Why is Caesar legion so hated?


First time out of the vault
I have simple question. Why is the legion so hated. I've seen many remarks about the legion that are very negative at times. Some being stupid comments like "The legion are bad guys, and they kill helpless wastelanders! NCR and BoS is so much more better because there the good guys!" The same stuff you normally hear on youtube.:roll: More legit reasons are that they have fewer quests, no real depth behide them, slavery, ect. For me, they are a excellent faction in the fallout universe, and I hope to see more of them. So tell me good people of the NMA, whats the deal?:cry:
Well, the Legion isn't quite as fleshed out as they should be. We only see their military outpost and nothing about the civilian life under their rule. They are made out to be kinda stereotypically evil and cruel, although some NPCs do explain why they're cruel.
I guess the biggest problem is with the design. They just look silly. The whole roman-shtick is just weird and feels kinda out of place.
As an idea and a concept they're great. It's just that the implementation lacks a bit.
The Legion can be summed up in "decent concept, poor execution." Apart from the fact that we never get a clear picture of their lands as a whole (which is a huge deficiency in their representation), I think their biggest problem was that, as a game-entity, they were too self-aware. Fallout's plundered the past before, but never cut from whole cloth like that. The Vipers, Jackals, and Khans in the original games, for instance, were supposed to harken back to the war clans and animal cults of old, but they themselves were never supposed to be overtly aware of that, nor did they run around dressing up like Mongols or Conan the Barbarian villains. They had their own rules and their own social structure that arose organically from the conditions of the Wasteland. They didn't speak dead languages or harken to dead Gods. They weren't constructs. I mean, c'mon. Hegelian dialectics? The idealistic superiority of knives over guns? Who runs an organization out of a philosophy textbook?

The Legion is an incredibly defensive group of self-superior assholes clinging to a bastardized artificial identity, meticulously crafted from select retro odds and ends and chock full of hypocrisy. They're the hipsters of the wasteland.
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When you conquer a sizeable portion of the continental USA and secure the lives of hundreds of thousands of people, you have permission to think whatever the hell you want.
That's true from an in-game standpoint, but from a design standpoint the logic and presentation behind them just feel to me like they missed the mark. That's totally subjective, though, regardless of how many people agree.
NCR is government"ish", so they have rules, they also pushing back the crime. BOS is similar, except with better technology and guns. The Legion crucifies random people, usually for no reason at all. Maybe you don't accept their leader, that's enough to get crucified. They are worse than the NCR or BOS.
I hope for an LegionForever user logging here someday...

If think the legion itself and its main leader are bastard, but most footsoldier seems like young people raised to never question an ideology, even if it has flaws.
Most of them tend to do horrible thing but i keep feeling sorry for a bunch of them.

I had to kill recently a legionnary assassin, sent by Karl, to prevent me from breaking the Khan/Legion alliance. I asked if there was anyway around this. The guy seemed sorry that his orders were so straightforward. Unfortunatly for him, i had other projects.
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I don't hate them, it's more that I'm Disappointed, by them to the degree where it irritates me.

On paper, they have excellent potential: an army of rehabilitated and annexed tribals led by a wise and intellectual figure, replicating the Roman Empire and basing themselves around the idea of being anti-Old World technology.

But in game they are savages wearing football armor wielding makeshift spears (which makes absolutely no sense.) that are led by an arsehole with a brain tumor,and we are told to believe that they are actually putting up a fight against the NCR (I'm not saying the NCR are even that superior, the soldiers are badly equipped, poorly trained and have no discipline, but even if you make someone wear a bikini and their only knowledge of a gun is to pull the trigger, the Gun wins versus the Spear 9 out of 10).
Most of the standpoints here are pretty fair, but I guess I'm just a sucker for the legions concept (even if it doesn't fit well within the Fallout world and doesn't make a whole lot of sense a times). Then again, I did hate how the writers made them the bad guys and the NCR the good guys even when they said that the game was going to be purely gray. In any case, I still chose them 7/10 of the time only because I think they have more to offer to the Mojave and the Southwest. And yes I know the NCR are not the good guys, but hated how there endings have the most positive out come verse the legion who have the most negative outcome.

I'm trying not to be so callous about the NCR, it just those things that upset me.
Well, they get more karma because they don't put chains in their citizens. I really like the Legion, it's one of the two factions that I join nowadays when I play NV ( the other one is House) but they aren't showed properly in the game, we don't see Legion cities to know how normal citizens lives so the only information we have of Legion territory are that they are safe and that's it. Maybe if Obsidian had more time...
It was shame a lot of Legion content was cut but I do think the Legion were an interesting group. That said I don't like the Legion, I think they are horrible. I understand why they do what they do but I really don't agree with it. I'm pretty Pro-NCR anyway. But I'm like Cass, I support the NCR but I do think they could be better, hopefully the Legion was the wakeup call they need.
But in game they are savages wearing football armor wielding makeshift spears (which makes absolutely no sense.) that are led by an arsehole with a brain tumor,and we are told to believe that they are actually putting up a fight against the NCR (I'm not saying the NCR are even that superior, the soldiers are badly equipped, poorly trained and have no discipline, but even if you make someone wear a bikini and their only knowledge of a gun is to pull the trigger, the Gun wins versus the Spear 9 out of 10).

This is the Fallout universe. Guns are just as a legitimate combat option as using a pointy stick.

Anyways, the point of the Legion is "the ends justify the means". I love them, because they are very ambiguous. However, they lean to far on "evil" sometimes.

You have to keep on all their elaborate massacres were a means to demoralize and terrify, not acts of whim or MWAHAHAHA evil. IMO, it brings to mind the French Reign of Terror. Which was arguable effective in suppressing counter-revolutionaries in France.
I would like them if:

- They were complete.


- They were incomplete, but mysterious. Instead of being like "they are slavers they come from east they own east bla bla bla bla" Things could be as if nobody knows anything about them. And then when you meet Caesar, you feel as if you are meeting someone IMPORTANT. Or at least got an IMPORTANT invitation.
I'll go with they are not fleshed out. All we know about the legion, in-character, is what the Courier is told by others, and their military.
Caesar's legion is a great choice. Got lots of weapons but no enemies to use them on? Make the Mojave your enemy. .
NCR: A copy of the government that led to the apocalypse
House: Relic of the military-industrial complex that led to the apocalypse

Caesar is the best hope the wasteland has. Hail Caesar.