Besides, Beth devs were claiming to take inspirations from serious F1, not (a bit) lulzy F2, in which many locations and quests were only because of being "cool shit".
Another argument concerning 3 is the Enclave in DC. Many think they were wiped out in 2. My argument is the Shi Emperor tells you the Enclave are a large organization, so does AHS-9
Mentioned character haven't even said such things.
Damn, I didn't even remember about inoculating. Seems to be another nail to the coffin of "Enclave in DC" concept.
Besides, it's not even about how many members of Enclave arrived to the DC after destruction of the Oil Rig - FO3 takes place not 3 but 30 years after FO2. That would mean that Enclave has seemingly endless supply of "pure" women or that these women have breeding capabilities of ant queens

After two big defeats their young, not 50 yo soldiers, were still swarming Mobile Base Crawler