Why I will likely never play the original Fallouts


Never go full gooner
I know I've said before in an older post that I'd get around to it, but I will most likely not. It's not that I can't handle a real RPG or that I'm a graphics scrub, it's that I can't get past the turn based combat and top down view. My favorite RPG is the original Deus Ex (2000), so before you ask, yes I've played an actual RPG. Fallout as good as it may be, will always be stuck behind those two gripes, as childish as that may sound.
Part of me thought it was bait, but this is the Age of Darkness we live in. Deus Ex is good though.
I kind of feel the same for Fo3-FoNV gameplay.

I was kind of used to play FPS in First person view and RPG in isometric view.
Then i played Fo3 in 2013 and FoNV in 2014-2015 (took me a year and half for the latter, with all the faction choices)

I loved the lore, the cast, the C&C of New Vegas and i intended to try some of the mods for New Vegas. But after so much time on the Gamebryo i just no longer can't play any First person RPG. Too much filler to reach the 0.02% of the game that matters to me.

And i am not even sure i am ready yet to play a regular FPS with no RPG features. (i also tried some filler FPS that bored me to death during the same period)

Turn-Based or Real-time, i am mostly playing isometric games, side scrolling game, and board games ports for PC\android since 2015...

Maybe i will try Metro Exodus or Cyberpunk 2077 at some point, but not until many years.
Means you won't see a number of well done games, man.

While we're on it, do check VTMB. If you've enjoyed Deus Ex, that one will probably be a home run for you.
You will get around to playing Fallout's 1 and 2 eventually I put off playing them for the same reasons you have and I started with New Vegas or 3 can't remember was a while ago but one day I tuned a corner and played them then found my self playing Wasteland 2 Pillars of eternity Divinity Original Sin's 1 and 2 Tyranny
all 3 Shadowrun games as well as a lot of Interplay's fantasy CRPGs Arcanum and a few others.
i mean ultimately it just comes down to taste but if you don't like slow paced game then RPGs just aren't for you. also lol no deus ex is not an rpg. that said the only "new" fallout game that's worth anything is new vegas and we'll never get another one like that so why are you even bothering with the franchise?
...it's that I can't get past the turn based combat and top down view.
This is core to Fallout; in fact [afaik] the combat engine was among the earliest things developed—before theme and story was even considered.

An early story premise was about time travel, and saving the world, encountering dinosaurs, and later on helping wizards, and accidentally extinguishing Humanity before it began. [no joke O.o]

I can understand a point of view that does not appreciate it... but it really is like not wanting to try a foreign food; or not instantaneously liking it at the first (or even fifth) taste. But like the foods, one can develop a preference for it over time.

I came to Fallout straight from Baldur's Gate—and wondered if I had made a terrible mistake in bothering with it. The exact same thing happened with another turn based game; Disciples 2—the very same doubt almost immediately. But I played it until it became familiar and I knew how to play it. Shortly afterwards I clocked in an 18 hour stint of Disciples 2—single player.

I've never played Fallout for 18 hours straight, but it's a fantastic RPG, and the combat is part of it.

Anytime someone says they don't like a game for the very reasons that I do like it... I am reminded of this clip:
(...and that I both like root beer, and that I think Garak is right. )
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Fallout 1 / 2 only has as much combat as you want it to have. Except for random encounters on the worldmap, almost all combat can be avoided. Therefore "but muh turn based" is not exactly a good argument.
i mean you could say the same thing about pokemon or telltale's the walking dead but i wouldn't call those rpgs either.

I haven't played either. How are you required to RP in those games?

Not all RPGs allow roleplaying and not all games that allow roleplaying are RPGs.

I didn't say anything about allowing roleplaying. I certainly don't think anything that can be roleplayed is an RPG, but I don't see how an RPG could prohibit roleplaying. Without RP, there is just a G.
I didn't say anything about allowing roleplaying. I certainly don't think anything that can be roleplayed is an RPG, but I don't see how an RPG could prohibit roleplaying. Without RP, there is just a G.
You said that there is no way to play Deus Ex without roleplaying. As a reply to R.Graves when he said Deus Ex is not a RPG.

About me saying that not all RPGs allow roleplaying. Here's a good example:
Hack and Sash RPGs usually don't allow roleplaying (specially the classics), since you pick a character and all the game has to offer is "kill and kill and kill some more", usually there is not even a proper story or characters background.
Like in the old Gauntlet games, or Chainmail (the combat figurine RPG from where Dungeons and Dragons was born).

Of course, anyone that try enough can roleplay in any game, even in Tetris. Because roleplay is only limited by your imagination, but in the examples I mentioned above, it allows as much roleplaying as the first Super Mario Bros. game. If you try hard enough, you can roleplay that you're the character you're controlling, but the games themselves don't really give any tools to allow it without stretching one's imagination.

About the RP on RPG. It's a different type of "role playing", because there are more than one type.
General roleplaying is different from the specific RPG "role-playing". Roleplaying is when people pretend to be someone or something they are not (which can be applied to pretty much anything). While "role-playing" (as in RPG) is a person assuming the role of a character(s) and deal with the situations using that character's abilities.

In the first you "pretend", in the second you "are". In the first you "play" a role as in an actor in a theater play, on the second you "play" a limited (by the character's abilities) role as in playing a game. Different types of roles and different types of play. :grin:
You said that there is no way to play Deus Ex without roleplaying. As a reply to R.Graves when he said Deus Ex is not a RPG.

I know. I was there. That doesn't really clarify anything. I said as far as I know it isn't possible to play Deus Ex without roleplaying. They aren't *allowing* roleplaying if I'm right, they're requiring it. That would means it has RPG mechanics and is an RPG.

Here's a good example

Explaining why you believe them to be RPGs is kind of needed for the example to argue the point.

About the RP on RPG. It's a different type of "role playing", because there are more than one type.
General roleplaying is different from the specific RPG "role-playing". Roleplaying is when people pretend to be someone or something they are not (which can be applied to pretty much anything). While "role-playing" (as in RPG) is a person assuming the role of a character(s) and deal with the situations using that character's abilities.

In the first you "pretend", in the second you "are". In the first you "play" a role as in an actor in a theater play, on the second you "play" a limited (by the character's abilities) role as in playing a game. Different types of roles and different types of play. :grin:

Assuming a role is not the same as roleplaying. It's more akin to acting. The role is assigned, not chosen. Performers have creative licence. They can adlib (depending on the director). Method acting involves letting yourself believe that you are the character. So all the bases are covered analogously.

Whereas roleplaying is akin to improv. The script is limited if not nonexistent. There can be rules that confine options. Other actors or other parties can introduce changes to the scene that must be accepted. It is interactive.

In other words, it requires narrative choices about ones character. And where such choices are mechanically apart of a game, then and only then is it a roleplaying game. Anything else is just a game that people can RP, no matter how much they ape the cosmetics (level ups, skill points, and the like). In other words, if you can play without roleplaying then it isn't an RPG.