Why Hitman (2016) failed miserably...

Oh I know, but every dollar helps.

I can't stand modern AAA development.

I wasn't always like this, I used to buy CoD every year, Battlefield 3, I would have bought Halo if I had an Xbox.

I wasn't much of a PC player really, grew up on PS2 and Nintendo DS/Wii.

I think Dwarf Fortress fucked me up for good, such amazing mechanics which all (mooooooooostly...) work perfectly and logically, then I started getting into 90's games...Which are superior mechanically to games of today.

Doom 1? Colourful and unique enemies which all work perfectly, no scripted bullshit. Goood map design, no need for gimmicks like jetpacks and such. Awesome weapons which feel powerful, even the lowly shotgun can 1 hit enemies from far away, yet alone the SUPER shotgun. Enemy count upwards of the thousands on some stupid WAD's.

Not-Doom 2016? Drab unoriginal enemies which need scripts for bossfights, boring map designs, need gimmicks to make it work, ruined weapon balance, unlimited ammo for grenades and pistol and shit, and enemy count is capped to 12.


Well classic Doom has more complex level design while nu-D44m has corridor arena corridor from what I was hearing. From the gameplay I seen it was just copying Brutal Doom which from what I played was worse than vanilla Doom and just makes it more modern which is shit. Also different weapons had different purposes for different enemies like using the chaingun on the mancubus to stun him and keep him from attacking which is quite dangerous for example. That snapmap tool also looks really limiting.


Complex level design would be too hard for the kiddies.
New Doom isn't that bad, but it is still not even close. Take old Doom and remake it the right way and it would blow people's minds. Oh wait they already made add ons for Brutal Doom. Haha.
New Doom isn't that bad, but it is still not even close. Take old Doom and remake it the right way and it would blow people's minds. Oh wait they already made add ons for Brutal Doom. Haha.

I have to admit I love brutal doom.

A lot of people have issues with reloading, but I think it adds tension.

You know you can only fire X amount of shots before becoming impotent for a short period, which promotes weapon swapping, or taking cover, which on hard vanilla doom, you'd be doing anyway.

The weapon rebalances are also awesome, shotgun still feels powerful, if not more-so.
I have to admit I love brutal doom.

A lot of people have issues with reloading, but I think it adds tension.

You know you can only fire X amount of shots before becoming impotent for a short period, which promotes weapon swapping, or taking cover, which on hard vanilla doom, you'd be doing anyway.

The weapon rebalances are also awesome, shotgun still feels powerful, if not more-so.
Well I do admit it does what it sets out to do pretty well but imo less is more. In all honesty while I do find it funny how much blood and gore is in it I found the death animations already pretty brutal in the original game. The original Doom already promotes weapon swapping when it comes to things like say crowd control or for a certain enemy but yeah I get what you're saying.
DRM punishes gamers for buying games instead of pirating them.

Isn't that the ironic truth?

I've pirated games because of DRM, that alone is absurd.

Uplay, Origin, Denuvo, etc are all cancer.

Steam is admittedly bad, but at least we've heard from Gaben that if steam was to go down, he'd try his best to ensure they keep working.
Isn't that the ironic truth?

I've pirated games because of DRM, that alone is absurd.

Uplay, Origin, Denuvo, etc are all cancer.

Steam is admittedly bad, but at least we've heard from Gaben that if steam was to go down, he'd try his best to ensure they keep working.
Steam, Origin and Uplay is tolerable for me as long as they don't allow a second layer of DRM. Like Steam + Denuvo... But a lot of games have multiple layers of DRM. Layers and layers of DRM, slowing down your PC, causing the game to break etc... While pirates get a game that is free from all that garbage, paying customers get a game full of that garbage. Pirates get a copy of the game that has been purified, basically. It makes no sense. It's like these publishers want people to pirate their games. The movie industry doesn't make it so pirates get better copies of their movies but the gaming industry makes it so pirates get better copies of their games. WTF. And then their response? MORE DRM! And paid mods...
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Steam, Origin and Uplay is tolerable for me as long as they don't allow a second layer of DRM. Like Steam + Denuvo... But a lot of games have multiple layers of DRM. Layers and layers of DRM, slowing down your PC, causing the game to break etc... While pirates get a game that is free from all that garbage, paying customers get a game full of that garbage. Pirates get a copy of the game that has been purified, basically. It makes no sense. It's like these publishers want people to pirate their games. The movie industry doesn't make it so pirates get better copies of their movies but the gaming industry makes it so pirates get better copies of their games. WTF. And then their response? MORE DRM!



I LOVE buying a 'brand new game', only to find out 50% of the content has gone walkabout.

Well classic Doom has more complex level design while nu-D44m has corridor arena corridor from what I was hearing. From the gameplay I seen it was just copying Brutal Doom which from what I played was worse than vanilla Doom and just makes it more modern which is shit. Also different weapons had different purposes for different enemies like using the chaingun on the mancubus to stun him and keep him from attacking which is quite dangerous for example. That snapmap tool also looks really limiting.


Complex level design would be too hard for the kiddies.
Uh huh. Actual DOOM 2016 map:
Despite the having to be online bullshit and the bare story, I still enjoyed playing Hitman. I only grabbed it when it became much cheaper though, I wouldn't get it otherwise.

It could have been better, there's little opportunity to properly use the sniper rifle save for one or two missions (no bloody briefcase to carry it either!) being one example, but I don't think it's a lost franchise. They had the sense to bring back David Bateson too.
It was my first hitman and I enjoyed it. Though again the game like Human Revolution did poorly more so because of the publisher than the efforts of the devs themselves.
Also I dont buy that stealth games dont sell or dishonored and the likes were "failures" either.

Imitation of complexity does not equal complexity.

Doom 4 is just doom 1-2 with shittier weapons, more generic dull enemies, and gimmicks like jetpacks.

Same weapons and same enemies. The weapons have a variety of fire modes and special abilities and things like jet packs add further verticality to the combat. Plus its not like you can fly around in it. I can understand people being upset that DOOM 4 isnt DOOM 1-2. But I doubt we will see anything similar to those games in any old school FPS any time soon. Its an old school FPS at heart and fun. However like DOOM 3 it may have the spirit of DOOM but no intention to be a 101 copy of it.

Also so what if it isn't EXACTLY like doom 1-2? What game series cant change design? Try new things? I like the arena combat and the glory kill system. It encourages aggression and mobility. All aspects of old school design. And the DOOM 4 levels are a million times more complex than the likes of uncharted 4 or CoD. I dont understand what happened to liking something as it is not something its not. Can the glory kills be too easy? Yes, but you don't HAVE to use them. And if they were harder to obtain in a sequel great! Can the arenas be repetititve and the linearity frustrating at times. Yes but the game has a fantastic combat rhythm and gun play.