Plus, who the fuck cares? This forum has had the stigma of being Beth Fallout haters years and years before i even knew this place existed, so most Beth fans come here basically to yell that we are a bunch of boomers stuck in the past. Plus they leave because most of us don't exactly engage in praising games that are responsible for the current state of the franchise.
I do. You would be content to let people hate us due to Kilus making a couple of alts and trolling once and people posting screenshots over and over again. I am not. I think that stigma should go fuck off now because plenty of people have came here and liked Beth games and been productive posters, not total morons like we always said, so ya know maybe realize NMA is not just about what you want. Besides what do you even do here besides rage about the same shit we have done thousands of time before? Yeah we know 76 is bad. Go do something in the Fallout 22 thread or something if you like old Fallout so much.