Why FO4 may be liked by intelligent people

Fallout Shelter would be the shitty spin off mobile game that serves no purpose other then to cash in on microtransactions. A game that is easily forgettable unlike Fallout 4 unfortunately.
Fallout shelter was just a cash grab to take advantage of the anticipation for fallout 4.

"We're releasing fallout 4 in 6 months but in the meantime heres this"
I can't remember the exact line and whether it was about Fallout Shelter or the real Pip-Boy, but Todd had this great line about "as far as stupid gimmicks go, this is the best one".

I have to admit, credit should be given where credit is due. Todd Howard is a brilliant marketer and very good at giving people what they want.

Yet Pete "IDGAF about lore" Hines is doing the PR. Maybe Todd should be doing the PR and Pete should just... Well, I have no idea. I'm not actually sure what he's good at. But Todd Howard, for all his Michael Bay-ish appeal, has a way with words and definitely succeeded in advertising and hyping a game that got much more praise than it deserved.

You all have your opinions, but I can't hate a guy for doing his job right.
Yeah, I have some kind of respect for Todd in that he knows how to present himself and his games well.
My problem with Hines is, I'm not sure if I feel sorry for him or not.
On one hand, he has to answer for every fuck-up Bethesda makes, on the other, he doesn't have the best response to some people's concerns.
Yeah, I have some kind of respect for Todd in that he knows how to present himself and his games well.
My problem with Hines is, I'm not sure if I feel sorry for him or not.
On one hand, he has to answer for every fuck-up Bethesda makes, on the other, he doesn't have the best response to some people's concerns.

Pete Hines is that kid who loves Fallout 3, and ignores or insults the kid who argues that it actually sucks.
Regarding the Star Wars analogy, I was thinking the other day about how Fallout kind of lines up with the Terminator here.

1&2 are fantastic and influential with 2 making a significant tonal shift that works, but 1 all-in-all is tighter.

Tactics is, I dunno, the Dark Horse tie-in Comics (e.g. RoboCop vs. the Terminator, Aliens vs. Predator vs. the Terminator); even if they were canon, it doesn't really matter, have fun with them if you want.

Fallout: PoS is Terminator 3. It's insulting, awful, misses everything great about the originals.

Fallout 3 is Terminator Salvation. It's stupid, bloated, about the least interesting person in the entire story, and the plot makes no sense. People mostly remember it for the atmosphere and the better set pieces though.

New Vegas is the Sarah Connor Chronicles. It's fantastic, but underappreciated and undone by suits who wouldn't recognize quality if it bit them on the unmentionables.

Fallout 4 is Terminator Genisys. It's better than 3 in a lot of ways, but ultimately it makes you wonder "why are they still making these if they don't understand what people liked about the good ones."
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Sure. But I don't really like action movies.

The first one is really more of a science fiction horror/thriller piece; it's more about the dread of an unstoppable monster pursuing you than what happens when it gets here. It didn't turn into an action franchise until the 2nd one, but T2 is actually pretty good because it's smart and well-crafted.

The Sarah Connor Chronicles was a really good TV series, so doesn't get into full on action because it's on a TV budget.
Wow, great analogy, really fits Fallout.

There are plenty of analogies that fits Fallout and a lot of other series out there for one very specific reason. It's how the entertainment industry works these days. It's not about the potential and what the creators want to make, it's what the charts, graphs and business analysts say. It's all about profits and catering to the largest audience, and taking the most profitable way.

Anything in entertainment these days that were classic gems of entertainment gets ruined pretty quickly by ambitious executives and the overwhelming need to make more money with the least amount of effort. Only when there's a complete flip in culture everywhere will Fallout ever become what it used to be again. And I mean everywhere - Obsidian getting Fallout back won't solve the problem. The entertainment industry becoming art-centric over profit-centric again, and not being run completely by suits, will.
However, you should at some point watch the old Terminator movies and NuTerminator - which includes the Shitsarah Chronicles. Just for the fun of watching a trainwreck. Even if you're not a fan of action movies, I think if you a real movie buff you will notice the changes from T1 to T5. Mainly the part that they don't give a shit anymore about the movie quality.